Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs

Innovation principles to bring about meaningful and sustainable growth in your organization Using a list of more than 2,000 successful innovations, including Cirque du Soleil, early IBM mainframes, the Ford Model-T, and many more, the authors applied a proprietary algorithm and determined ten meaningful groupingsthe Ten Types of Innovationthat provided insight into innovation. Disciplined Innovation explores these insights to diagnose patterns of innovation within industries, to identify innovation opportunities, and to evaluate how firms are performing against competitors.
The framework has proven to be one of the most enduring and useful ways to start thinking about transformation. Details how you can use these innovation principles to bring about meaningfuland sustainablegrowth within your organization Author Larry Keeley is a world renowned speaker, innovation consultant, and president and co-founder of Doblin, the innovation practice of Monitor Group; BusinessWeek named Keeley one of seven Innovation Gurus who are changing the field The Ten Types of Innovation concept has influenced thousands of executives and companies around the world since its discovery in 1998.
- Höfundar: Larry Keeley, Helen Walters, Ryan Pikkel, Brian Quinn
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-04-08
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118571415
- Print ISBN: 9781118504246
- ISBN 10: 111857141X
- Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface: On Innovating Effectively
- Part One: Innovation: A New Discipline is Leaving the Lab
- Chapter 1: Rethink Innovation: Eradicate Lore, Substitute Logic
- The Discovery of the Ten Types of Innovation
- Chapter 1: Rethink Innovation: Eradicate Lore, Substitute Logic
- Chapter 2: The Ten Types: An overview
- Chapter 3: Profit Model: How You Make Money
- Gillette
- Geisinger
- Hilti
- Next Restaurant
- Schibsted Media Group
- Chapter 4: Network: How You Connect with Others to Create Value
- Target
- Glaxosmithkline
- Natura
- Ups and Toshiba
- Howard Johnson’s
- Chapter 5: Structure: How You Organize and Align Your Talent and Assets
- Whole Foods Market
- W. L. Gore
- Southwest Airlines
- Trinity Health
- Fabindia
- Chapter 6: Process: How You Use Signature or Superior Methods to do Your Work
- Zara
- Hindustan Unilever
- Zipcar
- Toyota
- Ikea
- Chapter 7: Product Performance: How You Develop Distinguishing Features and Functionality
- Oxo Good Grips
- Dyson
- Mars
- Intuit
- Corning
- Chapter 8: Product System: How You Create Vomplementary Products and Services
- Scion
- Microsoft
- Mozilla
- Oscar Mayer
- Elfa
- Chapter 9: Service: How You Support and Amplify the Value of Your Offerings
- Zappos
- Hyundai
- Men’s Wearhouse
- 7-Eleven
- Sysco
- Chapter 10: Channel: How You Deliver Your Offerings to Customers and Users
- Nespresso
- Nike
- M-Pesa
- Amazon
- Xiameter
- Chapter 11: Brand: How You Represent Your Offerings and Business
- Virgin
- Trader Joe’s
- Intel
- American Heart Association
- Method
- Chapter 12: Customer Engagement: How You Foster Compelling Interactions
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Mint.Com
- Fab
- Foursquare
- Apple
- Part Two: In Summary: Measure Up
- Chapter 13: Go Beyond Products: How to Avoid Being Easily Copied
- Why Product Performance Isn’t Enough
- Chapter 14: Strength in Numbers: Innovations Using a Combination of Types Generate Better Returns
- Number of Types Used by Average Innovators
- Number of Types Used by Top Innovators
- Part Three: In Summary: Work Across
- Chapter 15: Mind the Gap: Uncover Your Blind Spots
- Internal Ten Types Analysis
- Chapter 16: Challenge Convention: See Where Your Competitors are Focusing — and then Make Differen
- Chapter 17: Pattern Recognition: See How Industries and Markets Shift — and Learn From Those Who S
- Part Four: In Summary: Shift Your Focus Part Four: In Summary
- Chapter 18: Declare Intent: By Being Clear About Where and How You Will Innovate, You Massively Incr
- Business Model Shift
- Platform Shift
- Customer Experience Shift
- Chapter 19: Innovation Tactics: A toolkit That Turns the Ten Types into Building Blocks for Innovati
- Profit Model
- Network
- Structure
- Process
- Product Performance
- Product System
- Service
- Channel
- Brand
- Customer Engagement
- Three Ways of Engaging with Innovation Tactics
- Chapter 20: Using the Innovation Playbook: A Selection of Plays (And the Combinations of Tactics You
- The Play at Work: Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare
- The Play at Work: Zipcar
- The Play at Work: Linkedin
- The Play at Work: Cemex
- The Play at Work: Ge Aviation
- The Play at Work: Harry Potter
- The Play at Work: Kickstarter
- The Play at Work: Threadless
- The Play at Work: Amazon Web Services
- The Play at Work: Apple iTunes
- The Play at Work: Foursquare
- The Play at Work: Cabela’s
- The Play at Work: Harley-Davidson
- The Play at Work: Patagonia
- The Play at Work: Wii
- Insights
- Activities
- Part Five: In Summary: Go Deep
- Chapter 21: Get Cracking: Everyone is Afraid of the Unfamiliar. Here's How to Innovate Anyway
- Chapter 22: Sponsors and Authors: Great Firms Make Sure That Innovation is not Optional
- Innovation Leaders Make Bold and Committed Choices
- Innovation Leaders Trust Their Talent — and Hold Them Accountable
- Innovation Leaders Stand in the Future and Help Others See It
- Chapter 23: Installing Innovation: Don't Worry About Culture. Build a Systemic Capability
- Approach
- Mayo Clinic's Breakthrough Approach
- Organization
- Valve's Flat Organization, Designed for Innovators
- Resources & Competencies
- Hyatt's Lab Hotels Empower Employees
- Metrics & Incentives
- Procter & Gamble Drives Breakthroughs
- Useful Innovation Metrics
- Chapter 24: Execute Effectively: Principles for Bringing Your Innovations to Market on Time and on B
- Think Like a Pirate
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11556
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379