Ecology: Pearson New International Edition

- LÍF311G Vistfræði.
Ensk lýsing:
Charles Krebs' best-selling majors-level text approaches ecology as a series of problems that are best understood by evaluating empirical evidence through data analysis and application of quantitative reasoning. No other text presents analytical, quantitative, and statistical ecological information in an equally accessible style for students. Reflecting the way ecologists actually practice, the new edition emphasizes the role of experiments in testing ecological ideas and discusses many contemporary and controversial problems related to distribution and abundance.
Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance, Sixth Edition builds on a clear writing style, historical perspective, and emphasis on data analysis with an updated, reorganized discussion of key topics and two new chapters on climate change and animal behavior. Key concepts and key terms are now included at the beginning of each chapter to help students focus on what is most important within each chapter, mathematical analyses are broken down step by step in a new feature called “Working with the Data,” concepts are reinforced throughout the text with examples from the literature, and end-of-chapter questions and problems emphasize application.
Charles Krebs' best-selling majors-level text approaches ecology as a series of problems that are best understood by evaluating empirical evidence through data analysis and application of quantitative reasoning. No other text presents analytical, quantitative, and statistical ecological information in an equally accessible style for students. Reflecting the way ecologists actually practice, the new edition emphasises the role of experiments in testing ecological ideas and discusses many contemporary and controversial problems related to distribution and abundance.
Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance, 6th Edition builds on a clear writing style, historical perspective, and emphasis on data analysis with an updated, reorganised discussion of key topics and two new chapters on climate change and animal behavior. Key concepts and key terms are now included at the beginning of each chapter to help students focus on what is most important within each chapter, mathematical analyses are broken down step by step in a new feature called “Working with the Data,” concepts are reinforced throughout the text with examples from the literature, and end-of-chapter questions and problems emphasise application.
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook.
- Höfundur: Charles J. Krebs
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-08-29
- Blaðsíður: 652
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292038667
- Print ISBN: 9781292026275
- ISBN 10: 1292038667
- Table of Contents
- Glossary
- 1. Introduction to the Science of Ecology
- 2. Evolution and Ecology
- 3. Behavioral Ecology
- 4. Analyzing Geographic Distributions
- 5. Factors That Limit Distributions I: Biotic
- 6. Factors That Limit Distributions II: Abiotic
- 7. Distribution and Abundance
- 8. Population Parameters and Demographic Techniques
- 9. Population Growth
- 10. Species Interactions I: Competition
- 11. Species Interactions II: Predation
- 12. Species Interactions III: Herbivory and Mutualism
- 13. Species Interactions IV: Disease and Parasitism
- 14. Regulation of Population Size
- 15. Applied Problems I: Harvesting Populations
- 16. Applied Problems II: Pest Control
- 17. Applied Problems III: Conservation Biology
- 18. Community Structure in Space: Biodiversity
- 19. Community Structure in Time: Succession
- 20. Community Dynamics I: Predation and Competition in Equilibrial Communities
- 21. Community Dynamics II: Disturbance and Nonequilibrium Communities
- 22. Ecosystem Metabolism I: Primary Production
- 23. Ecosystem Metabolism II: Secondary Production
- 24. Ecosystem Metabolism III: Nutrient Cycles
- 25. Ecosystem Dynamics under Changing Climates
- 26. Ecosystem Health and Human Impacts
- Appendix: A Primer on Population Genetics
- Appendix: Instantaneous and Finite Rates
- Appendix: Species Diversity Measures of Heterogeneity
- Bibliography
- Index
- 3
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5866
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 380