Understanding Weather & Climate, Global Edition

- Veðurfarsfræði
Engage Students in Learning About Atmospheric Processes Understanding Weather and Climate illustrates meteorology and climatology using everyday occurrences and inspired technology tutorials to engage students in learning about atmospheric processes and patterns. This edition extends coverage of global climate change with new and unique sections covering oceans and climate in the Earth system. Each chapter also focuses on the human aspect of weather and climate, covering high interest weather-related hazards that draw students into the course, while incorporating the latest science and the most relevant issues.
Integrated Mobile-Ready Videos: Students use their mobile devices to scan Quick Response (QR) codes in the book to view videos, for just-in-time visualisation of key meteorological concepts and applications. Students use their mobile devices to scan Quick Response (QR) codes in the book to view videos, for just-in-time visualisation of key meteorological concepts and applications. Students use their mobile devices to scan Quick Response (QR) codes in the book to view videos, for just-in-time visualisation of key meteorological concepts and applications.
Students use their mobile devices to scan Quick Response (QR) codes in the book to view videos, for just-in-time visualisation of key meteorological concepts and applications. Students use their mobile devices to scan Quick Response (QR) codes in the book to view videos, for just-in-time visualisation of key meteorological concepts and applications. Engage Students with Real-World Applications and Environmental Impacts: Case Studiescover weather hazards and how they impact people and society.
Emphasis on Oceans and Climate and on Climate Change: New and unique coverage on Oceans and their role in regulating weather and climate has been added in chapters 8, 15, and 16. Focus on Fundamentals and Learning Path: Greater focus on the scientific method and basic concepts to help guide students. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps.
- Höfundar: Edward Aguado, James E. Burt
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-04-14
- Blaðsíður: 608
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292087818
- Print ISBN: 9781292087801
- ISBN 10: 1292087811
- Book and Media Walkthrough
- Forecasting student success
- Real world applications
- The latest science
- Principles & tools of meteorology
- Structured learning
- Before-Class Learning
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- Digital Resources for Instructors
- About the Authors
- Part 1: Energy and Mass
- Chapter 1: Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
- 1–1 Focus on Aviation: Winter Storms and Air Travel
- The Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate
- The Scientific Method and Atmospheric Science
- Applying the Scientific Method
- Variations on the Scientific Method
- The Nature of Hypotheses and Scientific Theories
- Thickness of the Atmosphere
- Factors Affecting the Composition and Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
- Gas Exchange, Equilibrium Conditions, and Residence Times
- The Homosphere and Heterosphere
- Composition of the Atmosphere
- The Permanent Gases
- Variable Gases
- 1–2 Physical Principles: Photosynthesis, Respiration, and the Global Carbon Cycle
- Atmospheric Density and Pressure
- Density
- 1–3 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Depletion of the Ozone Layer
- Pressure
- Layers of the Atmosphere
- Layering Based on Temperature Profiles
- 1–4 Physical Principles: The Three Temperature Scales
- A Layer Based on Electrical Properties: The Ionosphere
- Origin and Evolution of the Atmosphere
- Evolution of the Atmosphere
- Some Weather Basics
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Atmospheric Pressure and Wind
- Mapping Air Pressure
- Station Models
- A Brief History of Meteorology
- Early Atmospheric Scientists
- Nineteenth-Century Progress
- The Development of Modern Weather Forecasting
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Chapter 2: Solar Radiation and the Seasons
- Energy
- Kinds of Energy
- Heat Transfer Mechanisms
- Characteristics of Radiation
- Radiation Quantity and Quality
- Intensity and Wavelengths of Emitted Radiation
- 2–1 Physical Principles: The Nature of Radiation, Absorption, and Emission
- The Solar Constant
- 2–2 Physical Principles: The Sun
- The Causes of Earth’s Seasons
- Earth’s Revolution and Rotation
- Solstices and Equinoxes
- Effects of Earth’s Changing Orientation
- Period of Daylight
- Solar Angle
- Overall Effects of Period of Daylight, Solar Angle, and Beam Depletion
- Changes in Energy Receipt with Latitude
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Energy
- Chapter 3: Energy Balance and Temperature
- Atmospheric Influences on Insolation
- Absorption
- Reflection and Scattering
- Transmission
- Spatial Distribution of Solar Radiation
- The Fate of Solar Radiation
- Atmospheric Absorption
- Atmospheric Backscattering
- Absorption and Reflection at the Surface
- Energy Transfer Processes
- Surface–Atmosphere Radiation Exchange
- 3–1 Physical Principles: Selective Absorption by Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide
- Conduction
- Convection
- Sensible Heat
- Latent Heat
- Net Radiation and Global Temperature
- Latitudinal Variations
- The Greenhouse Effect
- 3–2 Physical Principles: Earth’s Equilibrium Temperature
- Global Temperature Distributions
- Influences on Temperature
- Latitude
- Altitude and Elevation
- Atmospheric Circulation Patterns
- Contrasts Between Land and Water
- Warm and Cold Ocean Currents
- Local Conditions
- Daily and Annual Temperature Patterns
- Daytime Heating and Nighttime Cooling
- Effects of Cloud Cover and Wind
- Annual Cycle
- Measurement of Temperature
- Instrument Shelters
- Temperature Means and Ranges
- Global Extremes
- 3–3 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Recent Severe Heat Waves
- Some Useful Temperature Indices
- Wind Chill Temperatures
- Heating and Cooling Degree-Days
- Growing Degree-Days
- Thermodynamic Diagrams and Vertical Temperature Profiles
- Our Warming Planet
- Recent Observed Changes in Temperature
- Changes in the Occurrences of Extreme Heat and Cold
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Atmospheric Influences on Insolation
- Chapter 4: Atmospheric Pressure and Wind
- The Concept of Pressure
- 4–1 Physical Principles: Velocity, Acceleration, Force, and Pressure
- Vertical and Horizontal Changes in Pressure
- The Equation of State
- 4–2 Physical Principles: Variations in Density
- Measuring Pressure
- Mercury Barometers
- Aneroid Barometers
- The Distribution of Pressure
- Pressure Gradients
- 4–3 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Owens Lake Dust Storms
- Hydrostatic Equilibrium
- 4–4 Physical Principles: The Hydrostatic Equation
- Horizontal Pressure Gradients in the Upper Atmosphere
- Forces Affecting the Speed and Direction of the Wind
- The Coriolis Force
- Friction
- Winds Aloft and Near the Surface
- Winds in the Upper Atmosphere
- 4–5 Physical Principles: The Coriolis Force
- Gradient Flow
- Near-Surface Winds
- Anticyclones, Cyclones, Troughs, and Ridges
- Anticyclones
- Cyclones
- Troughs and Ridges
- Measuring Wind
- 4–6 Focus on Aviation: Using Altimeters to Monitor Altitude
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- The Concept of Pressure
- Chapter 1: Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
- Chapter 5: Atmospheric Moisture
- The Hydrologic Cycle
- Water Vapor and Liquid Water
- Evaporation and Condensation
- Indices of Water Vapor Content
- Vapor Pressure
- Absolute Humidity
- Specific Humidity
- Mixing Ratio
- Relative Humidity
- Dew Point
- Measuring Humidity
- 5–1 Forecasting: Dew Point and Nighttime Minimum Temperatures
- 5–2 Forecasting: Water Vapor Satellite Imagery
- Distribution of Water Vapor
- 5–3 Forecasting: Vertical Profiles of Moisture
- Processes That Cause Saturation
- Factors Affecting Saturation and Condensation
- Effect of Curvature
- The Role of Condensation Nuclei
- 5–4 Focus on Aviation: Icing
- Cooling the Air to the Dew or Frost Point
- Diabatic Processes
- Adiabatic Processes
- 5–5 Physical Principles: Adiabatic Lapse Rates and the First Law of Thermodynamics
- The Environmental Lapse Rate
- 5–6 Physical Principles: The Varying Value of the Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate
- Forms of Condensation and Deposition
- Dew
- Frost
- Frozen Dew
- Fog
- Distribution of Fog
- Formation and Dissipation of Cloud Droplets
- High Humidity and Human Discomfort
- 5–7 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: High Temperatures and Human Health
- Atmospheric Moisture and Climate Change
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Chapter 6: Cloud Development and Forms
- Mechanisms That Lift Air
- Orographic Uplift
- Frontal Lifting
- Convergence
- Localized Convection
- Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
- Buoyancy, Static Stability, and Lapse Rates
- Absolutely Unstable Air
- Absolutely Stable Air
- Conditionally Unstable Air
- 6–1 Forecasting: Determining Stability from Thermodynamic Diagrams
- Static and Potential Instability
- Factors Influencing the Environmental Lapse Rate
- Heating or Cooling of the Lower Atmosphere
- Advection of Cold and Warm Air at Different Levels
- 6–2 Forecasting: Potential Instability
- Advection of an Air Mass with a Different ELR
- Limitations on the Lifting of Unstable Air
- A Layer of Stable Air
- Entrainment
- Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
- 6–3 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Radiation Inversions and Human Activities
- Cloud Types
- High Clouds
- Middle Clouds
- Low Clouds
- Clouds with Vertical Development
- Unusual Clouds
- 6–4 Focus on Aviation: Responding to Icing in Different Types of Clouds
- 6–5 Forecasting: Why Clouds Have Clearly Defined Boundaries
- Cloud Coverage and Observation
- Surface-Based Observation of Clouds
- Cloud Observation by Satellite
- 6–6 Physical Principles: The Surprising Composition of Clouds
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Mechanisms That Lift Air
- Chapter 7: Precipitation Processes
- Growth of Cloud Droplets
- Growth by Condensation
- Growth in Warm Clouds
- 7–1 Physical Principles: Why Cloud Droplets Don’t Fall
- Growth in Cool and Cold Clouds
- Distribution and Forms of Precipitation
- Snow
- Rain
- Graupel and Hail
- 7–2 Physical Principles: The Effect of Hail Size on Damage
- Sleet
- Freezing Rain
- Measuring Precipitation
- Rain Gauges
- Snow Measurement
- Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network
- Cloud Seeding
- 7–3 Focus on Aviation: Fog Seeding at Airports
- 7–4 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Floods in the Midwestern United States
- Floods
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Growth of Cloud Droplets
- Chapter 8: Atmospheric Circulation and Pressure Distributions
- The Concept of Scale
- Single-Cell Model
- The Three-Cell Model
- The Hadley Cell
- 8–1 Physical Principles: Maintaining General Circulation
- The Ferrel and Polar Cells
- The Three-Cell Model vs. Reality: The Bottom Line
- Semipermanent Pressure Cells
- The Upper Troposphere
- Westerly Winds in the Upper Atmosphere
- The Polar Front and Jet Streams
- Troughs and Ridges
- Rossby Waves
- 8–2 Physical Principles: The Movement of Rossby Waves
- 8–3 Physical Principles: The Dishpan Experiment
- Atmospheric Rivers
- Ocean Circulation
- Causes of Ocean Currents
- Upwelling and Downwelling
- Major Wind Systems
- Monsoons
- Foehn, Chinook, and Santa Ana Winds
- 8–4 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Wildfires
- Katabatic Winds
- Sea and Land Breezes
- Valley and Mountain Breezes
- Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions
- El Niño, La Niña, and the Walker Cell
- Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- 8–5 Physical Principles: What Causes El Niños and La Niñas?
- Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Chapter 9: Air Masses and Fronts
- Air Masses and Their Source Regions
- Source Regions
- Air Mass Formation
- Continental Polar (cP) and Continental Arctic (cA) Air Masses
- Maritime Polar (mP) Air Masses
- Continental Tropical (cT) Air Masses
- Maritime Tropical (mT) Air Masses
- Fronts
- 9–1 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Air Mass Weather: Oppressive Heat and Humidity
- 9–2 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: The Pineapple Express
- Cold Fronts
- Warm Fronts
- 9–3 Focus on Severe Weather: A Cold Front Chills Louisiana
- Stationary Fronts
- Occluded Fronts
- Drylines
- 9–4 Focus on Severe Weather: Interacting Air Masses Spawn a Powerful Nor’easter
- 9–5 Focus on Aviation: Density Altitude and Aircraft Performance
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Air Masses and Their Source Regions
- Chapter 10: Midlatitude Cyclones
- Polar Front Theory
- The Life Cycle of a Midlatitude Cyclone
- Cyclogenesis
- Mature Cyclones
- Occlusion
- Location and Movement of Cyclones
- 10–1 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: 2013 Great Plains Blizzard
- Processes of the Middle and Upper Troposphere
- Rossby Waves and Vorticity
- Surface Fronts and Upper-Level Patterns
- 10–2 Physical Principles: Vorticity and the Maintenance of Rossby Waves
- 10–3 Physical Principles: A Closer Look at Divergence and Convergence
- Cold Fronts and the Formation of Upper-Level Troughs
- 10–4 Forecasting: Short Waves in the Upper Atmosphere and Their Effect on Surface Conditions
- Interaction of Surface and Upper-Level Conditions
- An Example of a Midlatitude Cyclone
- April 15
- April 16
- April 17
- April 18
- Flow Patterns and Large-Scale Weather
- The Steering of Midlatitude Cyclones
- Migration of Surface Cyclones Relative to Rossby Waves
- The Modern View: Midlatitude Cyclones and Conveyor Belts
- Anticyclones
- Climate Change and Midlatitude Cyclones
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Chapter 11: Lightning, Thunder, and Tornadoes
- Processes of Lightning Formation
- Charge Separation
- 11–1 Physical Principles: Electricity in the Atmosphere
- Leaders, Strokes, and Flashes
- Types of Lightning
- 11–2 Focus on Severe Weather: A Personal Account of Ball Lightning
- Thunder
- Lightning Safety
- 11–3 Focus on Aviation: Lightning and Aircraft
- Thunderstorms: Air Mass, Multicell, and Supercell
- Air Mass Thunderstorms
- Multicell and Supercell Storms
- Downbursts, Derechos, Microbursts, and Haboobs
- 11–4 Forecasting: Doppler Radar
- Floods and Flash Floods
- 11–5 Focus on Aviation: Microbursts
- Distribution of Thunderstorms
- Tornadoes
- Tornado Characteristics and Dimensions
- Tornado Formation
- The Location and Timing of Tornadoes
- Tornado Hazards and Forecasting
- Tornado Damage
- Tornado Outbreaks
- Trends in U.S. Tornado Occurrence
- Fatalities
- Saving Lives: Watches and Warnings
- 11–6 Focus on Severe Weather: Deadly 2011 and 2013 Tornado Seasons
- Tornado Forecasting: Convective Outlooks
- Waterspouts
- 11–7 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Life and Death Decisions with the Threat of To
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Processes of Lightning Formation
- Chapter 12: Tropical Storms and Hurricanes
- Hurricanes Around the Globe: The Tropical Setting
- Hurricane Characteristics
- Hurricane Structure
- Temperature Gradients Within a Hurricane
- The Eye and the Eye Wall—A Closer Look
- Steps in the Formation of Hurricanes
- Tropical Disturbances
- Tropical Depressions and Tropical Storms
- Hurricanes
- 12–1 Forecasting: Naming Hurricanes
- Conditions Necessary for Hurricane Formation
- Hurricane Movement and Dissipation
- Hurricane Paths
- Hurricane Dissipation
- 12–2 Focus on Severe Weather: 2005—A Historic Hurricane Season
- Effect of Landfall
- Hurricane Destruction and Fatalities
- Wind
- Heavy Rain
- 12–3 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Superstorm Sandy, 2012
- Tornadoes
- Storm Surges
- Hurricane Fatalities
- 12–4 Focus on Severe Weather: Hurricane Katrina
- Hurricane Forecasts and Advisories
- Hurricane Watches and Warnings
- Hurricane Intensity Scale
- Recent (and Future?) Trends in Hurricane Activity
- Effects of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- Effects of Climate Change
- 12–5 Focus on Severe Weather: The Galveston Hurricane of 1900
- 12–6 Focus on Severe Weather: Recent Deadly Cyclones
- 12–7 Focus on Aviation: Airports’ and Airlines’ Response to Hurricanes
- Factors Affecting Future Trends
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Chapter 13: Weather Forecasting and Analysis
- Weather Forecasting— Both Art and Science
- The Work of a Forecaster
- Why Is Weather Forecasting Imperfect?
- Forecasting Methods
- Types of Forecasts
- Assessing Forecasts
- Data Acquisition and Dissemination
- Forecast Procedures and Products
- Phases in Numerical Modeling
- Models Employed
- 13–1 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Forecasting the Winter of 2013–2014
- Weather Maps and Images
- 13–2 Focus on Aviation: Special Forecasts and Observations for Pilots
- Surface Maps
- Upper-Level Maps
- Satellite Images
- Radar Images
- Thermodynamic Diagrams
- Lifted Index
- K-Index
- Numerical Forecast Models
- Scale Considerations
- Horizontal Representation
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Weather Forecasting— Both Art and Science
- Chapter 14: Human Effects on the Atmosphere
- Atmospheric Pollutants
- Particulates
- 14–1 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Severe Pollution Episodes
- Carbon Oxides
- Sulfur Compounds
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
- Volatile Organic Compounds (Hydrocarbons)
- Photochemical Smog
- Air Quality Index
- Atmospheric Conditions and Air Pollution
- Effect of Winds on Horizontal Transport
- Effect of Atmospheric Stability
- The Counteroffensive on Air Pollution
- 14–2 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Smog in Southern California
- Urban Heat Islands
- Radiation Effects
- Changes in Heat Storage
- Sensible and Latent Heat Transfer
- Urban Heat Islands and the Detection of Climate Change?
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Atmospheric Pollutants
- Chapter 15: Earth’s Climates
- Climate and Controlling Factors
- Statistical Properties of Climates
- Climate Variables
- Controlling Factors
- Oceans as a Factor in Climate
- Classifying Climates
- 15–1 Physical Principles: The Thornthwaite Classification System
- The Koeppen System
- Climate Regions over the Oceans
- Tropical Climates
- Tropical Wet (Af)
- Monsoonal (Am)
- Tropical Wet and Dry (Aw)
- Dry Climates
- Subtropical Desert (BWh)
- Subtropical Steppe (BSh)
- Midlatitude Desert (BWk)
- Midlatitude Steppe (BSk)
- Mild Midlatitude Climates
- 15–2 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: North American Prairies
- Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)
- Humid Subtropical (Cfa, Cwa)
- Marine West Coast (Cfb, Cfc)
- Severe Midlatitude Climates
- Humid Continental (Dfa, Dfb, Dwa, Dwb)
- Subarctic (Dfc, Dfd, Dwc, Dwd)
- Polar Climates
- Tundra (ET)
- Ice Cap (EF)
- Highland Climates (H)
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Climate and Controlling Factors
- Chapter 16: Climate Changes: Past and Future
- Defining Climate Change
- Blaming Climate Change
- Methods for Determining Past Climates
- Oceanic Deposits
- Ice Cores
- Remnant Landforms
- Past Vegetation
- Past Climates
- Warm Intervals and Ice Ages
- The Pleistocene
- The Last Glacial Maximum
- The Holocene
- The Last Century
- 16–1 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Factors Involved in Climatic Change
- Variations in Solar Output
- Changes in Earth’s Orbit
- Changes in Land Configuration and Surface Characteristics
- Changes in Atmospheric Turbidity
- Changes in Radiation-Absorbing Gases
- 16–2 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Carbon Dioxide and the Oceans
- Feedback Mechanisms
- Ice-Albedo Feedback
- Water Vapor and Cloud Feedbacks
- Atmosphere–Biota Interactions
- 16–3 Focus on the Environment and Societal Impacts: Plant Migrations and Global Change
- Atmosphere–Ocean Interactions
- Warming Temperatures and Sea Levels
- Changes in Ocean Circulation
- Projecting Climate Changes
- Identifying the Causes of Climate Change
- General Circulation Models
- Predicted Temperature Trends Through the 21st Century
- Other Effects of Climate Change
- 16–4 Focus on the Environmental and Societal Impacts: Challenges, Mitigation, and Adaptation
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Defining Climate Change
- Chapter 17: Atmospheric Optics
- Refraction
- Refraction and the Setting or Rising Sun
- Mirages
- Cloud and Precipitation Optics
- Rainbows
- Halos, Sundogs, and Sun Pillars
- Coronas and Glories
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Critical Thinking
- Problems & Exercises
- Visual Analysis
- Refraction
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Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8176
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380