This unique and detailed analysis provides the first accessible and comprehensive introduction to the origins, development, methodology of microhistory – one of the most significant innovations in historical scholarship to have emerged in the last few decades. The introduction guides the reader through the best-known example of microstoria, The Cheese and the Worms by Carlo Ginzburg, and explains the benefits of studying an event, place or person in microscopic detail.
In Part I, István M. Szijártó examines the historiography of microhistory in the Italian, French, Germanic and the Anglo-Saxon traditions, shedding light on the roots of microhistory and asking where it is headed. In Part II, Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon uses a carefully selected case study to show the important difference between the disciplines of macro- and microhistory and to offer practical instructions for those historians wishing to undertake micro-level analysis.
These parts are tied together by a Postscript in which the status of microhistory within contemporary historiography is examined and its possibilities for the future evaluated. What is Microhistory? surveys the significant characteristics shared by large groups of microhistorians, and how these have now established an acknowledged place within any general discussion of the theory and methodology of history as an academic discipline.
- Höfundar: Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, István M. Szijártó
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-05-29
- Blaðsíður: 192
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781135047061
- Print ISBN: 9780415692083
- ISBN 10: 1135047065
- Cover Page
- Half Title Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction Against simple truths
- 1 Italian microhistory
- 2 Under the impact of microstoria The French and German perspective
- 3 Microhistory in a broader sense The Anglo-Saxon landscape
- 4 The periphery and the new millennium Answers and new questions
- 5 The doctor's tale The living and the dead
- 6 Refashioning a famous French peasant
- 7 New and old theoretical issues Criticisms of microhistory
- 8 A West Side story, and the one who gets to write it
- 9 Postscript To step into the same stream twice
- Bibliography
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9523
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 380