The Arctic is thawing. In summer, cruise ships sail through the once ice-clogged Northwest Passage, lakes form on top of the Greenland Ice Sheet, and polar bears swim farther and farther in search of waning ice floes. At the opposite end of the world, floating Antarctic ice shelves are shrinking. Mountain glaciers are in retreat worldwide, unleashing flash floods and avalanches. We are on thin ice—and with melting permafrost’s potential to let loose still more greenhouse gases, these changes may be just the beginning.
Vanishing Ice is a powerful depiction of the dramatic transformation of the cryosphere—the world of ice and snow—and its consequences for the human world. Delving into the major components of the cryosphere, including ice sheets, valley glaciers, permafrost, and floating ice, Vivien Gornitz gives an up-to-date explanation of key current trends in the decline of ice mass. Drawing on a long-term perspective gained by examining changes in the cryosphere and corresponding variations in sea level over millions of years, she demonstrates the link between thawing ice and sea-level rise to point to the social and economic challenges on the horizon.
- Höfundur: Vivien Gornitz
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-06-11
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780231548892
- Print ISBN: 9780231168243
- ISBN 10: 0231548893
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- 1. Whither the Snows of Yesteryear?
- 2. Ice Afloat—Ice Shelves, Icebergs, and Sea Ice
- 3. Impermanent Permafrost
- 4. Darkening Mountains—Disappearing Glaciers
- 5. The Greenland Ice Sheet
- 6. Antarctica: The Giant Ice Locker
- 7. From Greenhouse to Icehouse
- 8. Return to the Greenhouse
- 9. The Importance of Ice
- Appendix A. Anticipating Future Climate Change
- Appendix B. Eyes in the Sky—Monitoring the Cryosphere from Above
- Appendix C. Geologic Time Scale
- Glossary
- Notes
- Bibliography
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15762
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 379