The Universal Journalist

- BLF108F Vinnubrögð I: Fjölmiðlalög og siðareglur
Ensk lýsing:
A new edition of one of the world's leading textbooks on journalism. Translated into more than a dozen languages, David Randall's handbook is an invaluable guide to the 'universals' of good journalistic practice for professional and trainee journalists worldwide. *BR**BR*Randall emphasises that good journalism isn't just about universal objectives: it must also involve the acquisition of a range of skills that will empower journalists to operate in an industry where ownership, technology and information are constantly changing.
'Easily the best introduction to being a reporter' - Press Association This is the only 'how to' book on journalism written by writers and editors who have operated at the top level in national news. It has long been the go-to book of advice for young reporters. This edition includes a chapter on social media and is extensively updated throughout, with new content from Jemma Crew, an award-winning national news journalist.
The book emphasises that good journalism must involve the acquisition of a range of skills that will empower trainees to operate in an industry where ownership, technology and information are constantly changing. This handbook includes tips and tricks learned from working at the very top of the business, and is an invaluable guide to the 'universals' of good journalistic practice for professional and trainee journalists worldwide.
- Höfundur: David Randall
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-03-20
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780745343273
- Print ISBN: 9780745343259
- ISBN 10: 0745343279
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- 1. Journalism in an Age of Social Media
- Journalism and social media: the reality
- Building your brand
- Twitter as a news source
- Social media and public opinion
- How to survive being trolled
- Coronavirus, misinformation and social media
- Thinking time
- Filter bubbles
- 2. What Makes a Good Reporter?
- Attitudes
- Character
- Panel: How to impress editors
- Getting the right start
- 3. The Limitations of Journalism
- Owners’ priorities
- The journalistic culture
- Readers’ values
- Panel: Crime reporting
- 4. What is News?
- What is news?
- News values
- News value factors
- A sliding scale for stories
- Beauty and news values
- Fake news
- A word about good news
- 5. Where Do Good Stories Come From?
- The habits of successful reporters
- Getting out and about
- News editors
- Non-obvious sources
- Other productive areas
- Stories that good reporters avoid
- Panel: Humanitarian crises
- 6. Research
- What you should be looking for
- Where to get it
- Researching online
- Printed sources
- Research as a foreign correspondent
- Panel: Researching a feature
- 7. Handling Sources, Not Them Handling You
- Guidelines for dealing with any source
- Official sources
- Handling unauthorised sources
- Unattributable sources ‘off the record’
- 8. Questioning
- How to approach people
- The most useful questions in journalism
- Questioning uneasy sources
- Questioning elusive, evasive and hostile sources
- Questioning by email
- Press conferences
- Big name interviews
- Panel: Interviews that challenge the subject’s image
- 9. Reporting Numbers and Statistics
- Questioning data
- The uses and abuses of statistics
- Averages
- Distribution
- Percentages
- Per head
- Surveys
- Opinion polls
- Correlation
- Projections
- Real versus apparent rise
- Probability
- Phoney science
- 10. Investigative Reporting
- What is investigative reporting?
- Productive areas to investigate
- Investigative reporting skills
- Computer literacy
- How to run investigative operations
- Going undercover
- 11. How to Cover Major Incidents
- Case history: Hurricane Katrina, 2005
- How to make sure your coverage of a disaster doesn’t turn into one
- Death tolls
- The death call
- Professionalism under pressure
- Panel: Disaster reporting from multiple sources
- 12. Mistakes, Corrections and Hoaxes
- Mistakes
- How should you respond to mistakes?
- Great newspaper hoaxes
- 13. Ethics
- General guidelines
- Grey areas
- Privacy
- Paying for information or an interview
- Panel: A little ethical dilemma
- 14. Writing News and Features
- Planning
- Clarity
- Fresh language
- Honesty
- Precision
- Suitability
- Efficiency
- Fluency
- Revision
- Is writing for online different to writing for papers and magazines?
- The joys of writing
- Panel: The writing brain
- 15. Intros
- How to write sharp intros
- Hard news approach
- Other approaches
- A word about feature intros
- Panel: Intros and the value of detail
- 16. Construction and Description
- Construction guidelines
- Analysing story structures
- Payoffs
- Attribution
- Description
- Panel: An early lesson in description
- 17. Handling Quotes
- When do you use quotes?
- Accuracy
- Efficiency
- Attributing quotes
- Inventing quotes
- 18. Different Ways to Tell a Story
- Different approaches
- Colour pieces
- Backgrounders
- Analysis
- Vox pops
- Shooting video
- 19. Comment, Intentional and Otherwise
- Comment in news stories
- The big I
- Analysis
- Obituaries
- Leaders or editorial opinion pieces
- Columnists
- Reviews
- Panel: Travel writing for grown-ups
- Panel: Obituary news reports
- 20. How to Be a Great Reporter
- Hard work
- The application of intelligence
- Intellectual courage
- Meticulousness
- Consuming appetite for books
- A good knowledge of journalism’s past
- Obsessive nature
- Reading for Journalists
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5940
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379