Growing Pains: Building Sustainably Successful Organizations

As a result of reading this book, the reader will have: A road map of the seven key stages of growth and the challenges that are to be expected at each stage as well as how to determine when a company is at a particular stage. An explanation of the concept of growing pains and why they are an important indicator of organizational health, and an indicator of risk of organizational distress and/or potential failure.
A tool (survey) to measure and understand the severity of their organizations growing pains. This includes: An opportunity to complete the Growing Pains survey on line as a freemium from our partner Groundswell Equity Partners together with a report the identifies their issues Data on Growing Pains scores in organizations at different stages of growth and in different industries. A chart of percentile scores showing five levels of degree of risk of growing pains, which are color coded from green (no problems) to purple (high risk of failure).
A new toolto measure the degree of organizational development of a company, which classifies companies according to their overall strength in terms of the Pyramid of OD A new set of data interpreting degree of organizational development of a company, which classifies a company according to its overall strength in terms of the Pyramid of Organizational Development and a related set of comparative data and percentile scores.
- Höfundur: Eric G. Flamholtz, Yvonne Randle,
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-11-05
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118916414
- Print ISBN: 9781118916407
- ISBN 10: 1118916417
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Part 1 A Framework for Developing Successful Organizations
- Chapter 1 Transitions Required to Build Sustainably Successful Organizations®
- Organizational Success, Decline, and Failure
- Building Sustainably Successful Organizations®
- The Personal Transitions Facing Founders and CEOs
- The Need for Organizational Transition
- Transitions Required for Continuing Success: An Overview Case Example
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 2 Building Sustainably Successful Organizations®: The Pyramid of Organizational Developmen
- The Nature of Organizational Development
- The Pyramid of Organizational Development
- The Pyramid and Financial Performance
- Improving Strategic Organizational Development at Guangzhou Construction, China
- Successfully Building the Pyramid: The Example of Starbucks
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 3 Identifying and Surviving the First Four Stages of Organizational Growth
- Stages of Organizational Growth
- Differences between Entrepreneurial and Professional Management
- Discrepancies between Growth and Organizational Development
- Managing the Transition between Growth Stages
- Case Example of Growth from Stages I to IV: 99 Cents Only Stores
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 4 Managing the Advanced Stages of Growth
- Nature of Problems beyond Stage IV
- Growth beyond Stage IV
- The Challenge of Revitalization
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 5 Recognizing Growing Pains and Assessing the Need for Change
- The Nature of Growing Pains
- The Ten Most Common Organizational Growing Pains
- Measuring Organizational Growing Pains
- Organizational Growing Pains, Growth Rates, and Infrastructure
- Growing Pains and Financial Performance
- Minimizing Organizational Growing Pains
- Growing Pains at Guanzhou Construction
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 1 Transitions Required to Build Sustainably Successful Organizations®
- Chapter 6 Strategic Planning
- Strategy Defined
- The Nature of Strategic Planning and “Strategic Organizational Development Planning”
- Strategic Issues
- Management Systems’ Strategic Planning Method
- International Truck Dealerships: Development and Implementation of Strategic Organizational Developm
- Ongoing Functions of Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning at Different Stages of Growth
- Consultants and Strategic Planning Departments
- The Value of Strategic Planning
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 7 Organizational Structure
- Nature of Organizational Structure
- Three Related Dimensions of Organizational Structure
- Alternative Forms of Macro Organizational Structure
- Different Philosophies of Organizational Structure Design
- Criteria for Evaluation and Design of Organizational Structure
- Case Studies of Organizational Structure
- Organizational Structure at Different Stages of Growth
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 8 Organizational Control and Performance Management Systems
- The Nature and Purpose of Organizational Control and Performance Management Systems
- Performance Management Systems and Other Forms of Organizational Control
- The Performance Management Scoreboard
- Evaluation of Performance Management Systems’ Effectiveness
- Performance Management Systems in Action: Superior Security Systems Case Study
- Use of Performance Management Systems at an Individual Level: The Performance Appraisal Process at S
- Control and Performance Management Systems at Different Stages of Organizational Growth
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 9 Management and Leadership Development
- The Management and Leadership Role
- A Three-Dimensional Framework for Understanding Management and Leadership Effectiveness
- The Nature of Management and Leadership Development
- Functions of Management and Leadership Development
- Management and Leadership Development at Different Organizational Levels
- Case Studies of Management and Leadership Development
- Management and Leadership Development at Different Stages of Growth
- Investment in Leadership Development
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 10 Corporate Culture Management
- The Nature of Corporate Culture
- Key Dimensions of Corporate Culture
- The Impact of Corporate Culture on Organizational Success and Financial Performance
- Strong and Weak Cultures
- Functional and Dysfunctional Cultures
- Real versus Nominal Corporate Culture
- Manifestations of Corporate Culture
- How Corporate Culture Changes
- How to Manage Corporate Culture
- The Importance of Cultural Norms
- Corporate Culture at Different Stages of Organizational Development
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 11 Building Sustainably Successful Nonprofits
- Applying the Pyramid of Organizational Development to Nonprofits
- Applying the Stages of Organizational Growth and Growing Pains to Nonprofits
- Strategic Planning in Nonprofits
- Organizational Structure and Structure Management in Nonprofits
- Management and Leadership Development in Nonprofits
- Performance Management in Nonprofits
- Culture Management in Nonprofits
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 12 The Challenge of Leadership Throughout the Organizational Life Cycle
- The Nature of Leadership
- Styles of Leadership
- Factors Influencing the Choice of Leadership Style
- Two Sets of Leadership Tasks
- The Leadership Molecule
- Emergence and Development of a Leadership Molecule in Organizations
- Design of a Leadership Molecule
- Empirical Support for the Leadership Molecule Model
- The Leadership Molecule at Different Stages of Growth
- Implications of the Leadership Molecule for Building Successful Organizations
- Summary
- Notes
- Chapter 13 Building Sustainably Successful Organizations® The Frameworks, Tools, and Methods in Act
- Organizational Development at American Century Investments
- Organizational Development at Infogix
- Organizational Development at Bell-Carter Foods
- SmileSaver
- Organizational Development at Ballistic Cell
- Organizational Development at GroundSwell
- Conclusion
- Notes
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11843
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 379