Everything you need to take care of your feline friend Cats are the purrfect pets: they’re relatively easy to care for, a blast to play with, and sure to win the heart of every member of your family with their loving nature—and sometimes sassy demeanor! Cats For Dummies gives you expert insight into everything from cat behavior to what makes each type of feline unique. With this easy-to-understand guide, you'll be able to tackle those tough cat-astrophes from dealing with problem behaviors like scratching the furniture and missing the litter box—all while learning to understand what your cat is trying to tell you.
- Höfundar: Gina Spadafori, Lauren Demos, Paul D. Pion
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-03-11
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119646280
- Print ISBN: 9781119646266
- ISBN 10: 1119646286
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Starting to Think Cat
- Chapter 1: Together, Forever: A History of Cats and People
- From Humble Beginnings: How Cats Became So Popular
- Some Common Misconceptions about Cats — and the Facts
- Can You Have a Cat If You Have Allergies?
- The Indoor versus Outdoor Controversy
- Chapter 2: Kitten or Adult? Boy or Girl? One Cat or More?
- Kitten or Cat: Which Is a Better Choice for You?
- She-Kitty, He-Kitty: Which One’s Better?
- Let the Fur Fly
- Should You Consider a Pedigreed Cat?
- Characteristics by Breed
- The Not-So-Ordinary Everyday Cat
- Chapter 3: Mixes, Markings, and Pedigrees
- What You Need to Know about Shelters
- Volunteer Rescue-and-Placement Groups
- Breeders: The Reputable, the Ill-Informed, and the Avoid-at-All-Costs
- Pet Stores: What about Those Kittens in the Window?
- Your Neighbor’s (Or Coworker’s) Kittens
- Chapter 4: The Wild Ones: Special Cats, Special Considerations
- Help for the Wild Ones
- Getting Your Feet Wet: How to Help
- Learning to Care for Community Cats
- Chapter 1: Together, Forever: A History of Cats and People
- Chapter 5: Choosing a Healthy, Happy Kitten or Cat
- Evaluating the Environment
- Choosing a Kitten
- Considering the Second-Chance Kitty
- Recognizing Good Health in Kittens and Cats
- Taking a Leap of Faith with Your Eyes Open!
- Chapter 6: One Is Never Enough: The Multicat Household
- You’re in Good Company
- Adding to the Family
- Caring for More than One Cat
- Multicat Medical Concerns
- Chapter 7: Setting Your Cat up for Success
- Pre-Cat Preparations
- Bringing Your New Pet Home
- Hello, Kitty!
- Chapter 8: Think Like a Cat to Understand a Cat
- Making Sense of Cat Senses
- Speaking “Cat”
- Chapter 9: Feline Friendly: From Cat Toys to Catios
- A New Era for Indoor Kitties
- A Cat Can’t Have Enough Toys
- Feline Furnishings Cats Adore
- A Constant Supply of Nibblies
- A Whiff of Fresh Air
- Some Final Thoughts on Environmental Enrichment
- Chapter 10: Solving Behavior Problems
- Understanding “Bad” Behavior
- Looking at the Root of Unwanted Behavior
- Strategies for Changing Behavior
- Attacking Behavior Problems
- Chapter 11: Getting Good Litter Box Behavior
- Defining the Problem
- Is Your Cat Sick?
- Use the Box, Kitty!
- Stopping Sprayers in Their Tracks
- Chapter 12: Out and About with Your Cat
- Is Your Cat Up to Travel?
- Leaving Your Pet Behind
- Taking Your Pet with You
- Moving Your Cat to a New Home
- Chapter 13: Littering: Should Your Cat Become a Parent?
- The Case Against Breeding
- Spaying and Neutering: What’s Involved?
- The Birds and the Bees, Kitty-Style
- Caring for a Pregnant Cat
- Happy Birthday, Babies
- Kitten Development
- Saying Good-Bye to the Babies
- Chapter 14: Home Care: Good Grooming and More
- Fur, the Purrfect Complement
- Why Cats Groom
- What’s in It for You?
- Tools of the Trade
- The Importance of Patience
- Keeping Kitty Coats in Shape
- Clipping Your Cat’s Claws
- Dental Care
- Chapter 15: Feeding Your Cat
- Convenience … at a Price?
- Maintaining the “Perfect” Cat Diet
- Fulfilling Basic Nutritional Needs
- Choosing Foods
- Curbing Eating Problems
- Chapter 16: Preventive Healthcare for Your Cat
- Recognizing Signs of Good Health and Bad
- Choosing a Veterinarian
- Understanding Your Veterinarian’s Role in Preventing Illness
- Recognizing Emergencies
- Chapter 17: Common Cat Health Problems
- A Cooperative Approach to Cat Health
- When Does My Cat Need a Specialist?
- Some Common Health Problems
- Giving Your Cat Medication
- Chapter 18: Caring for an Older Cat
- How Old Is “Old”?
- Normal Signs of Aging
- Special Care for Kitty Teeth
- Common Problems
- Knowing When It’s “Time”
- Chapter 19: Ten Cat Myths Debunked
- Cats Have Nine Lives
- Cats Need to Drink Milk
- Cats Purr Whenever They’re Happy
- Cats Eat Plants If They’re Sick
- Cats Are Dangerous around Babies
- Cats Can Be Kept from Using Their Claws
- A Well-Fed Cat Doesn’t Hunt
- Cat Fur Causes Allergies
- Black Cats Are Bad Luck
- All Calicoes Are Female
- Chapter 20: Ten Cool Cat-Related Places To Visit
- Hemingway House
- The American Museum of the House Cat
- Citywide Cat Celebration
- Purrfectly Pedigreed
- When in Rome, Help the Cats
- The Ultimate Destination for Cat Cafes
- Hello Kitty!
- Snuggle with a Library Cat (While You Still Can)
- No, They Don’t Throw Real Cats Anymore
- Safe Home for Big Cats
- Chapter 21: Ten Common Household Dangers to Your Cat
- Strings and Similar Things
- A Shocking Experience
- The Warm and Deadly Dryer
- Pain Medicines That Kill
- Toxic Plants
- Garage Dangers
- Four-Wheeled Menace
- Towering Danger
- Parasite Products for Dogs
- Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Help Your Cat in a Disaster
- Have a Plan
- Have a Grab-and-Go Disaster Kit
- Get Your Cat ID — and Keep It Current
- Keep Preventive Care Measures and Health Records Current
- Have Restraints Ready
- Keep First-Aid Supplies on Hand — with Directions
- Know the Locations of Nearby Veterinary Hospitals and Other Animal Services
- Keep a “Lost Kitty” Kit Ready
- Corral Your Cat
- Be Prepared to Help Others
- Chapter 23: Ten Nonprofits Worthy of Your Donations
- Winn Feline Foundation
- Alley Cat Allies
- The Jackson Galaxy Project
- Morris Animal Foundation
- Shelter Medicine Programs
- Help with Spay-Neuter
- Cat Sanctuaries
- Big-Box Advocacy
- Veterinary Schools and Colleges
- Local Shelters and Rescue Groups
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16156
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380