Urban Gardening For Dummies

The easy way to succeed at urban gardening A townhouse yard, a balcony, a fire escape, a south-facing window—even a basement apartment can all be suitable locations to grow enough food to save a considerable amount of money and enjoy the freshest, healthiest produce possible. Urban Gardening For Dummies helps you make the most of limited space through the use of proven small-space gardening techniques that allow gardeners to maximize yield while minimizing space.
Covers square-foot gardening and vertical and layered gardening Includes guidance on working with container gardening, succession gardening, and companion gardening Offers guidance on pest management, irrigation and rain barrels, and small-space composting If you're interested in starting an urban garden that makes maximum use of minimal space, Urban Gardening For Dummies has you covered.
- Höfundar: The National Gardening Association, Paul Simon, Charlie Nardozzi
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-01-08
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118502419
- Print ISBN: 9781118340356
- ISBN 10: 1118502418
- About the Authors
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- What You’re Not to Read
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part I: Urban Gardening 101
- Chapter 1: Gardening in the City
- Knowing the Basics of Soil Prep
- Finding the Many Places to Garden the City
- Growing All Kinds of Plants in The City
- Exploring the Down and Dirty of Growing
- Chapter 2: Reaping the Benefits of Urban Gardening
- Enjoying Local Produce from Urban Food Gardens
- Creating Healthy Cities
- Chapter 3: The Urban Microclimate
- The Sunny City: Working with the Sun and Warmer Urban Temperatures
- The Windy City: Working with Seasonal Urban Wind Patterns
- Taking Macroclimate and Microclimate Conditions into Account in Your Garden
- Chapter 1: Gardening in the City
- Chapter 4: Getting to Know Your Soil
- Determining Your Type of Soil
- Checking Your Soil’s Drainage
- Discovering Your Soil’s pH Level
- Finding Out What Lies Beneath the Soil
- Chapter 5: Feeding and Fertilizing Your Soil
- Organics 101: Plant Matter
- Adding a Little Something Extra to Build Soil Fertility: Animal Manure
- Making Compost and Growing Soil
- Giving Your Plants and Soil a Boost with Fertilizers
- Chapter 6: Getting Your Hands Dirty: Planting How-To
- Planting Annual Flowers and Veggies
- Planting Trees and Shrubs
- Planting Perennial Flowers, Bulbs, and Roses
- Chapter 7: Creating an Outdoor Room
- Analyzing Your Outdoor Space
- Fencing In Your Space
- Planning Your Outdoor Room
- Creating Your Garden Entrance
- Defining the Uses for Your Outdoor Room
- Creating a Focal Element
- Turning Recycled Materials into Chic and Useful Garden Art
- Considering Interactive Garden Art
- Chapter 8: Containing Your Gardening
- Surveying Container Options
- Selecting Soil for Your Container
- Planting a Container
- Jazzing Up Your Containers
- Taking Care of Your Container Plants
- Chapter 9: A Garden with a View: The Rooftop Garden
- Finding Out the Rooftop Gardening Basics
- Designing a Rooftop Garden or Green Roof
- Staying In Bounds with a Rooftop Container Garden
- Chapter 10: Going Vertical in Your Garden
- Discovering the Benefits of Growing Vertical
- Facing the Challenges of Growing Vertical
- Rethinking Your Space: Up, Down, and All Around
- Getting Plants to Grow Up
- Giving Containers a Lift
- Chapter 11: Apartment Gardens
- Balcony Gardens
- Indoor Gardening
- Chapter 12: Community Gardening and Urban Farming
- Community Gardening 101
- Starting a Community Gardening Program
- Urban Farming = Urban Renewal
- Marketing Locally
- Sharing a Garden
- Going from Pavement to Parks
- Chapter 13: City Setting, Country Food
- Making a Veggie Garden Plan
- Keeping Your Veggies Happy
- Raising the Top City Vegetables
- Extending the Season
- Chapter 14: The Annual Flowering of the City
- Understanding Annuals
- Siting Your Annual Flower Garden
- Growing Annuals in Containers
- Choosing Annual Flowers for All Seasons and Soils
- Caring for Your Annuals to Keep a Continuous Flower Show
- Using Succession Planting to Maintain Your Annual Flowers
- Chapter 15: Perennial Flowers, Roses, and Bulbs in the City
- Getting to Know Perennials, Roses, and Bulbs
- Finding a Permanent Planting Spot
- Choosing Perennials Fit for City Living
- Growing and Maintaining Perennial Flowers
- Enjoying La Vie en Rose
- Lighting Up Your Garden with Bulbs
- Chapter 16: Growing a Tree . . . in Brooklyn
- Selecting City-Friendly Trees
- Growing Some Shrubbery
- Keeping Your Trees and Shrubs Fit
- Growing City Fruits
- Keeping Berry Bushes in the City
- Chapter 17: Lawns and Ground Covers
- Selecting the Right Grass
- Caring for Your Lawn
- Ground Cover Alternatives
- Chapter 18: Weeding and Mulching Your Plants
- Winning the War on Weeds
- Mulching 101
- Chapter 19: Watering Your Garden
- Conserving Water
- Harvesting Water
- Delivering Water to Your Plants
- Chapter 20: Controlling Urban Garden Pests
- Knowing the Good Guys
- Being Proactive to Control the Bad Guys
- Dealing with Insect Pests in Your Garden
- Spotting and Treating Diseases
- Critters in the Bean Patch
- Chapter 21: Ten Tools for Urban Gardeners
- Hand Trowels and Cultivators
- Shovels
- Hoes
- Hand Pruners
- Garden Clothes
- Buckets and Baskets
- Watering Hoses and Wands
- Wheelbarrow
- Composter
- Garden Shed
- Chapter 22: Ten Kid-Friendly Ways to Garden in the City
- Garden at School
- Garden at a Community Garden
- Garden at a Local Botanic Garden
- Grow a Sunflower House
- Let Kids Decorate the Garden
- Create a Child’s Window Box Garden
- Create a Windowsill Herb Garden
- Grow a Terrarium Garden
- Grow a Potato Barrel
- Grow Plants from Store Produce
- Chapter 23: Ten Tips to Manage a Sustainable Urban Garden
- Know Your Soil Conditions
- Compost Is Key
- Conserve Water and Harvest Your Rain
- Use Organic Fertilizers
- Preserve Existing Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Know Your Microclimate Conditions
- Select “the Right” Plants for Your Area
- Consider Hydroponic and Aquaponic Gardening
- Minimize the Costs
- Involve Your Community
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10732
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379