Tyldesley and Grieve's Muscles, Nerves and Movement in Human Occupation

- BST0306 Bygging og starfsemi: Skyn og hreyfistjórnun
- BST0206170 Bygging og starfsemi
Now in its fourth edition 'Tyldesley and Grieve's Muscles, Nerves and Movement' has established itself as the leading textbook for the study of movement by occupational therapists. The book provides students with a sound understanding of the way in which bones, joints, muscles and nerves allow the body to perform movement during daily activities. Early chapters provide a foundation for the study of movement, with the complexity of detail increasing as the book progresses.
Functional anatomy is related to the movements of daily living and is supported by activities for experiencing and observing the way we perform everyday tasks. Later chapters consider the integration of sensory and motor processes for the planning and execution of movement. This fourth edition has been extensively updated and revised. Highly illustrated and now in full colour throughout the book also includes: • Case histories with self assessment exercises • Summary boxes • Key terms • Practice notepads.
- Höfundar: Ian McMillan, Gail Carin-Levy
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-05-20
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781118713945
- Print ISBN: 9781405189293
- ISBN 10: 111871394X
- Cover
- Contents
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Preface to the fourth edition
- Acknowledgements
- Section I: Introduction to movement
- 1 Basic units, structure and function: supporting tissues, muscle and nerve
- Framework and support: the connective tissues
- Articulations
- Skeletal muscle
- Basic units of the nervous system
- Muscle tone
- Summary
- 2 Movement terminology
- The anatomical position
- Planes and axes of movement
- Structure and movements at synovial joints
- Group action and types of muscle work
- Biomechanical principles
- Summary
- 3 The central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord
- Introduction to the form and structure
- Cerebral hemispheres
- Basal ganglia
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus and limbic system
- Brain stem
- Cerebellum
- Summary of brain areas: function in movement
- Position and segmentation of the spinal cord
- Spinal reflex pathways
- Summary of the functions of the spinal cord
- Summary
- 4 The peripheral nervous system: cranial and spinal nerves
- Introduction
- Spinal nerves
- Peripheral nerves
- Cranial nerves
- Autonomic nervous system
- Summary
- 1 Basic units, structure and function: supporting tissues, muscle and nerve
- 5 Positioning movements: the shoulder and elbow
- Introduction
- The shoulder (pectoral) girdle
- The shoulder (glenohumeral) joint
- Muscles of the shoulder region
- Elbow position and function
- The elbow joint
- Muscles moving the elbow
- Summary of the shoulder and elbow in functional movements
- Summary
- 6 Manipulative movements: the forearm, wrist and hand
- Introduction
- Functions of the forearm and wrist
- The forearm
- The wrist
- Functions of the hand
- Movements of the hand: fingers and thumb
- Muscles moving the hand: fingers and thumb
- Types of grip
- Summary of muscles of the forearm and intrinsic muscles of the hand
- Summary
- 7 Nerve supply of the upper limb
- Introduction
- The brachial plexus
- Terminal branches of the brachial plexus
- Axillary nerve: shoulder movement
- Spinal segmental innervation of the upper limb
- Summary
- 8 Support and propulsion: the lower limb
- Introduction
- Joints and movements of the pelvis, thigh and leg
- Muscles of the thigh and leg in support, swing and propulsion
- Functions of the foot
- Summary of the lower limb muscles
- Summary
- 9 Nerve supply of the lower limb
- Introduction
- Lumbar plexus: position and formation
- Terminal branches of the lumbar plexus
- Sacral plexus: position and formation
- Terminal branches of the sacral plexus
- Spinal segmental innervation of the lower limb
- Summary
- 10 Upright posture and breathing: the trunk
- Introduction
- Upright posture
- Breathing
- Pelvic tilt and the pelvic floor
- Nerve supply of the muscles of the neck and trunk
- Summary of the muscles of the trunk
- Summary
- 11 Sensory background to movement
- Somatosensory system
- Vestibular system
- Visual system
- Regulation of posture
- Summary
- 12 Motor control
- Introduction
- Spinal mechanisms
- Descending motor system
- Planning, co-ordination and motor learning
- Summary
- 13 Occupational performance skills and capacities
- Multiple factors in control of occupational performance skills
- Core positions and patterns of occupational performance skills
- Summary
- 14 Occupational performance
- Introduction
- Framework for understanding human occupation
- Case scenarios
- Example case scenario
- Further case scenarios
- Case scenario 1: Mabel; the ageing process
- Case scenario 2: Mary; Parkinson’s disease
- Case scenario 3: John; traumatic brain injury
- Case scenario 4: Patrick; hand injury
- Case scenario 5: Christopher; spinal cord injury
- Case scenario 6: Susan; chronic pain
- Case scenario 1: Mabel; the ageing process
- Case scenario 2: Mary; Parkinson’s disease
- Case scenario 3: John; traumatic brain injury
- Case scenario 4: Patrick; hand injury
- Case scenario 5: Christopher; spinal cord injury
- Case scenario 6: Susan; chronic pain
- Conclusion
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11142
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379