The Art of Opportunity: How to Build Growth and Ventures Through Strategic Innovation and Visual Thinking

Innovate your way toward growth using practical, research-backed frameworks The Art of Opportunity offers a path toward new growth, providing the perspective and methods you need to make innovation happen. Written by a team of experts with both academic and industry experience--and a client roster composed of some of the world’s leading companies--this book provides you with the necessary tools to help you capture growth instead of chasing it.
The visual frameworks and research-based methodology presented in The Art of Opportunity merge business design thinking and strategic innovation to help you change your growth paradigm. You’ll learn creative and practical methods for exploring growth opportunities and employ a new approach for identifying what “opportunity” looks like in the first place. Put aside the old school way of focusing on new products and new markets, to instead applying value creation to find your new opportunity, craft your offering, design your strategy and build new growth ventures.
The changing business ecosystem is increasingly pushing traditional thinking out to pasture. New consumers and the new marketplace are demanding a profound adjustment to the way companies plan and execute growth strategies. This book gives you the tools to create your roadmap toward the new state of growth, and gain invaluable insight into a new way of thinking. The Art of Opportunity will help you to: Start looking at business growth from a new perspective Create value for the customers, company and ecosystem Innovate strategically and design new business models Develop a new active business design thinking approach to innovation Your company’s goal is to grow, and to turn non-customers into customers.
- Höfundar: Marc Sniukas, Parker Lee, Matt Morasky
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-04-25
- Blaðsíður: 288
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781119151609
- Print ISBN: 9781119151586
- ISBN 10: 1119151600
- Contents
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Reader’s Journey
- 1: Artful Innovation
- Chapter 1
- What is Strategic Innovation?
- Traditional Strategic Management
- Strategic Innovation
- Where to Play: Find Your Opportunity
- How to Play: Craft Your Strategy
- How to Win: Create Value
- What is Business Design Thinking?
- The Five Principles of Business Design Thinking
- Getting Started
- What is Strategic Innovation?
- Chapter 1
- 2: Discover Your New Growth Opportunity
- Chapter 2
- Understand Your Customer and Noncustomer
- Customer and Noncustomer
- Understand Customer Needs, Expectations, and Choice
- Identify Barriers to Consumption and Hurdles to Satisfaction
- Inspiration: Cardinal Health
- Inspiration: Klinik Hirslanden
- How to Understand Your Customer and Noncustomer
- Gather Information
- Make Observations and Create Themes
- Transform Findings into Insights
- Inspiration: Ripple Effect Group
- Activity: Persona Mapping
- Activity: Create an Interview Guide
- Activity: Customer Journey Mapping
- Activity: Reveal Observation Headlines
- Customer and Noncustomer
- Understand Your Firm
- Resources and Capabilities
- Inspiration: Caesars Palace
- Resource Sparks: The Four Dimensions for Mapping and Assessing Resources
- Methods to Understand Your Firm
- Activity: Map Your Resources
- Activity: Map Your Ecosystem
- Resources and Capabilities
- Frame Your Growth Initiative
- Art of Opportunity Growth Types
- Evolutionary Growth
- Adjacent Growth
- Breakthrough Growth
- The Breakthrough Question
- Art of Opportunity Growth Types
- Frame Your Growth Opportunity
- Decision Making
- Kinds of Decision-Making Strategies
- Decision-Making Process
- Activity: Create Your Growth Initiative Brief
- Activity: Explore Your Opportunity Insights
- Activity: Select Your Opportunity
- Visualize Your Opportunity
- Employ Storytelling and Visual Frameworks
- Activity: Visualize Your Opportunity
- Employ Storytelling and Visual Frameworks
- Understand Your Customer and Noncustomer
- Chapter 2
- 3: Craft Your Strategy
- Chapter 3
- The Elements of Your Strategy
- Design Your Offering
- Products
- Services
- Customer Experiences
- Inspiration: Hilti
- Offering Sparks: 10 Ways to Design a New Offering
- Activity: Offering Brainstorm
- Activity: Design Your Offering
- Shape Your Business Model
- The Static Perspective
- The Dynamic Perspective
- The Strategic Perspective
- The Operational Perspective
- Our Definition of a Business Model
- Business Model Components
- Activities
- Resources
- Sequence
- Roles
- Business Model in Practice
- Inspiration: Eden McCallum
- Inspiration: Klinik Hirslanden
- Business Model Sparks: 8 Ways to Design a New Business Model
- Activity: Visualize Your Current Business Model
- Activity: Design Your New Business Model
- Activity: Flip Your Business Model Assumptions
- Structure Your Revenue Model
- Revenue Streams
- Pricing Mechanisms
- Payment Mechanisms
- Inspiration: ProSiebenSat.1
- Inspiration: Fahrenheit 212
- Inspiration: 826 Valencia
- Revenue Model Sparks to Consider
- Activity: Revenue Model Card Sort
- Design Your Offering
- Set Your Strategy: Creating Value
- Creating Value
- Customer Value
- Firm Value
- Ecosystem Value
- Inspiration Summary: Value Propositions by Company
- Activity: Set Your Strategy
- Creating Value
- Visualize Your Strategy
- Final Note on Crafting Your Strategy
- Activity: Visualize Your Strategy
- Final Note on Crafting Your Strategy
- The Elements of Your Strategy
- Chapter 3
- 4: Launch Your New Growth Business
- Chapter 4
- The Three Phases of a New Growth Business
- The Inception Phase: Validating Your Opportunity And Piloting Your Strategy
- Three Steps for Validation and Piloting
- How to Validate Your Pilot
- Activities for Presenting Your Validation Data
- In-House Observations
- Field Observations
- Simulation
- Interviews
- Research
- Small-Scale Experimentation
- Additional Resources to Explore
- Activity: What to Test
- Activity: How to Test
- Learning from Your Pilot
- Achieving Success
- Encountering Challenges
- Gaining Insights
- The Evolution Phase: Adapting Your Strategy
- Inspiration: ProSiebenSat.1
- Inspiration: Fahrenheit 212
- Activity: Start, Stop, Change, Continue
- Activity: Design Next Steps
- Visualize Your Growth Plan
- Activity: Visualize Your Growth Plan
- The Diffusion Phase: Scaling Up Your Business
- Operational Challenges
- Establish Clear Roles and Responsibilities
- Build an Organizational Culture of Sharing, Listening, Collaboration, Experimentation, and Support
- Take a Holistic, Systems Approach to Planning and Executing the Scaling-up Process
- Build a Plan and Employ a Process of Regular and Rigorous Review and Adjustment
- Create a Clear and Simple Way to Track and Measure Your Progress
- Operational Challenges
- The Inception Phase: Validating Your Opportunity And Piloting Your Strategy
- The Three Phases of a New Growth Business
- Chapter 4
- 5: Mastering the Art: Business Design Thinking
- Chapter 5
- What is Business Design Thinking?
- Foundation of Business Design Thinking
- Process and Methodology
- Principles of Business Design Thinking
- 1. Keep a Human-Centered Focus
- 2. Think Visually and Tell Stories
- 3. Work and Co-Create Collaboratively
- 4. Evolve through Active Iteration
- 5. Maintain a Holistic Perspective
- Inspiration: Oracle
- Inspiration: ExactTarget
- A New Way of Working
- Inspiration: Microsoft
- What is Business Design Thinking?
- Chapter 5
- Notes
- About the Authors
- Index
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12265
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379