Wright & Leahey's Nurses and Families

- HJÚ529G Klínísk færni í fjölskylduhjúkrun
- SAH0110160 Samfélagshjúkrun I
Ensk lýsing:
The ideal "how-to" book! Innovative ideas to increase critical thinking. Practical guidelines for family interviewing. Clinical tools, skills and examples. Breaches the boundaries of practice, education and research. Use the thoroughly revised evidence-based Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models to competently and compassionately assess and intervene with families experiencing illness, loss, and/or disability.
The ideal "how-to" book! Master assessment, communication and intervention skills when working with families across the lifespan. Rely on practical guidelines for family interviewing. Consult clinical tools, skills, and case study examples. Harness the power of the nurse-family relationship! Use the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models to assess families effectively and know when and how to intervene to reduce suffering and promote health.
They are easy to-apply and practical models for nurses working with a wide variety of complex issues and family structures, from the first interview through to discharge or termination. From theory to practice, you’ll develop the knowledge you need to prepare, conduct, and document family interviews while you also hone your skills to use questions more effectively. You’ll also learn how to avoid the three most common errors in family nursing and how to conduct a 15-minute interview.
- Höfundar: Zahra Shajani, Diana Snell
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-01-23
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781719649674
- Print ISBN: 9781719646505
- ISBN 10: 1719649677
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Reviewers
- Acknowledgments
- Contents
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Family Assessment and Intervention: An Overview
- Evolution of the Nursing of Families
- Nursing Practice Levels With Families: Generalist and Specialist
- Calgary Family Assessment Model: An Integrated Framework
- Indications and Contraindications for a Family Assessment
- Calgary Family Intervention Model: An Organizing Framework
- Nursing Interventions: A General Discussion
- Nursing Interventions for Families: A Specific Discussion
- Indications and Contraindications for Family Interventions
- Chapter 2: Theoretical Foundations of the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models
- Postmodernism
- Systems Theory
- Cybernetics
- Communication Theory
- Change Theory
- Biology of Cognition
- Chapter 3: The Calgary Family Assessment Model
- Structural Assessment
- Developmental Assessment
- Functional Assessment
- Chapter 4: The Calgary Family Intervention Model
- Definition and Description
- Interventive Questions
- Interventions to Change the Cognitive Domain of Family Functioning
- Interventions to Change the Affective Domain of Family Functioning
- Interventions to Change the Behavioral Domain of Family Functioning
- Clinical Examples
- Chapter 5: Family Nursing Interviews: Stages and Skills
- Evolving Stages of Family Nursing Interviews
- Types of Skills
- Family Nursing Education
- Chapter 6: How To Prepare for Family Interviews
- Ideas About the Nurse–Family Relationship
- Hypothesizing
- Interview Settings
- Who Will Be Present
- First Contact With the Family
- Resistance and Noncompliance
- Chapter 7: How To Conduct Family Interviews
- Guidelines for Family Interviews
- Clinical Example
- Chapter 8: How To Use Questions in Family Interviewing
- Questions in Context
- Chapter 9: How To Do a 15-Minute (or Shorter) Family Interview
- Key Ingredients
- Chapter 10: How To Move Beyond Basic Family Nursing Skills
- Family Nursing Skills in Context
- Beyond Basic Skills
- Clinical Example 1: Interviewing Families of Older Adults at Time of Transition
- Clinical Example 2: Interviewing an Individual to Gain a Family Perspective on Chronic Illness
- Chapter 11: How To Avoid the Three Most Common Errors in Family Nursing
- Error 1: Failing to Create a Context for Change
- Error 2: Taking Sides
- Error 3: Giving Too Much Advice Prematurely
- Chapter 12: How To Terminate With Families
- Decision to Terminate
- Phasing Out and Concluding Treatment
- Referral to Other Professionals
- Chapter 13: Pulling It All Together
- Case Example: The O’Shanell Family
- Engagement
- Assessment
- Intervention
- Termination
- Summary
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14055
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380