Weight training is the most popular type of fitness training activity in the world. But if you are new to the weight room, how can you ensure you are training properly to reap the most benefits while also avoiding injury? Weight Training: Steps to Success, Fifth Edition, takes the guesswork out of weight training and provides you with the steps to learn proper exercise technique, determine appropriate loads, and set up your whole program.
Combining the experience of strength and conditioning experts Thomas Baechle and Roger Earle, Weight Training: Steps to Success will maximize your development with a progressive approach to weight training, whether you are using either free weights or weight machines. Learn which exercises target which muscles and how to perform each exercise correctly and safely. As you master technique with lighter loads, you will move on to heavier loads and more challenging exercises, including eight new exercises for this edition that use versatile equipment such as stability balls and kettlebells.
Gain insight on the importance of nutrition and follow the step-by-step directions to calculate safe training loads and design an overall training program that fits your interests and training preferences. The fifth edition also offers options to further advance your training after learning the basics. Improve your performance in recreational or competitive sports with a sport-specific training program or increase your overall fitness with a high-intensity interval training program.
Whether your goal is to improve muscular endurance, build strength, increase muscle mass, tone existing muscles, or reduce body fat, Weight Training: Steps to Success will help you be successful. With over 40 exercises, each explained and demonstrated through full-color photo sequences, along with guidance on how to approach introductory workouts and create a tailored training program, the fifth edition firmly establishes the work as the go-to guide for weight training success.
- Höfundar: Thomas R. Baechle, Roger W. Earle
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-10-14
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781492586982
- Print ISBN: 9781492586951
- ISBN 10: 1492586986
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Exercise Finder
- Climbing the Steps to Weight Training Success
- Acknowledgments
- Fundamentals of Weight Training
- Step 1: Equipment Options and Proper Use Guidelines
- Step 2: Stretching, Lifting, and Spotting Techniques
- Step 3: Selecting Exercises and Determining Training Loads
- Step 4: Chest Exercise Options and Loading Guidelines
- Step 5: Back Exercise Options and Loading Guidelines
- Step 6: Shoulder Exercise Options and Loading Guidelines
- Step 7: Upper Arm Exercise Options and Loading Guidelines
- Step 8: Leg Exercise Options and Loading Guidelines
- Step 9: Core Exercise Options and Loading Guidelines
- Step 10: Completing Your First Workout
- Step 11: Applying Program Design Principles
- Step 12: How to Manipulate the Program Design Variables to Maximize Results
- Step 13: How to Design Your Own Basic Program
- Step 14: Designing a Sport-Specific Training Program
- Step 15: Designing a High-Intensity Interval Training Program
- Answer Key
- Glossary
- Conversion Chart
- References
- About the Authors
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9865
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 379