The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade. New Preface and Epilogue with Updates on Economic Issues and Main Characters
2.290 kr.

Travels takes the reader on a fascinating journey from a Texas cotton field to a Shanghai factory and beyond, revealing the political and economic advantages that make success possible in a very competitive global marketplace. Because the story in the second edition ends in 2009, there is considerable interest from readers in knowing what has happened since that time. This book will contain epilogue that provides an update on both the people and the issues in each of the 4 sections of the book: Cotton Textile and apparel production Trade politics Used clothing.
- Höfundur: Pietra Rivoli
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2014-11-24
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118950159
- Print ISBN: 9781118950142
- ISBN 10: 1118950151
- Contents
- Preface
- Prologue
- Part I: King Cotton
- 1 How America Has Dominated the Global Cotton Industry for 200 Years
- 2 The History of American Cotton
- Keep the Fiddler Well-Supplied with Catgut
- Eli Meets a Venture Capitalist
- Where Was the Competition?
- All God’s Dangers Ain’t a White Man
- Cotton Factories Arrive in Texas
- 3 Back at the Reinsch Farm
- C.F. and Hattie Move West (and Bring a Tractor)
- White Guys Get All Draggy-Like
- Bureaucrats Push Out Sharecroppers
- Machines that Don’t Get All Discouraged
- Pick Your Weather
- The Reinsch Children Leave the Farm
- Old Enemies, New Friends
- Designer Genes
- Back to Nature or Forward to the Future?
- 4 All God’s Dangers Ain’t the Subsidies
- Backward to Seed and Forward to Denim: Farmer Profits at Every Step
- No More Handfuls
- All This and Subsidies, Too
- Pretty Pigs
- No Lipstick for Africa
- Where Is the Competition?
- Vicious Circles
- Too Poor to Pollute
- Bt Cotton Comes to China
- The Worms Win
- 5 Cotton Comes to China
- The Chinese Wall
- Shanghai Number 36 Cotton Yarn Factory
- The Shanghai Brightness Number 3 Garment Factory
- 6 The Long Race to the Bottom
- Inventive Brits versus Thrifty Chinamen
- Help Wanted: Docile and Desperate Preferred
- 7 Sisters in Time
- Docility on a Leash
- Sure Beats the Farm
- and Dell Arrive at the Mill
- 8 The Unwitting Conspiracy
- Writing the Rules of the Race
- Activists Raise the Bottom, 1780---2008
- Back at Georgetown, Bored Is Good
- Bad for Boy Rats
- Trade: Friend or Foe of the Planet?
- The China Challenge
- The Race Moves On
- 9 Returning to America
- Chinese T-Shirts Versus American Jobs
- A Taste of the (Crazy) Rules in 2008
- 10 Dogs Snarling Together
- Auggie Goes to Washington
- Making Deals and Making Exceptions
- 1985 to 1990: The Seed-to-Shirt Coalition
- Snarling Back
- Gone On Long Enough
- The Slow Unraveling
- 11 Perverse Effects and Unintended Consequences of T-Shirt Trade Policy
- No More Doffers
- Own Worst Enemy
- Friends with Benefits
- Wal-Mart Backs Musharraf
- Race to the Quotas
- Auggie and Aristotle Versus Wal-Mart
- Creative Destruction
- Whither the Dinosaurs?
- (Unintended) Winners
- 12 45 Years of ‘‘Temporary’’ Protectionism End in 2009-----Now What?
- The Big Bang
- The Big Wink and Nod
- A Sigh of Relief
- What’s Next?
- Friends and Enemies, 2008
- Obama’s Wink
- Try This New Underwear
- 13 Where T-Shirts Go after the Salvation Army Bin
- Meet Me in the Parking Lot
- Panning for Gold in New Jersey
- T-Shirts in the Afterlife
- 14 How Small Entrepreneurs Clothe East Africa with Old American T-Shirts
- Mitumba Nation
- Two for a Penny
- Panning for Gold in Tanzania
- Finding Geofrey
- Too Big for Used Britches
- 15 Mitumba: Friend or Foe to Africa?
- Shadowy Middlemen and Economic Democracy
- Don’t Look Now, but China Is Behind You
- I: American Cotton Is Still King
- Cotton Subsidies Redux
- What About Africa?
- West Texas Wind
- What’s Next?
- II: The Race to the Bottom Speeds Up
- Fast Fashion and Factory Fires
- Activists, Workers, and Governments Respond
- The Cops Are Just Not There
- III: The Alphabet Armies March On
- From Quotas to Trade Agreements
- Unintended Consequences All Over Again
- IV: Competition Heats Up in the Used Clothing Business
- Used Clothing Entrepreneurs Discover Politics
- Mitumba in East Africa
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11519
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 379