
- VIÐ105G Rekstrarhagfræði I
- HAG103G Þjóðhagfræði I
- HAG124F Inngangur að hagfræði fyrir meistaranema
- T-105-HAGF Hagfræði
- VIÐ136G Rekstrarhagfræði I
- VIÐ142GÞjóðhagfræði I
- OSS101F Rekstrarhagfræði
- OSS101F Rekstrarhagfræði, markaðsbrestir og ríkisafskipti
- ÞJÓ2106110 Þjóðhagfræði I
- AI HAG1003 Hagfræði
Ensk lýsing:
Now firmly established as one of the leading economics principles texts in the UK and Europe, this exciting new fourth edition of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw (Harvard University) and Mark P. Taylor (Washington University), has been fully updated. New topics have been added in including theories on, for example, Marxist and Feminist theories on labour giving wider context to economic issues. A new chapter on Issues in Financial markets has been added covering the financial crisis and its causes and the final chapter has been updated to reflect the post-crisis world and how theories of the crisis have emerged.
Now firmly established as one of the leading economics principles texts in the UK and Europe, the sixth edition of Economics has been fully updated. Much revered for its friendly and accessible approach, emphasis on active learning and unrivalled support resources, this edition features a brand-new chapter on sustainability economics as well as exciting coverage on modern monetary theory, digitization, Industry 4.
- Höfundar: N. Gregory Mankiw, Mark P Taylor
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 02/2023
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781473787070
- Print ISBN: 9781473786981
- ISBN 10: 1473787076
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- HEOA-1
- Copyright Page
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- About the Authors
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Part 1: Introduction to Economics
- Chapter 1: What Is Economics?
- Chapter 2: Thinking Like an Economist
- Part 2: The Theory of Competitive Markets
- Chapter 3: The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
- Chapter 4: Background to Demand: Consumer Choices
- Chapter 5: Background to Supply: The Costs of Production of Firms
- Chapter 6: Background to Supply: Firms in Competitive Markets
- Chapter 7: Consumers, Producers and the Efficiency of Markets
- Part 3: Interventions in Markets
- Chapter 8: Supply, Demand and Government Policies
- Chapter 9: Public Goods, Common Resources and Merit Goods
- Chapter 10: Market Failure and Externalities
- Part 4: Firm Behaviour and Market Structures
- Chapter 11: Market Structures I: Monopoly
- Chapter 12: Market Structures II: Monopolistic Competition
- Chapter 13: Market Structures III: Oligopoly
- Chapter 14: Market Structures IV: Contestable Markets
- Part 5: Factor Markets
- Chapter 15: The Economics of Factor Markets
- Part 6: Inequality
- Chapter 16: Income Inequality and Poverty
- Part 7: Trade
- Chapter 17: Interdependence and the Gains from Trade
- Part 8: Heterodox Economics
- Chapter 18: Information and Behavioural Economics
- Chapter 19: Heterodox Theories in Economics
- Part 9: The Data of Macroeconomics
- Chapter 20: Measuring a Nation’s Well-Being and the Price Level
- Part 10: The Real Economy in the Long Run
- Chapter 21: Production and Growth
- Chapter 22: Unemployment and the Labour Market
- Part 11: Long-Run Macroeconomics
- Chapter 23: Saving, Investment and the Financial System
- Chapter 24: The Monetary System
- Chapter 25: Open-Economy Macroeconomics
- Part 12: Short-Run Economic Fluctuations
- Chapter 26: Business Cycles
- Chapter 27: Keynesian Economics and IS–LM Analysis
- Chapter 28: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
- Chapter 29: The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand
- Chapter 30: The Short-Run Tradeoff between Inflation and Unemployment
- Chapter 31: Supply-Side Policies
- Part 13: International Macroeconomics
- Chapter 32: Economic Shocks
- Chapter 33: The European Union
- Chapter 34: Sustainability Economics
- Glossary
- Index
- Credits
- List of Formulae
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5767
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380