Vertebrate Life distills the necessary information from vertebrate anatomy, physiology, ecology, and behavioral studies and then helps students see important connections across levels of biological scale. The result is students come to understand how organisms function effectively in their environments and how lineages of organisms change through evolutionary time. Processing complex detailed information about expansive phylogenies and diverse anatomies can be difficult for even the most motivated students, and Vertebrate Life addresses this challenge by combining appropriately-detailed, clearly-written text with outstanding phylogenies and figures, making it a thorough and engaging reference for students and instructors alike.
- Höfundar: Harvey Pough, William E. Bemis, Betty Anne McGuire, Christine M. Janis
- Útgáfa:11
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-01
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780197564899
- Print ISBN: 9780197558621
- ISBN 10: 0197564895
- Cover Page
- Title page
- On the cover
- Copyright page
- Contents
- Preface
- Sources for extant species diversity and common and scientific names
- Acknowledgments
- We are grateful to the many colleagues who answered questions and provided data and photographs.
- We are also grateful to these organizations for assistance:
- The authors are only the visible tip of the iceberg that is a textbook
- About the Authors
- Digital Resources for Vertebrate Life, Eleventh Edition
- For the instructor
- For the student
- Enhanced e-book
- 1.1 The Vertebrate Story
- Binominal nomenclature
- Extant vertebrate groups
- 1.2 Phylogenetic Systematics
- 1.3 Applying Phylogenetic Criteria
- Evaluating possible phylogenies
- Molecules and morphology
- The problem of dating
- Dagger (†) convention adopted in this book
- 1.4 Using Phylogenetic Trees
- Extant phylogenetic brackets
- Paraphyly
- Crown and stem groups
- 1.5 Genetic Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change
- Phenotypes and fitness
- Developmental regulatory genes
- Heterochrony
- Heterotopy
- Heterometry
- 1.1 The Vertebrate Story
- 1.2 Phylogenetic Systematics
- 1.3 Applying Phylogenetic Criteria
- 1.4 Using Phylogenetic Trees
- 1.5 Genetic Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change
- 1.6 Epigenetic Effects
- 1.7 Earth History and Vertebrate Evolution
- 2.1 Vertebrates in Relation to Other Animals
- 2.2 Characteristics of Chordates
- Chordate origins and evolution
- Extant nonvertebrate chordates
- Cephalochordates
- Urochordates
- Development of the body
- Development of the pharyngeal region
- Development of the brain
- Other neurogenic tissues of vertebrates
- Neural crest
- Neurogenic placodes
- Adult tissue types
- Mineralized tissues
- Bone
- Teeth
- Integumentary system
- Skeletal system
- Muscular system
- Cranial muscles
- Axial muscles
- Nervous system and sense organs
- Chemosensation
- Vision
- Electroreception
- Mechanoreception
- Vestibular system
- Hearing
- Endocrine system
- Respiratory system
- Circulatory system
- Closed circulation
- The vertebrate heart
- Digestive system
- Excretory and reproductive systems
- Kidneys
- Gonads
- 2.1 Vertebrates in Relation to Other Animals
- 2.2 Characteristics of Chordates
- 2.3 What Distinguishes a Vertebrate?
- 2.4 Vertebrate Embryonic Development
- 2.5 Vertebrate Tissues
- 2.6 Vertebrate Organ Systems
- 3.1 Earliest Evidence of Vertebrates
- Enigmas: †Conodonts and †Tullimonstrum
- Early mineralized tissues
- Environment of early vertebrate evolution
- 3.2 Cyclostomes: Extant Jawless Vertebrates
- Characters of cyclostomes
- Hagfishes: Myxiniformes
- Structural characteristics
- Osmoregulation and ion regulation
- Feeding
- Reproduction
- Fossil hagfishes
- Hagfishes and humans
- Lampreys: Petromyzontiformes
- Structural characteristics
- Feeding
- Respiration and osmoregulation
- Reproduction
- Fossil lampreys
- Lampreys and humans
- Gnathostome skeletons
- What about soft anatomical features?
- Hypotheses of jaw origins
- Importance of the nose
- Selective value of jaws
- Fin development and the lateral somitic frontier
- Advantages of fins
- 3.1 Earliest Evidence of Vertebrates
- 3.2 Cyclostomes: Extant Jawless Vertebrates
- 3.3 Jawless Osteognathostomes
- 3.4 Gnathostome Body Plan
- 3.5 Origin of Jaws
- 3.6 Origin of Paired Appendages
- 3.7 Extinct Paleozoic Jawed Fishes
- Figure credits
- 4.1 Aquatic Environments
- Obtaining oxygen from water using gills
- Obtaining oxygen from air using lungs and other respiratory structures
- Adjusting buoyancy
- Actinopterygians
- Gas bladder adaptations and loss
- Cartilaginous fishes
- Vision
- Chemosensation: Olfaction and taste
- Detecting water displacement
- Hearing and equilibrium
- Electroreception and electrogenesis
- Passive electroreception
- Active electroreception
- Other electrogenic fishes
- Other electroreceptive vertebrates
- Nitrogenous wastes and kidneys
- Osmoregulation
- Regulation of ions and body fluids
- Marine cartilaginous fishes and coelacanths
- Marine teleosts
- Freshwater teleosts and lissamphibians
- Euryhaline vertebrates
- 4.1 The Aquatic Environment
- 4.2 Sensory World of Aquatic Vertebrates
- 4.3 Maintaining an Internal Environment
- 4.4 Osmoregulation in Different Environments
- Figure credits
- 5.1 Deep Time
- The Precambrian world
- The Paleozoic
- 5.2 Continental Geography
- Continental drift and plate tectonics
- Shifting continents of the Paleozoic
- Shifting continents and changing climates
- 5.3 Paleozoic Climates
- 5.4 Paleozoic Ecosystems
- Aquatic life
- Terrestrial flora
- Terrestrial fauna
- 5.5 Extinctions
- Summary
- 5.1 Deep Time
- 5.2 Continental Geography
- 5.3 Paleozoic Climates
- 5.4 Paleozoic Ecosystems
- 5.5 Extinctions
- Discussion Questions
- Figure credits
- List of Key Terms
- 6.1 Acanthodii
- 6.2 Chondrichthyes
- Habitats and diversity
- Placoid scales
- Cartilaginous skeleton
- Teeth and tooth plates
- Jaws and jaw suspension
- Internal fertilization and claspers
- Distinctive soft tissue and physiological features
- 6.3 Euchondrocephali and Chimaeriformes
- Biology of extant Chimaeriformes
- 6.4 Elasmobranchii, Euselachii, and Neoselachii
- Selachii: Sharks
- Batomorphi: Skates and rays
- 6.5 Biology of Neoselachii
- Feeding
- Sharks as predators
- Shark sensory systems
- Hunting behavior of sharks
- Bioluminescence and biofluorescence
- Hypoxia and the epaulette shark
- Endothermal heterothermy
- Swimming
- Reproduction
- Elasmobranch brains
- Social networks and migration in sand tiger sharks
- Feeding
- 6.6 Declining Elasmobranch Populations
- Conservation and sawfishes
- Threats to chondrichthyans
- Vulnerabilities of chondrichthyans
- Ecological impacts of shark population declines
- Policies to protect sharks
- Summary
- 6.1 Acanthodii
- 6.2 Chondrichthyes
- 6.3 Euchondrocephali and Chimaeriformes
- 6.4 Elasmobranchii, Euselachii, and Neoselachii
- 6.5 Biology of Neoselachii
- 6.6 Declining Elasmobranch Populations
- Discussion Questions
- List of Key Terms
- 7.1 Osteichthyes, Actinopterygii, and Sarcopterygii
- Osteichthyan characters
- Fin adaptations
- Other differences between actinopterygians and sarcopterygians
- 7.2 Actinopterygii: Basal Groups
- Polypteriformes
- Acipenseriformes
- Acipenseridae
- Polyodontidae
- Neopterygii: Holostei
- Lepisosteiformes
- Amiiformes
- Neopterygii: Teleostei
- 7.3 Characters of Teleostei
- 7.4 Teleostei: Basal Groups
- Elopomorpha
- Osteoglossomorpha
- Otocephala
- Clupeomorpha
- Ostariophysi
- Ostariophysi: Otophysi
- Basal euteleosts
- 7.5 Teleostei: Acanthopterygii
- Basal acanthopterygians
- Percomorpha
- Basal percomorphs
- Carangaria
- Ovalentaria
- Eupercaria: Perciformes
- Eupercaria: Other groups
- Generating forward thrust
- Modes of locomotion
- Speed and drag
- Reynolds numbers
- Displacement and turbulence
- Drag
- Steering, stopping, and staying in place
- Oviparity
- Freshwater habitats
- Marine habitats
- Terrestrial habitats
- Viviparity
- Sex change in teleosts
- Black-water diving and larval teleosts
- The photic zone and its subdivisions
- Coral reef fishes
- Pelagic and deep-sea fishes
- Epipelagic fishes
- Mesopelagic teleosts and daily vertical migrations
- Bathypelagic teleosts
- 7.1 Osteichthyes, Actinopterygii, and Sarcopterygii
- 7.2 Actinopterygii: Basal Groups
- 7.3 Characters of Teleostei
- 7.4 Teleostei: Basal Groups
- 7.5 Teleostei: Acanthopterygii
- 7.6 Swimming and Hydrodynamics
- 7.7 Reproduction and Development
- 7.8 Ecology of Marine Teleosts
- Figure credits
- 8.1 Phylogenetic Concepts of Tetrapoda and Characters for Sarcopterygii
- 8.2 The Miguasha Lagerstätte and the “Good Fossil Effect”
- 8.3 Actinistia
- †Onychodontia
- Coelacanthiformes
- Coelacanth characters
- The fossil record
- Habitat
- †Porolepiformes
- Dipnoi
- Fossil lungfishes
- Structural characters
- The Australian lungfish
- South American and African lungfishes
- Basal tetrapodomorphs
- †Tiktaalik
- Tetrapods
- Limb girdles, vertebrae, and ribs
- Elements of tetrapod limbs
- Origin of Crown Tetrapoda
- How did fins become limbs?
- Body support and locomotion of early tetrapods
- 8.1 Phylogenetic Concepts of Tetrapoda and Characters for Sarcopterygii
- 8.2 The Miguasha Lagerstätte and the “Good Fossil Effect”
- 8.3 Actinistia
- 8.4 Dipnomorpha
- 8.5 Tetrapodomorpha
- 8.6 Moving onto Land
- 8.7 Paleoecology of Devonian Tetrapodomorphs
- Figure credits
- 9.1 Paleozoic Tetrapods and the Origins of Extant Groups
- Temnospondyli
- Origins of Lissamphibia
- Stereospondyli
- Dissorophoidea
- Reptiliomorpha and the origin of amniotes
- Paleozoic diversification of amniotes
- 9.2 Characters of Amniotes
- Skeletal characters
- The amniotic egg
- Other soft-tissue characters of amniotes
- Waterproof skin
- Skin elaborations
- Metanephric kidneys
- Lung ventilation
- Temporal fenestration: Synapsids and diapsids
- Ankle evolution in amniotes
- 9.1 Paleozoic Tetrapods and the Origins of Extant Groups
- 9.2 Characters of Amniotes
- 9.3 Diversification of Amniotes
- Figure credits
- 10.1 Continental Geography and Climates
- Continental movements
- Climate shifts
- 10.2 Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Flora
- Fauna
- 10.3 Marine Ecosystems
- Faunal composition: Apex predators
- †Ichthyosaurs
- †Sauropterygians
- †Thalattosuchians
- †Mosasaurs
- Other clades
- Faunal composition: Apex predators
- 10.4 Extinctions
- Triassic and Jurassic extinctions
- Cretaceous extinctions
- Summary
- 10.1 Continental Geography and Climates
- 10.2 Terrestrial Ecosystems
- 10.3 Marine Ecosystems
- 10.4 Extinctions
- Discussion Questions
- Figure credits
- List of Key Terms
- 11.1 Support on Land
- Axial skeleton
- Skull
- Vertebrae
- Ribs and sternum
- Axial muscles
- Epaxial muscles
- Hypaxial muscles
- Appendicular skeleton
- Pectoral and pelvic girdles
- Tetrapod limbs
- Appendicular muscles
- Size and scaling
- Axial skeleton
- 11.2 Locomotion
- 11.3 Eating
- 11.4 Breathing Air
- 11.5 Pumping Blood Uphill
- 11.6 Sensory Systems
- Vision
- Hearing and equilibrium
- Olfaction
- 11.7 Conserving Water in a Dry Environment
- Cutaneous water loss
- Respiratory water loss
- Excretory water loss
- Summary
- 11.1 Support on Land
- 11.2 Locomotion
- 11.3 Eating
- 11.4 Breathing Air
- 11.5 Pumping Blood Uphill
- 11.6 Sensory Systems
- 11.7 Conserving Water in a Dry Environment
- Discussion Questions
- Figure credits
- List of Key Terms
- 12.1 Diversity of Lissamphibians
- Synapomorphies of Lissamphibia
- Salamanders
- Anurans
- Body form and locomotion
- Diversity
- Caecilians
- 12.2 Life Histories of Lissamphibians
- Mating and reproduction in salamanders
- Courtship
- Eggs and larvae
- Viviparity
- Paedomorphosis
- Anuran mating and reproduction
- Vocalizations
- Costs and benefits of vocalizations
- Modes of reproduction
- Parental care
- Viviparity
- Anuran metamorphosis
- The ecology of tadpoles
- Caecilian reproduction and development
- Mating and reproduction in salamanders
- 12.3 Respiration and Circulation
- Cutaneous respiration and blood flow
- Blood flow in larvae and adults
- 12.4 Water Relations
- Uptake and storage of water
- Cutaneous water loss
- Behavioral control of cutaneous water loss
- 12.5 Crypsis, Warning Colors, Toxins, and Venoms
- Skin glands and toxins
- Toxicity and diet
- Venomous lissamphibians
- 12.6 Why Are Lissamphibians Vanishing?
- Chytrid fungi
- Synergisms and domino effects
- Summary
- 12.1 Diversity of Lissamphibians
- 12.2 Life Histories
- 12.3 Respiration and Circulation
- 12.4 Water Relations
- 12.5 Crypsis, Warning Colors, Toxins, and Venoms
- 12.6 Why are Lissamphibians Vanishing?
- Discussion Questions
- List of Key Terms
- 13.1 Conflicts between Locomotion and Respiration
- 13.2 Lungs and Lung Ventilation: Supplying Oxygen to the Blood
- Synapsid lungs
- Sauropsid lungs
- Evolution of sauropsid lungs
- Lung ventilation by birds
- Systemic arches of mammals and birds
- Hearts with a ventricular septum: Mammals and birds
- Blood flow in mammalian and avian hearts
- Hearts without a ventricular septum: Turtles and lepidosaurs
- Shunting blood when the heart has a ventricular septum: Crocodylians
- Nitrogenous waste products
- Ammonia
- Urea
- Uric acid
- Nitrogen excretion by synapsids: The mammalian kidney
- Urine formation
- Structure of the nephron
- The loop of Henle
- Nitrogen excretion by sauropsids: Renal and extrarenal routes
- Precipitation of urate salts
- Extrarenal salt excretion
- 13.1 Conflicts Between Locomotion and Respiration
- 13.2 Lungs and Lung Ventilation: Supplying Oxygen to the Blood
- 13.3 Circulatory Systems: Supplying Oxygen to Tissues
- 13.4 Getting Rid of Wastes: The Kidneys
- Figure credit
- Table sources
- 14.1 Why Regulate Body Temperature?
- 14.2 Ectothermal Thermoregulation
- Energy exchange and mechanisms of ectothermy
- Thermal ecology of ectotherms
- 14.3 Endothermal Thermoregulation
- Mechanisms of endothermal thermoregulation
- Whole-body metabolism
- Shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis
- Insulation
- Evaporative cooling
- Mechanisms of endothermal thermoregulation
- Endothermal ectotherms
- Heterothermal endotherms: Torpor and hibernation
- Rest-phase torpor
- Hibernation
- Heterothermal endotherms: Hyperthermia and life in the desert
- Hyperthermia
- Birds
- Rodents
- Large mammals
- Keeping a cool head
- How did endothermy evolve?
- Direct selection for a high and stable body temperature
- Indirect selection for characters that depend on high and stable body temperature
- Evaluating the models
- Many factors?
- Energy requirements
- Body size
- Gigantothermy and the body temperatures of dinosaurs
- 14.1 Why Regulate Body Temperature?
- 14.2 Ectothermal Thermoregulation
- 14.3 Endothermal Thermoregulation
- 14.4 Pure Ectothermy and Pure Endothermy Lie at the Extremes of a Continuum.
- 14.5 Evolution of Endothermy
- 14.6 Thermoregulation, Energy Use, and Body Size
- 14.7 Ectotherms, Endotherms, and Ecosystems
- 15.1 Characters and Diversity of Lepidosaurs
- Rhynchocephalians and the biology of tuatara
- Squamata: Lizards
- Body forms
- Limblessness
- Squamata: Serpentes
- Body forms
- Locomotion
- Feeding specializations of snakes
- Venom and fangs
- Hearts and stomachs
- Crypsis, aposematism, and mimicry
- Deterrence
- Autotomy
- Venom and poisons as defense mechanisms
- Courtship and territoriality
- Sociality and parental care
- Oviparity and viviparity
- Parthenogenesis
- Sex determination
- 15.1 Characters and Diversity of Lepidosaurs
- 15.2 Foraging Modes
- 15.3 Skull Kinesis and Feeding
- 15.4 Predator Avoidance and Defense
- 15.5 Social Behavior
- 15.6 Reproductive Modes
- 15.7 Lepidosaurs and Climate Change
- Figure credits
- 16.1 Form and Function
- Shell and skeleton
- Head retraction
- Lung ventilation
- Evolution of the turtle body plan
- 16.2 Diversity
- Turtle shells are distinctive
- Shells provide significant protection
- Except when they don’t
- Turtle shells are distinctive
- Environmental sex determination
- Parental care
- Hatching and the behavior of baby turtles
- Emergence from the nest
- The early years
- Navigation by adult sea turtles
- Navigation by hatchling and juvenile sea turtles
- Life history
- Turtles are both delicious and considered medicinal
- Turtles are in demand as pets
- Sea turtles face extra risks
- Shrimp trawlers
- Plastic pollution
- Climate change
- 16.1 Form and Function
- 16.2 Diversity
- 16.3 Social Behavior, Communication, and Courtship
- 16.4 Reproduction
- 16.5 Navigation and Migration
- 16.6 Turtles in Trouble
- 17.1 Diversity of Extant Crocodylians
- Distribution of extant crocodylians
- Locomotion
- 17.2 The Crocodylomorph Lineage
- †Notosuchia
- Neosuchia
- 17.3 Predatory Behavior and Diet
- 17.4 Communication and Social Behavior
- 17.5 Reproduction and Parental Care
- Environmental sex determination
- Parental care
- 17.6 Threats to and from Crocodylians
- Threats from crocodylians
- Threats to crocodylians
- Reconciling humans and crocodylians
- Summary
- 17.1 Diversity of Extant Crocodylians
- 17.2 The Crocodylomorph Lineage
- 17.3 Predatory Behavior and Diet
- 17.4 Communication and Social Behavior
- 17.5 Reproduction and Parental Care
- 17.6 Threats to and from Crocodylians
- Discussion Questions
- Figure credits
- List of Key Terms
- 18.1 Characters and Systematics of Avemetatarsalia
- 18.2 †Pterosaurs: Vertebrates Achieve Powered Flight
- Structure of †pterosaurs
- Limbs and locomotion
- Jaws and teeth
- Body covering and head crests
- Reproduction, eggs, and parental care
- Did the evolution of birds doom †pterosaurs?
- Structure of †pterosaurs
- 18.3 Dinosaurs: One of the Most Successful Tetrapod Radiations
- The structure of dinosaurs
- Limbs and locomotion
- Postcranial pneumatization
- Body covering
- The structure of dinosaurs
- †Thyreophora
- †Stegosauria
- †Ankylosauria
- †Neornithischia
- †Marginocephalia
- †Pachycephalosauria
- †Ceratopsia
- †Ornithopoda
- †Hadrosauridae
- Social behavior of †ornithischian dinosaurs
- Nesting and parental care by †ornithischians
- Social behavior of †sauropods
- Nesting and parental care by †sauropodomorphs
- 18.1 Characters and Systematics of Avemetatarsalia
- 18.2 †Pterosaurs: Vertebrates Achieve Powered Flight
- 18.3 Dinosaurs: One of the Most Successful Tetrapod Radiations
- 18.4 †Ornithischia
- 18.5 †Sauropodomorpha
- Figure credits
- 19.1 Characters and Systematics of Theropods
- Phylogenetic overview of Theropoda
- †Coelophysoids: Early theropods
- †Ceratosauria
- Tetanurae
- †Megalosauroids
- †Allosauroids
- †Tyrannosauroids
- †Compsognathids
- †Ornithomimosaurs
- Maniraptorans
- Community ecology of theropods
- Social behavior of theropods
- 19.2 †Archaeopteryx, Mesozoic Avialans, and the Mosaic Evolution of Avian Characters
- Discovery of †Archaeopteryx
- Cretaceous avialans
- Mosaic evolution of some avialan characters
- Other avian features
- Skull
- Girdles and limbs
- Lung structure and skeletal pneumatization
- Feathers
- Body size
- 19.3 Evolution of Powered Flight
- How—and why—birds got off the ground
- From the trees down
- From the ground up
- Gliding and flying by other Mesozoic paravians
- How—and why—birds got off the ground
- 19.4 Reproduction and Parental Care by Theropods
- Eggs and nests
- Parental care of hatchlings
- Summary
- 19.1 Characters and Systematics of Theropods
- 19.2 †Archaeopteryx, Mesozoic Avialans, and the Mosaic Evolution of Avian Characters
- 19.3 Evolution of Powered Flight
- 19.4 Reproduction and Parental Care by Theropods
- Discussion Questions
- Figure credits
- List of Key Terms
- 20.1 Continental Geography and Climates
- Continental movements
- Cenozoic climates
- Cooling down
- Pleistocene glaciations
- Fossil Lake
- Freshwater habitats
- Marine habitats
- Fishes
- Sauropsids
- Birds
- Mammals
- Terrestrial flora
- Terrestrial fauna
- Terrestrial vertebrates of North and South America
- Faunal interchange
- Marine fauna and isthmian pairs
- 20.1 Continental Geography and Climates
- 20.2 Cenozoic Ecosystems
- 20.3 The Great American Biotic Interchange
- 20.4 Extinctions
- Figure credits
- 21.1 Diversity of Aves
- 21.2 Structural Specializations for Flight and Bipedalism
- Body size
- Feathers
- Feather anatomy
- Feather pigments
- Streamlining and weight reduction
- Skeleton
- Axial skeleton
- Appendicular skeleton
- Muscles
- 21.3 Wings and Flight
- Flight mechanics
- Lift and thrust
- Drag
- Landing
- Wing shape and flight
- Flight mechanics
- 21.4 Feet and Locomotion
- Hopping, walking, and running
- Toe arrangements
- Swimming
- Swimming on the surface
- Webbing
- Diving and swimming underwater
- Hopping, walking, and running
- Bills, cranial kinesis, and tongues
- Bill specializations
- Cranial kinesis
- Other functions of the bill
- Tongues
- Digestive tract
- Esophagus and crop
- Stomach
- Intestines, ceca, and cloaca
- Variation in gut morphology between species
- Vision
- Eye position
- Photoreceptors and color vision
- Hearing
- Olfaction
- Touch
- Vocalization
- Sonation
- Visual displays
- Reproductive organs and insemination
- Egg structure
- Maternal effects
- Sex determination
- Hatching and developmental state of young
- Nest building
- Incubating
- Feeding young
- Interspecific brood parasitism
- Navigational abilities
- Using multiple cues during navigation
- Seasonal migration
- Costs of migration
- Benefits of migration
- 21.1 Diversity
- 21.2 Structural Specializations for Flight and Bipedalism
- 21.3 Wings and Flight
- 21.4 Feet and Locomotion
- 21.5 Bills, Feeding, and Digestion
- 21.6 Sensory Systems
- 21.7 Communication
- 21.8 Reproduction
- 21.9 Parental Care
- 21.10 Orientation, Navigation, and Migration
- 21.11 Conservation
- Figure credits
- 22.1 Synapsid Evolution
- Cranial skeleton and teeth
- Phylogenetic history of synapsids
- Eupelycosauria
- Therapsids
- Cynodonts
- Probainognathians
- Mammaliaformes
- Mammalia
- Teeth
- Specializations of the palate and tongue for swallowing
- Facial muscles
- Integument
- Hair
- Skin glands
- Lactation, nursing, and suckling
- Brain and senses
- Chemosensation: Smell and taste
- Hearing
- Visual pigments and color vision
- Internal anatomy
- Prototheria
- †Allotheria
- Theria
- 22.1 Synapsid Evolution
- 22.2 Jaw Joints and Middle Ear Bones
- 22.3 Other Mammalian Features
- 22.4 Basal Mammalian Clades
- Figure credits
- 23.1 Therian Features and Origins of Marsupialia and Placentalia
- Therian skeletons
- 23.2 Diversity of Marsupials
- New World marsupial clades
- Marsupials of Australia and New Guinea
- Marsupials and the Australian fauna
- New World marsupial clades
- 23.3 Diversity of Placentals
- Atlantogenata
- Afrotheria
- Xenarthra
- Boreoeutheria
- Euarchontoglires
- Laurasiatheria
- Atlantogenata
- Genitalia
- Urogenital tracts
- Placentation
- Gestation
- Evolution of therian viviparity
- Cusps and lophs
- Cusps and lophs are specialized for different diets
- Adaptations for herbivory
- Carnivores and herbivores: Differences in jaw muscles
- Jaw joints
- Rodents: Specialized feeders
- Digestive tracts
- Fermentation by herbivores
- Limbs: Speed versus power
- Skeletal structure of limbs
- Distal portions of limbs
- Cursorial adaptations of ungulate limbs
- Digging
- Powered flight of bats
- Swimming
- Cetacean evolution
- Neoceti
- Cetacean genomics
- Bighorn sheep: A case study
- Endangering the endangered: The effect of perceived rarity
- The extinction vortex
- 23.1 Therian Features and Origins of Marsupialia and Placentalia
- 23.2 Diversity of Marsupials
- 23.3 Diversity of Placentals
- 23.4 Reproduction
- 23.5 Teeth and Feeding Specializations
- 23.6 Locomotion
- 23.7 Trophy Hunting and Extinction Risk
- Figure credits
- 24.1 Primate Origins and Diversification
- Basal primates
- Euprimates
- Strepsirrhini
- Haplorhini
- Anthropoids
- New World monkeys
- Platyrrhine diversity
- Old World monkeys and apes
- 24.2 Origin and Evolution of Hominoidea
- Hylobatidae
- Hominidae
- Ponginae
- Homininae
- Gorillas
- Chimpanzees
- Distinctive features of hominins
- Early hominins
- †Ardipithecus
- †Australopithecus
- †Paranthropus
- †Homo habilis
- †Homo erectus
- †Dmanisi hominins
- †Neanderthals
- †Denisovan hominins
- †Homo longi
- Island species and miniaturization
- †Homo floresiensis
- †Homo luzonensis
- †Homo naledi
- †Homo bodoensis
- Origin and radiation of Homo sapiens
- What happened to the humans who were already there?
- Bipedalism
- Large brains
- Speech and language
- Humans as superpredators and environmental disruptors
- Megafaunal extinctions
- Extinctions began soon after humans arrived
- Were humans solely responsible?
- Is this the Anthropocene?
- 24.1 Primate Origins and Diversification
- 24.2 Origin and Evolution of Hominoidea
- 24.3 Origin and Evolution of Hominini
- 24.4 The Genus Homo
- 24.5 Evolution of Human Characters
- 24.6 Humans and Other Vertebrates
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16.
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22
- Chapter 23
- Chapter 24
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
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Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10098
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380