Gain essential grounding in SEO, email marketing, social media, content marketing, performance marketing and much more, with this practical and essential guide to digital marketing. The world of digital media is constantly changing, as technologies continue to transform the way we interact and communicate on a global scale. In this climate, Understanding Digital Marketing provides a practical, no-nonsense guide to digital marketing, from strategy and digital transformation to best-practice basics and trends, packed with clear and informative case studies and examples.
This fifth edition of the bestselling Understanding Digital Marketing is fully updated to reflect the latest global developments in the industry including martech, consumer data and privacy considerations, influencer marketing and voice marketing. Complete with first-hand accounts of what success in digital marketing looks like, this book is an essential resource for practitioners and students alike.
- Höfundur: Damian Ryan
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-11-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781789666021
- Print ISBN: 9781789666014
- ISBN 10: 1789666023
- Cover
- Praise for Understanding Digital Marketing 5th Edition
- Title Page
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- About the author
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- List of contributors
- 01 Introduction: Digital transformation
- In the beginning…
- But this is a book about marketing in the digital age – the present and the future
- The technology behind digital marketing
- Digital transformation
- Enough technology… let’s talk about people
- Case study: SSE
- References
- 02 Digital marketing strategy setting
- Why you need a digital marketing strategy
- Your business and digital marketing
- Defining your digital marketing strategy
- Understanding the digital consumer
- The four Ps of marketing and the 10 Ps of digital marketing
- Eyes on the prize
- Bringing it all together
- Case study: Folly Farm Leisure Limited
- References
- 03 Being online: Welcoming the world
- Your website – the hub of your digital marketing world
- Building an effective website
- The main steps of building your website
- Before you start
- Choosing your domain name
- Hosting – your website’s home on the internet
- How to choose a web designer/developer
- Arranging your information
- Writing effective web content
- Case study: Save the Children Australia
- References
- 04 Search: Being found online
- Search: still the online marketer’s holy grail
- About the engines
- Optimizing your site for the engines
- Case study: Bris
- Advertising on the search engines
- Mobile search
- Black hat, the darker side of search
- Bringing in the pros
- Universal search – more opportunities to rank
- Shifting goalposts – search innovation and the quest for relevance
- Case study: Homewise
- References
- 05 Email marketing
- Email – the power channel
- What exactly is email marketing?
- Before you start
- Planning your campaign
- Measuring your success
- Email – a vital component of digital marketing
- Case study: Fitness Superstore
- References
- 06 Mobile marketing
- Mobile – market size and rate of growth
- So what can mobile marketing be used for?
- The rise and rise of mobile advertising
- Location, location, location
- The role of voice and voice-enabled devices
- Mobile gaming
- Mobile applications
- Mobile privacy
- Mobile data
- Further exploration
- Building a multichannel marketing strategy
- Case study: UKTV Play
- References
- 07 Social media
- Join the conversation
- What is social media?
- Different forms of social media
- Social media dashboards – all your updates in one place
- The rules of engagement
- Case study: Virgin Trains and the Toilet Role
- References
- 08 Content marketing and native content
- Nothing has changed, but everything has changed
- Why content? An overview
- Content strategy
- Content production
- Promoting your content
- Case study: WW Just Watch Me_________
- References
- 09 Programmatic marketing
- What is programmatic ad buying?
- What do digital marketers need to know about programmatic buying?
- Deeper dive
- In-housing your programmatic media
- The impact of GDPR and other privacy legislation on programmatic advertising
- Dos and don’ts of programmatic advertising
- The future challenges of programmatic for marketers
- Case study: The Programmatic Company
- References
- 10 Performance marketing
- Recognizing opportunities for strategic partnership
- What is performance marketing?
- Top five tips to publisher success
- Summary
- Case study: Shaw Academy
- 11 How to form meaningful insights from data
- Log files versus page tagging
- Augmenting information using cookies
- Test and test again
- Measuring paid media
- Attribution modelling
- Who am I talking to?
- The return of GRP
- The problem of earned media
- What are you trying to achieve?
- The need for trust
- Case study: CITRIX
- Index
- Copyright Page
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5832
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379