Building an Innovative Learning Organization: A Framework to Build a Smarter Workforce, Adapt to Change, and Drive Growth

Institute a culture of learning to boost organizational performance and agility What makes organizations successful? Today, most successful companies are learning organizations. Building an Innovative Learning Organization shows you how to join their ranks and bring your organization up to the head of the class. This book is a practical, actionable guide on how to boost performance, successfully manage change, and innovate more quickly.
Learning organizations are composed of engaged, motivated employees who continually seek improvement, which leads to organizational agility and the ability to innovate ahead of the curve. When you encourage learning at every level, from the intern to the C suite, you gain a more highly skilled workforce with a greater ability to act in any situation. Building an Innovative Learning Organization shows you how to create this culture in your organization, with detailed explanations, practical examples, and step-by-step instructions so you can get started right away.
Written by a recognized thought leader in the training industry, this informative and insightful guide is your roadmap to a more effective organization. You will discover how to: Attract, retain, and motivate the best employees Become a more innovative and agile organization Create a culture of continuous self-improvement Encourage learning at all levels and translate it into action Learning and education doesn't end at graduation--it's a lifelong process that keeps you relevant, informed, and better able to achieve your goals.
These same benefits apply at the organizational level, making the culture self-sustaining: learning organizations attract top workers, who drive the organization forward, which attracts more top workers. If you want the best people, you have to be their best option. Building an Innovative Learning Organization gives you a blueprint for building a culture of learning, for a stronger, more robust organization.
- Höfundur: Russell Sarder
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-01-13
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781119157465
- Print ISBN: 9781119157458
- ISBN 10: 1119157463
- Contents
- Preface
- What Successful People Have in Common
- What Successful Organizations Have in Common
- About This Book
- About the Sarder Learning Framework
- Learning from Others
- Key Changes That Affect Success
- Changes in Technology
- Business Model Change
- Job Role Change
- Globalization Impact
- The Learning Advantage
- The Hiring and Retention Advantage
- The Innovation Advantage
- Investing in Learning Is Good Business
- What Learning Is
- What a Learning Organization Is
- A Framework for Building a Learning Organization
- Learning Culture
- Learning Plan
- Learning Operation
- How to Recognize a Learning Culture
- How to Build a Learning Culture
- The Right Leader
- Begin with the Vision
- Share the Vision
- Be a Role Model
- The Right People
- The Right Behaviors
- The Right Resources
- Learn How You Are Doing
- The Components of a Learning Plan
- Learning Goals
- Competency Models
- Learning Methods
- Learning Assessments
- Form a Team to Develop Your Learning Plan
- Consider Team Size and Composition
- Hold a Kickoff Meeting
- Establish Communication and Reporting Protocols
- Arrange to Meet Regularly during the Life of the Project
- Plan for Contingencies
- Assess the Current Situation to Identify the Organization's Needs and Challenges
- Collect the Data
- Use the Results of the Team's Assessment
- All Goals Are Not Created Equal
- Learning Goals versus Performance Goals
- Development Goals
- How to Set Learning Goals
- Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs)
- Four Types of Competency Models
- Competencies for Today and Tomorrow
- Developing Competency Models
- Identifying Critical Competencies
- Tips for Developing Useful Competency Models
- Using Your Competency Models
- The Needs Assessment Process
- Identify Root Causes and Set Priorities
- Examples of Competency Models
- Core Competencies
- Functional Competencies for a Sales Team
- Job Competencies for a Learning Professional
- Leadership Competencies
- Formal versus Informal Learning
- Five Primary Learning Methods
- Classroom Learning
- Coaching
- Mentoring
- On-the-Job Training
- Self-Study
- What's the Most Effective Learning Method?
- What Drives the Selection of Learning Methods?
- Putting the Learning to Use
- Key Assessment Questions
- Assessment Methodologies
- Level 1. Satisfaction (Did the Learners Like the Program?)
- Level 2. Learning (Did the Program Help People Learn?)
- Level 3. Impact (Are People Applying the Learning?)
- Level 4. Results (Has the Learning Helped Us Achieve Our Goals?)
- Level 5. Return on Investment (Is the Investment Worth the Cost?)
- The Components of a Learning Operation
- Content
- Delivery
- Technology
- Administration and Marketing
- The Role of a Chief Learning Officer (CLO)
- The Role of a Learning Management Service
- Choosing the Right Technologies
- Tips for Deciding What Technology You Need
- Become an Activist in the Service of Learning
- Action 1. Build a Learning Organization
- Action 2. Become a Lifelong Learner
- Action 3. Promote Lifelong Learning
- Be an Education Activist
- Authors and Educators
- Peter Senge
- Edward D. Hess
- Michael Marquardt
- Hank Paulson Jr.
- Gary Beach
- Bertrand Moingeon
- Learning Managers and Learning Professionals
- Roseanna DeMaria
- Alison Cunard
- Tom Evans
- Dave DeFilippo
- Karen Kocher
- Robert Burnside
- T.J. Elliott
- References
- Useful Websites
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Fleiri góðir kostir
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11789
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379