Leading with Strategic Thinking: Four Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Results

Increasing complexity throughout the world and within organizations raises new challenges for leaders charged with forming and executing strategy. The most effective leaders address this complexity in a way that consciously integrates environmental requirements, stakeholder expectations and personal ability. Rather than providing a formulaic one-size-fits-all approach to strategic management, Leading With Strategic Thinking defines four types of strategic leadership.
The Futurist driving strategy through personal vision The Director driving strategy through a structured process The Opportunist driving strategy through networking and co-creation The Incubator driving strategy through empowering others Leading With Strategic Thinking is useful and practical, focusing on the multitude of factors contributing to an effective strategic planning and the enablers of successful execution.
- Höfundur: Aaron K. Olson, B. Keith Simerson
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 42100
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118968161
- Print ISBN: 9781118968154
- ISBN 10: 1118968166
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Introduction
- Issues and Considerations
- Fundamental Questions
- Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Strategic Thinking and Leadership
- The Nature of Strategic Thinking
- Cognitive Psychology
- Systems Thinking
- Game Theory
- Strategic Thinking Summarized
- The Art of Leadership
- An Abbreviated History of Leadership Theory
- Strategic Leadership
- Strategic Thinking and Leadership in Action
- Implications
- The Nature of Strategic Thinking
- The Visionary Type: Driving Strategy through Personal Insight
- Typical Characteristics of the Visionary Leader
- The Focus of the Visionary Leader
- What Visionary Leaders Do
- Action #1: Monitoring Trends
- Action #2: Developing Insight
- Action #3: Designing Solutions
- Action #4: Iterating
- Action #5: Enrolling Others
- The Impact of Visionary Leaders
- The Directive Type: Driving Strategy through Structure and Process
- Typical Characteristics of the Directive Leader
- The Focus of the Directive Leader
- What Directive Leaders Do
- Action #1: Setting Direction
- Action #2: Establishing Governance
- Action #3: Motivating Others
- Action #4: Monitoring Performance
- Action #5: Intervening and Adjusting
- The Impact of Directive Leaders
- The Incubating Type: Driving Strategy through Empowering Others
- Typical Characteristics of the Incubating Leader
- The Focus of the Incubating Leader
- What Incubating Leaders Do
- Action #1: Building Networks
- Action #2: Assessing Opportunities
- Action #3: Diversifying Bets
- Action #4: Lending Assets
- Action #5: Creating Support Ecosystems
- The Impact of Incubating Leaders
- The Collaborative Type: Driving Strategy through Cocreation
- Typical Characteristics of the Collaborative Leader
- The Focus of the Collaborative Leader
- What Collaborative Leaders Do
- Action #1: Building Relationships
- Action #2: Listening
- Action #3: Finding Common Interests
- Action #4: Sharing Power
- Action #5: Demonstrating Trust
- The Impact of Collaborative Leaders
- Indiegogo
- Understanding Indiegogo’s Success
- P&G’s Latin American Merger with Gillette
- Understanding José Ignacio Sordo’s Success
- Design for America
- Understanding the Success of Design for America
- Google Takeout
- Understanding Brian’s Success
- Gaining Strategic Insight
- Identifying the Right Approach
- Driving Strategic Change
- Identifying the Right Approach
- Todd Connor and the Bunker
- Winning the Hearts of Your Followers
- The YMCA of the USA
- Engaging the Minds of Your Followers
- The United States Coast Guard
- Leveraging the Hands of Your Followers
- The Heartland Angels
- Competencies of the Strategic Leader
- Applying the Competencies That Enable Strategic Leadership
- Applying the Competencies That Enable the Four Types
- Organization and Individual Development
- Developing Organizations
- Developing as a Leader
- Case in Point: GE's Crotonville
- GE’s Crotonville
- In Closing
- Firming Up and Rounding Out Your Skills and Abilities
- Tools
- Books
- Journals
- Organizations
- Articles Available Online
- Additional Resources
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11881
- Leyfi : 379