World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives
- KVI208G Samtímakvikmyndir.
Ensk lýsing:
SCMS Award Winner "Best Edited Collection" The standard analytical category of "national cinema" has increasingly been called into question by the category of the "transnational. " This anthology examines the premises and consequences of the coexistence of these two categories and the parameters of historiographical approaches that cross the borders of nation-states. The three sections of World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives cover the geopolitical imaginary, transnational cinematic institutions, and the uneven flow of words and images.
SCMS Award Winner "Best Edited Collection" The standard analytical category of "national cinema" has increasingly been called into question by the category of the "transnational. " This anthology examines the premises and consequences of the coexistence of these two categories and the parameters of historiographical approaches that cross the borders of nation-states. The three sections of World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives cover the geopolitical imaginary, transnational cinematic institutions, and the uneven flow of words and images.
- Höfundur: Nataša Durovicová
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2009-09-10
- Blaðsíður: 384
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781135869977
- Print ISBN: 9780415976541
- ISBN 10: 1135869979
- contents
- preface
- acknowledgments
- part one the geopolitical imaginary of cinema studies
- one notes on transnational film theory
- disciplinary assumptions
- the constitution of texts and societies “prerequisite to any subject [positions] whatsoever”
- international film history, transnational film theory
- notes
- two on the plurality of cinematic transnationalism
- a typology of cinematic transnationalisms
- epiphanic transnationalism
- affinitive transnationalism
- milieu-building transnationalism
- opportunistic transnationalism
- cosmopolitan transnationalism
- globalizing transnationalism
- auteurist transnationalism
- modernizing transnationalism
- experimental transnationalism27
- notes
- a typology of cinematic transnationalisms
- three tracking “global media” in the outposts of globalization
- rerouting media circuits
- beyond exceptionalism and multiculturalism
- globalization, imagination and the politics of circulation
- between china and india
- notes
- four time zones and jetlag
- preamble: cinema out of step with itself
- the cosmopolitan phase
- the national phase
- the federated phase
- the world cinema phase
- from world cinema to global cinema
- epilogue: saving cinema
- notes
- five vector, flow, zone
- cinema as place, space, soundscape
- translatio
- language, state, scale
- translatio without translation: versions and polylinguals
- translatio via supplement: dubbing versus subtitling
- translatio in a zero-degree zone
- translatio in the age of digital transfer
- space/region/zone/edition: rescaling the image world
- zone as region: menu as map
- notes
- cinema as place, space, soundscape
- one notes on transnational film theory
- six chinese cinema and transnational film studies
- reproblematizing national cinema
- reconceptualizing chinese cinema
- refashioning transnational studies
- notes
- seven national cinema abroad
- mexican cinema in gringolandia
- marketing
- distribution
- exhibition
- festivals
- television
- video/dvd
- internet
- conclusion
- notes
- mexican cinema in gringolandia
- eight aural identity, genealogies of sound technologies, and hispanic transnationality on screen
- the film hispano
- the gardel phenomenon and transnational sound in the 1930s
- refining the transnational model: mexican ranchera film
- the competitive politics of cultural identification in the 1940s
- the political afterlife of popular latin american musical traditions
- notes
- nine how movies move
- off the map: searching for the afterlife of movies
- moving between: between bulawayo and hong kong
- so that’s how we started
- films “full of sex and ghosts and monsters”
- the b circuit
- painted flour sacks made in ghana and shaolin tennis shoes made in mexico
- violence and memory34
- aesthetics
- ethics
- let us end in africa
- acknowledgments
- notes
- ten the new paradoxes of black africa’s cinemas
- the perennial matter of audiences
- the myth of popular cinema
- the era of suspicion
- a subversive aesthetic
- a new imaginary
- notes
- eleven the transnational other
- acknowledgments
- notes
- twelve fantasy in action
- peirce and indexicality
- hjelmslev
- jakobson
- freud and benjamin
- multiple fantasy registers
- the indexical and the iconic: struggle for hegemony
- fantasies of labor power
- hercules
- bond
- robocop
- notes
- thirteen vernacular modernism
- acknowledgments
- notes
- fourteen globalization and hybridization
- note
- fifteen from playtime to the world
- notes
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- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6420
- Útgáfuár : 2009
- Leyfi : 380