Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2018 Focus Notes, Part 3: Internal Audit Knowledge Elements (Print Friendly)
3.790 kr.

- Höfundur: Wiley
- Útgáfudagur: 12/2017
- Hægt að prenta út 120 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 120 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781119483052
- Print ISBN: 9781119483038
- ISBN 10: 1119483050
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- CIA Exam Study Preparation Resources
- CIA Exam-Taking Tips and Techniques
- CIA Exam Content Specifications
- Domain 1: Governance and Business Ethics (5–15%)
- Corporate/Organizational Governance Principles
- Corporate Governance Definition
- Corporate Governance Principles
- Corporate Governance Issues
- Board of Directors' Duties
- Basic Ethical and Legal Principles for Managers, Executives, Officers, and Board of Directors
- Need for Board's Independence
- Insider Trading Scandals
- Board Member Liabilities
- Roles of the Chief Executive Officer
- Improving Corporate Governance
- Global Practices in Corporate Governance
- Role of Internal Audit in Corporate Governance Process
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee
- Types of Audits in Governance
- Business Ethics
- Scope of Ethics Management
- Interactions between Law, Ethics, and Economics
- Codes of Conduct
- Financial Disclosures
- Key Ethical Principles
- Types of Ethics
- Normative Approach versus Descriptive Approach
- Models of Management Ethics
- Roles and Responsibilities of Gatekeepers
- Ethics Audit
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Economic Responsibilities
- Legal Responsibilities
- Ethical Responsibilities
- Philanthropic Responsibilities
- Social Audit
- Pyramid Layers of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate/Organizational Governance Principles
- Corporate Risk Management
- Risk Management Methodology
- Various Types of Risks
- Risk Management Tools
- Best Practices in Managing Corporate Risks
- Enterprise Risk Management
- ERM Definition
- Approaches and Dimensions to ERM
- Alternative Risk-Transfer Tools
- Implementation of ERM
- Internal Auditing Role in ERM Implementation
- Risk/Control Implications of Different Organizational Structures
- Organization Defined
- Classifying Organizations
- Theories of Organization
- Theories of Organizing
- Types of Organizational Structures
- Contingency Design Alternatives
- Types of Departmentalization
- Functional Departments
- Product-Service Departments
- Geographic Location of Departments
- Customer Classification of Departments
- New Organizational Configurations
- Hourglass Organizations
- Cluster Organizations
- Network Organizations
- Management Structures and Organization Systems
- Criteria and Determinants of Organizational Effectiveness
- Schemes in Various Business Cycles
- Sales Pricing Objectives and Policies
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- Marketing Product Life Cycles
- Business Process Analysis
- Workflow Analysis
- Bottleneck Management
- Theory of Constraints
- Five Focusing Steps
- Business Process Reengineering and Business Process Improvement
- Benchmarking
- Production Process Flows
- Design of Performance Measurement Systems
- Performance
- Productivity
- Components of Productivity Measurement
- Criteria for Productivity Improvement
- Guidelines for Productivity Measurement
- Improving Productivity
- Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Economy
- Balanced Scorecard System
- BSS Measures
- BSS Indicators
- BSS Perspectives
- Inventory Management Techniques and Concepts
- Independent Demand Inventory Systems
- Dependent Demand Inventory Systems
- Inventory Levels and Profit Levels
- Investment in Inventory
- Carrying Costs versus Ordering Costs versus Stock-out Costs
- Optimal Order Quantity
- Inventory Reorder Point
- Inventory Management Decisions
- Calculating When to Order
- Safety Stock versus Stock-outs
- ABC Inventory Control System
- JIT Strategy
- Materials Requirements Planning
- Normal Inventory Deduction versus Backflush Inventory Deduction
- Kanban Production and Inventory Systems
- Quick Response Retail Systems
- Distribution Systems
- Periodic Review System
- Sales Replacement System
- Distribution Requirements Planning
- Inventory Distribution Methods
- Warehouse Inventory Control
- Warehouse Shipments
- Costs of Alternative Shipping Carriers
- Forward Logistics versus Reverse Logistics
- Electronic Data Systems
- Electronic Commerce
- Mobile Commerce
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Business Development Life Cycles
- Causes Behind the Business Cycles and Business Activity
- Consumer Durable Goods
- Consumer Nondurable Goods
- Growth Concepts in Business Cycles
- International Organization for Standardization Framework
- ISO Framework
- ISO Certification Process
- Benefits of ISO 9000 Standards
- ISO Standards in Quality Management
- Other ISO Standards
- Most Popular ISO Standards
- Outsourcing Business Processes
- Scope of Outsourcing
- Examples of Sourcing
- Reasons for Outsourcing
- Risks in Outsourcing
- Benefits of Outsourcing
- Outsourced Vendor Governance
- Service-Level Agreements for Outsourced Vendors
- Communication Skills
- Factors in the Communication Process
- Formal and Informal Communications
- Barriers to Communication
- Organizational Dynamics in Communication
- Stakeholder Relationships
- Scope of Stakeholder Relationships
- Initiatives of Shareholders and Corporations
- Shareholder Lawsuits
- Protecting Employees from Whistleblowing Actions
- Dealing with Purchasing Agents, Buyers, or Commodity/Service Experts
- Dealing with Marketing and Salespeople
- Handling Related Parties and Third Parties
- Examples of Related-Party Transactions
- Handling Business Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Management Process
- Grand Strategy
- Strategy Formulation
- Strategy Implementation
- Strategic Control
- Strategic Planning Process
- Organizational Mission
- Organizational Objectives
- Organizational Strategies
- Organizational Portfolio Plan
- Global Analytical Techniques
- Threat of New Entrants
- Rivalry Among Existing Firms
- Pressure from Substitute Products or Services
- Bargaining Power of Buyers
- Bargaining Power of Suppliers
- Porter's Competitive Strategies
- Competitive Analysis
- Market Signals
- Industry Evolution
- Industry Environments
- Competitive Strategies Related to Fragmented Industries
- Competitive Strategies Related to Emerging Industries
- Competitive Strategies Related to Declining Industries
- Sources and Impediments to Global Competition
- Evolution of Global Markets
- Strategic Alternatives to Compete Globally
- Strategic Decisions
- Analysis of Integration Strategies
- Capacity Expansion
- Entry into New Businesses
- Portfolio Techniques of Competitive Analysis
- BCG Matrix Model
- GE Model
- Forecasting
- Time-Series Analysis
- Regression Analysis
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Simulation Models
- Quality Management
- Elements of TQM
- What Is Different about TQM?
- Areas of Agreement on Quality
- Areas Needing Improvement in Quality
- Definitions and Criteria of Quality
- What Is the Difference between Big Q and Little q in Quality?
- Examples of Quality Drivers
- Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Audit, Quality Circles, and Quality Councils
- Concurrent Engineering
- Cost of Quality
- Quality Metrics
- Quality Tools
- Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle
- Quality Models and Awards
- Six Sigma Quality Program
- Decision Analysis
- Problem Solving
- Problem-Solving Process
- Impediments to Problem Solving
- Problem Solving and Creativity
- Reasons Why Individuals Solve Problems Differently
- Prospective and Retrospective Methods in Problem Solving
- Tools and Techniques for Problem Solving
- Considerations of Problem Solving: Traits and Behaviors
- Decision Making
- Many Facets of Decision Making
- Decision-Making Models
- Types of Data Used in Decision Making
- Types of Decisions
- Pure Strategy and Mixed Strategy in Decision Making
- Tools and Techniques for Decision Making
- Decision Making versus Problem Solving
- Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Theory
- Motivation Defined
- Motivation Theories: Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory
- Motivation Theories: Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
- Motivation Theories: Expectancy Theory
- Motivation Theories: Goal-Setting Theory
- Motivation Strategies: Motivation through Job Design
- Motivation Strategies: Motivation through Rewards
- Motivation Strategies: Motivation through Employee Participation
- Motivation Strategies: Motivation through Work Schedules and Services
- Group Dynamics
- How Groups Think and Make Decisions
- Group Behaviors
- Factors Affecting Group Decisions
- Stages of Group Development
- Organizational Politics
- Criteria and Determinants of Group Effectiveness
- Human Resource Management
- Purpose of Policies
- Recruiting Policy
- Employee Selection Policy
- Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
- Transfers and Promotions Policy
- Performance Appraisals Policy
- Pay Administration Policy
- Bonus Incentives Policy
- Wage Garnishments Policy
- Records Retention Policy
- Safety Policy
- Risk/Control Implications of Different Leadership Styles
- Control Environment Factors
- Incentives and Temptations for Engaging in Illegal and Improper Acts
- Employee Empowerment
- Management Skills
- Management Skills Defined
- Management Functions
- Management Types
- Managerial Roles
- Manager's Information-Processing Styles
- Leadership Theories
- Leadership Categories
- Big Five Personality Factors for Leaders
- Role of Leaders in Employee Development
- Team Building
- Role of Worker as Individual or Team Member
- Individuals in Group Context
- Group Structures
- Methods Used in Team Building
- Assessing Team Performance
- How Many Teams Are There?
- How Many Committees Are There?
- Negotiation and Conflict Management
- Negotiating Skills
- Process of Negotiation
- What Is Negotiation?
- Why Opposition to Negotiation?
- Elements of Negotiation
- Modes of Negotiations
- Compromise versus Collaboration in Negotiations
- Best Alternative to a Negotiating Agreement
- Added-Value Negotiating
- Specific Steps to Achieve AVN
- Conflict Management
- Collaborative Problem Solving in Conflict
- Alternatives to Collaborative Problem Solving
- What Is the Solution for Interpersonal Differences Causing Conflict?
- Project Management and Change Management
- Project Management Techniques
- Project Management's Basic Guidelines
- Project Controls
- Project Organization
- Problems in Project Management
- Project Scheduling Techniques
- PERT Approach
- PERT Time Dimensions
- Project Governance Mechanisms
- Project Management Audit
- Change Management Techniques
- Agents of Change
- How to Change
- Types of Organizational Change
- Resistance to Organization Change
- Factors in the Change Process
- Organizational Development as a Change Program
- Security
- Information Security Objectives
- Information Security Controls
- Information Security Policies
- Security Impact Analysis
- Key Concepts to Remember in Information Security
- System Security
- Access Controls
- Access Control Principles
- Access Rights and Permissions
- Access Control Polices
- Summary of Specific Access Control Policies and Techniques
- Firewalls
- Firewall Purpose
- Firewall Technology
- Limitations of Firewalls
- Firewall Management
- Advantages of Firewalls
- Disadvantages of Firewalls
- Routers
- Router Purpose
- Router Accounts and Passwords
- Routing Table Integrity
- Router Packet Filtering and Logging
- Router Configuration Management
- Sensors
- Hardware and Software Guards
- Guards Purpose
- Guard Technology
- Guard Implementations
- Attacks on Guards
- Demilitarized Zones
- DMZ Purpose
- DMZ Architecture
- Information Protection
- Risks to Data and Information
- Threats and Vulnerabilities in Data and Information
- Summary of Information Protection Methods
- Privacy Management
- Privacy Risks
- Privacy Impact Assessments
- Compliance with Privacy Laws and Information Protection Laws and Regulations
- Identification and Authentication
- Basic I&A Mechanisms
- Examples of Weak and Strong I&A Methods
- Principal Forms of Authentication
- Authorization Mechanisms
- Application Authentication Techniques for System Users
- Application Authentication Techniques for Devices
- Identity Management and Privilege Management
- Integrating Identification and Authentication Methods
- Two-Factor Authentication Methods
- Three-Factor Authentication Methods
- Four-Factor Authentication Methods
- Encryption
- Foundational Concepts
- Methods of Encryption
- Types of Encryption
- Modes of Encryption
- Alternatives to Encryption
- Basic Types of Cryptographic Key Systems
- Basic Uses of Cryptography
- Digital Signatures
- Cryptographic Mechanisms to Protect Data-at-Rest
- Cryptographic Mechanisms to Protect Data-in-Transit
- Alternatives to Cryptography
- Summary of Encryption Methods
- Application Development
- Traditional Approaches to Develop or Acquire Systems
- Software Acquisition Methodology
- Models in Information System Development
- Tools for Information Systems Development
- Alternative Approaches to Develop or Acquire Software
- Due Care and Due Diligence Reviews in Software Development and Acquisition
- Software Assurance, Safety, Security, and Quality
- Software Testing Objectives, Approaches, Methods, and Controls
- Software Reviews, Inspections, Traceability Analysis, and Walkthroughs
- Categories of Malware Inserted During Software Development and Maintenance Work
- Program Change Management and Control
- Difference Between Version Control and Version Management
- End-User Computing
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- System Infrastructure
- Information Technology Control Frameworks
- Summary of Information Technology Control Frameworks
- Operating Systems, Mainframe Computers, Terminals, Workstations, and Servers
- Database Systems
- Database Management Systems Software
- Database Considerations
- Data Dictionary Systems Software
- Data Warehouse
- Database versus Data Warehouse
- Data Marts
- Data Mart versus Data Warehouse
- Data Mining
- Data Mining versus Data Auditing
- Virtual Databases
- Online Analytical Processing
- Structured Query Language
- Cloud Computing Systems
- Functional Areas of Information Technology Operations
- Separation of Duties in IT Operations and Other IT Functions
- Enterprise-Wide Resource Planning System, Customer-Relationship Management System, and Software Lice
- Enterprise-Wide Resource Planning System
- Customer-Relationship Management System
- Software Licensing and Piracy Management
- Data and Network Communications and Connections
- Voice over Internet Protocol
- Private Branch Exchange Systems
- Plain Old Telephone Service
- Virtual Private Networks
- Multimedia Collaborative Computing Networks
- Ad Hoc Networks
- Content Delivery Networks
- Value-Added Networks
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Digital Cellular Networks
- Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Converged Networks
- Optical Networks
- Body Area Networks
- Radio Frequency Identification Networks
- Network Connections
- Proxies and Reverse Proxies
- Modems
- Port Protection Devices
- Multiplexers
- Hardware Controllers
- Protocol Converters
- Protocol Analyzers
- Backbone Network
- How Do Networks Get Connected?
- Concentrators
- Hubs
- Connectors
- Network Interface Cards
- Front-End Processors
- Network Nodes
- Which Network Uses What Topology?
- Sockets
- Ports
- Subnets
- Portals
- Wireless Devices
- Wireless Access Points
- Domain Controller
- Programmable Logic Controller
- Quality of Service and Quality of Protection
- Ways to Improve the QoS and QoP
- Business Continuity
- Business Focused Continuity Management
- Information Technology Focused Continuity Management
- Computer Security Incident Management
- Contingency Planning Strategies
- Disaster Recovery Planning
- Develop Recovery Site Strategies
- Service-Level Agreements for Alternate Recovery Sites
- Implementation, Documentation, Training, and Testing
- Contingency Plan Maintenance
- Relationship of Business Continuity Management to ISO Standards
- Financial Accounting and Finance: Basic Concepts of Financial Accounting
- Accounting Principles and Qualities of Accounting Information
- Accounting Cycle
- Different Formats of Financial Statements
- Intermediate Concepts of Financial Accounting
- Bonds
- Leases
- Pensions
- Intangible Assets
- Research and Development
- Advanced Concepts of Financial Accounting
- Business Combinations
- Consolidation of Financial Statements
- Partnerships
- Foreign Currency Transactions
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Types of Financial Statement Analysis
- Limitations of Financial Statement Ratios
- Types of Debt and Equity
- Types of Debt
- Types of Equity
- Common Stocks
- Preferred Stock
- Financial Instruments
- Currency Derivatives
- Swaps
- Credit Derivatives
- Hidden Financial Reporting Risk
- Cash Management
- Cash Controls
- Cash Items Excluded
- Bank Reconciliation
- Float
- Hedging
- Controls Over Cash
- Cash Account Balances
- Payables
- Receivables
- Electronic Techniques to Control Cash
- Management of Current Assets
- Cash Conversion Cycle Model
- Working Capital Asset Investment Policies
- Working Capital Financing Policies
- Management of Cash
- Cash Management Efficiency Techniques
- Management of Marketable Securities
- Valuation Models
- Inventory Valuation
- Financial Asset Valuation
- Business Valuation
- Capital Budgeting
- Methods to Rank Investment Projects
- Regular Internal Rate of Return
- Modified Internal Rate of Return
- Postaudit of Capital Projects
- Project Cash Flows and Risk Assessment
- Capital Rationing
- International Capital Budgeting
- Cost of Capital Evaluation
- Cost of Debt
- Cost of Preferred Stock
- Cost of Retained Earnings
- Cost of Common Stock
- Weighted-Average and Marginal Cost of Capital Concepts
- Issues in Cost of Capital
- Taxation Schemes
- Tax Shelters
- Examples of Taxation Schemes
- Differences between Tax Reporting and Financial Reporting
- Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures
- Types of Mergers
- Merger Analysis
- Types of Divestitures
- Leveraged Buyouts
- Holding Companies
- Role of Investment Bankers in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Role of Regulators in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Managerial Accounting: General Concepts
- Costing Systems
- Target Costing
- Traditional Costing
- Activity-Based Costing
- Just-in-Time Costing
- Standard Costing
- Cost Concepts
- Absorption and Variable Costing Methods
- Management's Use of Absorption and Variable Costing Methods
- Technical Aspects of Absorption and Variable Costing Methods
- Other Cost Concepts
- Cost Behavior
- Assumptions Underlying Cost Classifications
- Cost Estimation Approaches
- Relevant Costs
- Differential Analysis
- Application of Relevant Cost Concept
- Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
- Methods for Calculating Break-Even Point (BEP)
- Graphic Method
- CVP Assumptions and Their Limitations
- Ways to Lower the BEP
- Sensitivity Analysis in CVP Model
- Changes in Variable and Fixed Costs on CVP Analysis
- Contribution Margin versus Gross Margin
- Profit-Volume Chart versus CVP Chart
- Effect of Sales Mix and Income Taxes on CVP
- Transfer Pricing
- Transfer Pricing Methods
- Transfer Pricing Management
- Dual Pricing in Transfer Pricing
- International Transfer Pricing
- Transfer Pricing Choices
- Taxes and Transfer Pricing
- Responsibility Accounting
- Accountability of Managers
- Responsibility Centers
- Operating Budgets
- Operating Budget Systems
- Benefits of Operating Budgets
- Different Dimensions in Operating Budgets
- How Operating Budgets Are Prepared
- Operating Budgeting Techniques
- Advantages of Operating Budgets
- Limitations of Operating Budgets
- Economic/Financial Environments
- International Organization Structures
- Information Flows and Organization Structures of MNCs
- Models of Multinational Business
- Types of International Strategies
- International Strategic and Tactical Objectives
- Technology and Global Strategy
- Forms of International Business and Marketing Strategies
- Trade
- Government Controls over Trade
- Trade Liberalization and the World Trade Organization
- Intellectual Property Rights and International Licensing Agreements
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Cultural/Political Environments
- Different Local/Regional Cultures
- Global Manager's Dilemma
- Regional Cultures
- Global Communication Insights
- General Characteristics of the Emerging Work Culture
- Cross-Cultural Negotiations
- How to Avoid Failure in International Negotiations?
- How Much Must One Know about the Foreign Culture in Negotiations?
- Strategic Planning for International Negotiations
- Ethical Constraints in Foreign Negotiations
- International Management Theories
- Global Mindsets
- Legal and Economic Concepts
- Definition of Contracts
- Requirements of Contracts
- Classification of Contracts
- Other Types of Contracts
- Nature of Key Economic Indicators
- Specific Types of Key Economic Indicators
- Other Types of Key Economic Indicators
- Methods of Measuring Economic Performance
- Impact of Government Legislation and Regulation on Business
- Governmental Legislation and Regulation
- Government's Monitoring of Environmental Issues
- Specific Trade Legislation and Regulations
- Methods, Restrictions, and Barriers of International Trade
- Methods of Restricting the Trade via Tariffs
- Methods of Restricting the Trade via Import Quotas
- Methods of Restricting the Trade via Domestic Content Laws
- Methods of International Trade: Export Promotion Programs
- Methods of International Trade: Trade Agreements
- Methods of International Trade: Technology Policies
- Theory of Comparative Advantage
- International Laws: World Trade Organization
- International Laws: North American Free Trade Agreement
- International Laws: European Union
- International Laws: Other Regional Groups
- Title II—Auditor Independence
- Section 201: Services Outside the Scope of Practice of Auditors
- Title III—Corporate Responsibility
- Section 301: Public Company Audit Committees
- Section 302: Corporate Responsibility for Financial Reports
- Section 304: Forfeiture of Certain Bonuses and Profits
- Section 308: Fair Funds for Investors
- Title IV—Enhanced Financial Disclosures
- Section 404: Management Assessment of Internal Controls
- Section 406 (c): Code of Ethics
- Section 407: Disclosure of Audit Committee Financial Expert
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11863
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 379