According to a study published in Chief Executive Magazine , the most valued skill in leaders today is strategic thinking. However, more than half of all companies say that strategic thinking is the skill their senior leaders most need to improve. Elevate provides leaders with a framework and toolkit for developing advanced strategic thinking capabilities. Unlike the majority of books that focus on strategy from a corporate perspective, Elevate gives the individual executive practical tools and techniques to help them become a truly strategic leader.
The new framework that will enable leaders to finally integrate both strategy and innovation into a strategic approach that drives their profitable growth is the Three Disciplines of Advanced Strategic Thinking: 1. Coalesce: Fusing together insights to create an innovative business model. 2. Compete: Creating a system of strategy to achieve competitive advantage. 3. Champion: Leading others to think and act strategically to execute strategy.
- Höfundur: Rich Horwath
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2014-03-03
- Blaðsíður: 192
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118653241
- Print ISBN: 9781118596463
- ISBN 10: 1118653246
- Elevate: The Three Disciplines of Advanced Strategic Thinking
- Copyright
- Contents
- Introduction
- Elevate
- Importance of Strategy
- Top 10 Strategy Challenges
- GOST Framework
- Strategy Defined
- Thinking Strategically
- 1,000-Foot View
- Discipline #1: Coalesce
- Patterns in Strategy
- Systems
- Platforms
- Business Model
- Phase I of the Business Model: Value Creation
- Phase II of the Business Model: Value Delivery
- Phase III of the Business Model: Value Capture
- Profitable Growth
- Strategy and Innovation
- Types of Innovation
- Product Leadership Zone—Innovation Types
- Customer Intimacy Zone—Innovation Types
- Operational Excellence Zone—Innovation Types
- Category Renewal Zone—Innovation Types
- 1,000-Foot View
- Discipline #2: Compete
- Competitive Condition
- Leader
- Challenger
- Spectator
- Competitive Advantage
- Competitive Intelligence
- Trade-Off Zone
- Indirect Competition
- Intangible Competition
- 1,000-Foot View
- Discipline #3: Champion
- Using Time Strategically
- Time Trade-Off Techniques
- Influencing Strategy Commitment
- Increasing Buy-In with Social Proof
- Strategic Behavior
- Practicing Strategic Thinking
- Practice Principle #1: Begin with the Goal
- Practice Principle #2: Break the Whole into Pieces
- Practice Principle #3: Correct with a Solution
- Developing Strategy Habits
- Strategy Conversations
- The Power of Story
- Creating a Strategy Story
- 1,000-Foot View
- Conclusion
- When to Change Strategy
- Fire Prevention
- Tactical Evaluation Matrix
- Strategy Launch Review
- Strategy Scaffold
- Strategic I Am
- 1,000-Foot View
- Notes
- Index
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11465
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 379