- STJ302F Rannsóknaráætlanir.
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Lecturers - request an e-inspection copy of this text or contact your local SAGE representative to discuss your course needs. This second edition of Diana Ridley's bestselling book provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a literature search and literature review, using cases and examples throughout to demonstrate best practice. Ridley outlines practical strategies for conducting a systematic search of the available literature, reading and note taking and writing up your literature review as part of an undergraduate research project, Masters dissertation or PhD thesis.
New to this edition are: Examples drawn from a wide range of disciplines A new chapter on conducting systematic reviews Increased guidance on evaluating the quality of online sources and online literature Enhanced guidance in dealing with copyright and permissions issues. Visit the Companion Website for The Literature Review This book also comes with a companion website containing a wide range of examples of successful literature reviews from various academic disciplines.
This second edition of Diana Ridley′s bestselling book provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a literature search and literature review, using cases and examples throughout to demonstrate best practice. Ridley outlines practical strategies for conducting a systematic search of the available literature, reading and note taking and writing up your literature review as part of an undergraduate research project, Masters dissertation or PhD thesis.
New to this edition are: Examples drawn from a wide range of disciplines A new chapter on conducting systematic reviews Increased guidance on evaluating the quality of online sources and online literature Enhanced guidance in dealing with copyright and permissions issues. This book also comes with a companion website containing a wide range of examples of successful literature reviews from various academic disciplines.
- Höfundur: Diana Ridley
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2012-07-23
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446281093
- Print ISBN: 9781446201435
- ISBN 10: 1446281094
- Cover Page
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of tables and figures
- Acknowledgements
- About the author
- 1 Introduction
- What is a literature review?
- The literature review at different degree levels
- Why is it important to undertake a literature review as part of your research?
- Where do we find the literature review in a dissertation or thesis?
- Structuring your literature review
- Task 1.1 Choosing a literature review approach
- Summary
- Overview
- 2 The multiple purposes of a literature review
- The multiple purposes
- Historical background
- Contemporary context
- Theoretical underpinnings
- Definitions and discussion of terminology used in the research
- Signalling a gap in previous research and using this to justify your own
- The significance of a problem for research
- Task 2.1 Reflecting on your own research
- Summary
- 3 Sources of information and conducting searches
- What is a literature search?
- What are the purposes of a literature search?
- Sources of information
- Evaluating online sources of information
- Different types of research
- Tools for finding relevant sources
- The process of conducting a literature search
- The use of key words and Boolean logic
- Keeping up to date: RSS feeds and email alerts
- Social bookmarking
- Task 3.1 Tracking and recording your search
- Summary
- 4 Reading and note-taking strategies
- Techniques for reading efficiently
- Critical reading
- Increasing your reading speed
- Reasons for note taking
- Techniques for note taking
- Three main formats for note taking
- Your own comments
- Handwritten notes vs computer notes
- Making connections between different texts: using key words
- Making connections between different texts: a tabular comparison
- Techniques for writing a summary
- Task 4.1 Applying the principles to your field
- Summary
- 5 Reference management: keeping records and organising information
- Managing the process
- A record of key word searches
- A record of bibliographic details
- A personal library
- Copyright legislation
- Bibliographical software packages
- Task 5.1 Record keeping for your own research
- Summary
- 6 Structuring the literature review
- The processes involved in the creation of a literature review
- Beginning to write
- The structure of the literature review
- Developing the structure of your review
- Task 6.1 Structuring your own literature review
- The relationship between the introduction and the literature review
- Task 6.2 Reflecting on your own research field
- Summary
- 7 In-text citations
- Why do we reference?
- What is plagiarism?
- What type of information requires a reference?
- Referencing systems
- Integral and non-integral references
- Disciplinary difference in reference type
- Types of citation
- Disciplinary difference in citation type
- Choice of reporting verb
- Disciplinary difference in reporting verbs
- Tense of reporting verb
- Choice of tense in the clause or sentence where the information is reported
- Effective and unacceptable citations
- Text matching software: Turnitin
- Task 7.1 Analysing reference techniques in your own research field
- Summary
- 8 Being critical
- The difference between critical reading and critical writing
- Being critical in writing
- How different researchers adopt a critical approach in their writing
- Task 8.1 Critical writing in your own research field
- Summary
- 9 Foregrounding writer voice
- What is writer voice?
- The organisation of the text
- Unattributed assertions followed by support from citations
- Making explicit connections between citations
- Summary and evaluation of source material
- Overall summary at end of section or chapter
- The use of personal pronouns
- The choice of citation pattern
- The evaluative potential of different reporting verbs
- Evaluative adjectives, adverbs and phrases
- A mixture of evaluative strategies
- Task 9.1 Reflecting on the writer’s voice in your own research
- Summary
- 10 The continuing process
- The literature review process
- Referring to the literature in your discussion chapter
- Task 10.1 Reflecting on making the connections in your own research
- Findings support an existing theory
- Comparing a new model and an existing theory
- Explaining a finding using the literature
- Contribution of current research to existing theory
- Interpreting the data using the literature
- Application of theory to the findings
- Summary
- 11 A systematic literature review
- What is a systematic literature review?
- The process of conducting a systematic literature review
- What is a meta-analysis?
- Narrative synthesis
- An example of a systematic review
- Appraisal of a systematic literature review
- Task 11.1 Searching for and critiquing a systematic literature review in your field
- Summary
- Further reading
- Conclusion
- Electronic guides
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6118
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 380