Doing Your Literature Review
- VIÐ107F Skipulag & atferli
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The literature review is a compulsory part of research and, increasingly, may form the whole of a student research project. This highly accessible book guides students through the production of either a traditional or a systematic literature review, clearly explaining the difference between the two types of review, the advantages and disadvantages of both, and the skills needed. It gives practical advice on reading and organising relevant literature and critically assessing the reviewed field.
Contents include: using libraries and the internet. " note making. " presentation. " critical analysis. " referencing, plagiarism and copyright. This book will be relevant to students from any discipline. It includes contributions from two lecturers who have many years experience of teaching research methods and the supervision of postgraduate research dissertations and a librarian, each offering expert advice on either the creation and assessment of literature reviews or the process of searching for information.
The book also highlights the increasing importance for many disciplines of the systematic review methodology and discusses some of the specific challenges which it brings. Jill K. Jesson has worked with multi-disciplinary research teams within the Aston School of Pharmacy, Aston Business School and with M-E-L Research, an independent public services research consultancy. She has now left Aston University and is working as a Consultant.
The literature review is a compulsory part of research and, increasingly, may form the whole of a student research project. This highly accessible book guides students through the production of either a traditional or a systematic literature review, clearly explaining the difference between the two types of review, the advantages and disadvantages of both, and the skills needed. It gives practical advice on reading and organising relevant literature and critically assessing the reviewed field.
Contents include: using libraries and the internet note making presentation critical analysis referencing, plagiarism and copyright. This book will be relevant to students from any discipline. It includes contributions from two lecturers who have many years experience of teaching research methods and the supervision of postgraduate research dissertations and a librarian, each offering expert advice on either the creation and assessment of literature reviews or the process of searching for information.
The book also highlights the increasing importance for many disciplines of the systematic review methodology and discusses some of the specific challenges which it brings. Jill K. Jesson has worked with multi-disciplinary research teams within the Aston School of Pharmacy, Aston Business School and with M-E-L Research, an independent public services research consultancy. She has now left Aston University and is working as a Consultant.
- Höfundar: Jill Jesson, Lydia Matheson, Fiona M Lacey
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2011-02-11
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446242391
- Print ISBN: 9781848601543
- ISBN 10: 1446242390
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Who is this book for?
- How is this book different?
- The rationale and history behind the contributions from researchers and from an information specialist
- Features of the book
- Layout of the book
- Part I Getting Information
- 1 Preliminaries
- What is a literature review?
- Terminology used in this book
- Different styles of review
- Two styles or approaches
- A critical approach
- Knowledge and literature
- Why and when will you need to review the literature?
- The research question and the literature review
- What is appropriate literature?
- Choosing which style of review: a traditional narrative review or a systematic review?
- Project management
- Summary
- 2 Searching For Information
- Introduction
- Developing online searches by identifying key words and creating a search record
- The range of information sources available for complex searches
- What do you need from a resource to make it appropriate for locating journal articles for your review?
- Summary
- 3 Reading Skills
- Introduction
- Be analytical in your reading
- Where to start
- Reading techniques – scan, skim and understand
- Reading different types of material
- Grey literature: non-academic sources and policy reports
- Recording and note-making
- Summary
- 4 From Making Notes to Writing
- Introduction
- Note-making
- From notes to writing
- Writing: critical writing and types of argument
- Making a value judgement and bias
- Summary
- 1 Preliminaries
- 5 The Traditional Review
- Overview of the debate
- Types of review: critical, conceptual state of the art, expert and scoping
- Drawing up an analytical framework – how to sort the material
- Moving to analysis and synthesis
- The presentation of your review
- Summarising the gap – dare to have an opinion
- Summary
- 6 Writing Up Your Review
- Overview
- A short summary
- A self-standing review
- Abstract, executive summary and annotated bibliography
- Writing the review
- Key words or phrases to help you move from stage 1 to stage 2
- The ‘so what?’ question, originality and making a value judgement
- Summary
- 7 The Systematic Review
- Overview
- Definitions
- Development of the review protocol
- Formulating the review question
- Documenting your progress
- Locating studies and sources of information
- Selecting studies: inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Appraisal – assessing the quality of research
- Data extraction
- Synthesis, drawing conclusions, what the review shows
- Evolving formats of systematic review
- Summary
- 8 Meta-Analysis
- Overview
- What is meta-analysis?
- Can I use meta-analysis to summarise the results of my systematic review?
- undertaking your meta-analysis
- Displaying the results of a meta-analysis
- Is your meta-analysis free from bias?
- Performing a sensitivity analysis
- Summary
- 9 Referencing And Plagiarism
- Introduction
- Why is referencing important?
- What do you need to reference?
- How many references should I provide?
- When and how to reference
- Referencing systems
- Where to find citation information you need
- Plagiarism
- Copyright
- Conclusion
- Summary
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 7208
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 380