The easy way to get your head around company finance Having an understanding of your company’s finances is crucial for both small business owners and corporate managers with budget responsibilities. Understanding Business Accounting For Dummies simplifies the key elements of UK business accounting, covering everything from evaluating profit margins to writing financial reports. Fully updated to cover the emergence of IFRS and dealing with foreign exchange, this new edition thoroughly outlines the essentials of business accounting.
With comprehensive guidance and helpful strategies, this book makes light work of the financial fundamentals you need to move up the corporate ladder Use the latest technology to manage the bottom line Control profit and cash flow Budget with confidence Make sense of financial statements Survive an audit If you’re ready to balance your budget, boost your profit margin and enhance your career profile, this hands-on guide has everything you need to get started.
- Höfundar: Colin Barrow, John A. Tracy
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 20-09-2017
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119413615
- Print ISBN: 9781119413530
- ISBN 10: 1119413613
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in Financial Reports
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Accounting Basics
- Chapter 1: Introducing Accounting to Non-Accountants
- Accounting Everywhere You Look
- The Basic Elements of Accounting
- Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards
- Enforcing Accounting Rules
- The Accounting Department: What Goes On in the Back Office
- Focusing on Business Transactions and Other Financial Events
- Taking a Closer Look at Financial Statements
- Accounting as a Career
- Chapter 2: Bookkeeping 101: From Shoe Boxes to the Cloud
- Bookkeeping versus Accounting
- Pedalling through the Bookkeeping Cycle
- Managing the Bookkeeping and Accounting System
- Double-Entry Accounting for Non-Accountants
- Accounting Software and Other Ways to Keep the Books in Order
- Chapter 3: Taxes, Taxes and More Taxes
- Taxing Wages and Property
- Getting to Grips with VAT
- Taxing Your Bottom Line: Company Taxes
- Chapter 4: Accounting and Your Personal Finances
- The Accounting Vice You Can’t Escape
- The Ins and Outs of Figuring Interest and Return on Investment (ROI)
- An Accounting Template for Retirement Planning
- Chapter 1: Introducing Accounting to Non-Accountants
- Chapter 5: Profit Mechanics
- Swooping Profit into One Basic Equation
- Measuring the Financial Effects of Profit-Making Activities
- Exploring the Profit-Making Process One Step at a Time
- So Where’s Your Hard-Earned Profit?
- Reporting Profit to Managers and Investors: The Profit and Loss Account
- Chapter 6: The Balance Sheet from the Profit and Loss Account Viewpoint
- Coupling the Profit and Loss Account with the Balance Sheet
- Sizing Up Assets and Liabilities
- Financing a Business: Owners’ Equity and Debt
- Reporting Financial Condition: The Classified Balance Sheet
- Costs and Other Balance Sheet Values
- Growing Up
- Chapter 7: Cash Flows and the Cash Flow Statement
- The Three Types of Cash Flow
- Setting the Stage: Changes in Balance Sheet Accounts
- Getting at the Cash Increase from Profit
- Presenting the Cash Flow Statement
- Free Cash Flow: What on Earth Does That Mean?
- Scrutinising the Cash Flow Statement
- Chapter 8: Funding the Business
- Weighing Your Financing Options
- Going for Debt
- Sharing Out the Spoils
- Researching Grants and Awards
- Raising Money from the Crowd
- Comparing Accelerators and Incubators
- Considering a Public Listing
- Chapter 9: Managing Profit Performance
- Redesigning the External Profit and Loss Account
- Basic Model for Management Profit and Loss Account
- Traversing Two Trails to Profit
- Doing What-If Analysis
- A Final Word or Two
- Chapter 10: Business Budgeting
- The Reasons for Budgeting
- Budgeting and Management Accounting
- Budgeting in Action
- Capital Budgeting
- Reporting On Variances
- Staying Flexible with Budgets
- Chapter 11: Choosing the Right Ownership Structure
- From the Top Line to the Bottom Line
- What Owners Expect for Their Money
- Chapter 12: Cost Conundrums
- Previewing What’s Coming Down the Road
- What Makes Cost So Important?
- Sharpening Your Sensitivity to Costs
- Putting Together the Pieces of Product Cost for Manufacturers
- A View from the Top Regarding Costs
- Chapter 13: Choosing Accounting Methods
- Decision-Making Behind the Scenes in Profit and Loss Accounts
- Calculating Cost of Goods Sold and Cost of Stock
- Identifying Stock Losses: Net Realisable Value (NRV)
- Managing Your Stock Position
- Appreciating Depreciation Methods
- Collecting or Writing Off Bad Debts
- Reconciling Corporation Tax
- Dealing with Foreign Exchange
- Two Final Issues to Consider
- Chapter 14: How Investors Read a Financial Report
- Financial Reporting by Private versus Public Businesses
- Analysing Financial Reports with Ratios
- Making Sure That Disclosure Is Adequate
- Checking for Ominous Skies on the Audit Report
- Finding Financial Facts
- Chapter 15: Professional Auditors and Advisors
- Why Audits?
- Who’s Who in the World of Audits
- What an Auditor Does before Giving an Opinion
- What’s in an Auditor’s Report
- Do Audits Always Catch Fraud?
- Auditors and the Rules
- From Audits to Advising
- Chapter 16: Ten Ways Savvy Business Managers Use Accounting
- Make Better Profit Decisions
- Understand That a Small Sales Volume Change Has a Big Effect on Profit
- Fathom Profit and Cash Flow from Profit
- Govern Cash Flow Better
- Call the Shots on Your Management Accounting Methods
- Build Better Budgets
- Optimise Capital Structure and Financial Leverage
- Develop Better Financial Controls
- Minimise Tax
- Explain Your Financial Statements to Others
- Chapter 17: Ten (plus One) Questions Investors Should Ask When Reading a Financial Report
- Did Sales Grow?
- Did the Profit Ratios Hold?
- Were There Any Unusual or Extraordinary Gains or Losses?
- Did Earnings Per Share Keep Up with Profit?
- Did the Profit Increase Generate a Cash Flow Increase?
- Are Increases in Assets and Liabilities Consistent with the Business’s Growth?
- Can the Business Pay Its Liabilities?
- Are There Any Unusual Assets and Liabilities?
- How Well Are Assets Being Utilised?
- What Is the Return on Capital Investment?
- Have the Numbers Been Nudged?
- Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Get a Better Handle on the Financial Future
- Sales Forecasts versus Sales Objectives
- Dealing with Demand Curves
- Maths Matters
- Averaging Out Averages
- Looking for Causes
- Straddling Cycles
- Surveying Future Trends
- Talking to the Troops
- Setting Out Assumptions
- Making Regular Revisions
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 7086
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380