Plate tectonics is a revolutionary theory on a par with modern genetics. Yet, apart from the frequent use of clichés such as 'tectonic shift' by economists, journalists, and politicians, the science itself is rarely mentioned and poorly understood. This book explains modern plate tectonics in a non-technical manner, showing not only how it accounts for phenomena such as great earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, but also how it controls conditions at the Earth's surface, including global geography and climate.
The book presents the advances that have been made since the establishment of plate tectonics in the 1960s, highlighting, on the 50th anniversary of the theory, the contributions of a small number of scientists who have never been widely recognized for their discoveries. Beginning with the publication of a short article in Nature by Vine and Matthews, the book traces the development of plate tectonics through two generations of the theory.
First generation plate tectonics covers the exciting scientific revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, its heroes and its villains. The second generation includes the rapid expansions in sonar, satellite, and seismic technologies during the 1980s and 1990s that provided a truly global view of the plates and their motions, and an appreciation of the role of the plates within the Earth 'system'. The final chapter bring us to the cutting edge of the science, and the latest results from studies using technologies such as seismic tomography and high-pressure mineral physics to probe the deep interior.
- Höfundur: Roy Livermore
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-03-23
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780191027697
- Print ISBN: 9780191027680
- ISBN 10: 0191027693
- Cover page
- Halftitle page
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Note on the Title of this Book
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- Dedication page
- Introduction
- Part I: First Generation
- 1. Probably the Best Theory on Earth
- The Year Plate Tectonics Began
- Out of the Way, You Swine!
- Pillow Talk
- Snakestones and Steinmann’s Trinity
- A Decade of Dreams
- Fame at Last!
- Infinite Onions
- Afterthought
- 2. The Paving Stone Theory of World Tectonics
- Sea-Floor Spreading Transformed
- Plates in the Round
- Forward to the Past
- Pipes to the Deep Mantle
- Fit or Bust
- The Origin
- Made in the USA
- Don’t Schoot the Messenger!
- Maggot
- Afterthought
- 3. Poles Apart
- French Letter
- Core Science
- Reversals
- Fatal Attraction
- Mad Rise
- Ken and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
- Getting the Drift
- Indian Summer
- Earlier Reconstructions
- Climate of Opinion
- The Exception
- Afterthought
- 4. Plate Tectonics by Jerks
- Cold Snaps
- Deep and Deeper
- Gutenberg’s Bible
- The Diving Dutchman
- Finding Fault
- Going Down
- Out of the Arc
- More Surprises
- Belts and Traces
- Push-ups
- Afterthought
- 5. Plate Tectonics by Creeps
- Disturbing Matter
- Weighty Arguments
- More Depressing Thoughts
- Solid Evidence
- Getting Warm
- Holmes Solves the Mystery
- His Last Bow
- Pitch Fever
- Convection Turned Upside-Down
- Afterthought
- 1. Probably the Best Theory on Earth
- 6. Scum of the Earth
- Land Ahoy!
- Suspect Terminology
- Subduction Factories
- Dropping Off
- Thick LIPs
- There and Back Again
- The Reckoning
- Afterthought
- 7. Continents and Supercontinents
- Collision Course
- Everything Flows
- Breaking-Up Is Hard to Do
- Pangea Puzzles
- Outside-In
- Growing Pains
- Zircons Are Forever
- Industrial Revolution
- Afterthought
- 8. All at Sea
- Slumbering Giant
- Sound Science
- Of Ships Sailing the Seas
- Fabric of the Oceans
- Faultless
- Tubeworm Barbeque
- Secret Chambers
- Megamullions
- Remote Ridges
- Making Space
- Going Global
- Afterthought
- 9. Chilling Out
- A Foreign Country
- Supercomputers
- Proxy Science
- The Floodgates Open
- Global Coiling
- It’s a Gas
- Rise and Fall
- Ultimate Causes
- Afterthought
- 10. Ups and Downs
- Inner Space
- Middle Earth
- Rock Bottom
- A Riddle Wrapped in a Crystal Inside a Diamond
- Putting a Spin on It
- One Lump or Two?
- Thinking Inside the Box
- Slab Graveyards
- Piles on the Bottom
- Lowest of the Low
- The Anti-Crust
- Death Warmed Up
- Core Issues
- Plumatics and Crackpots
- Afterthought
- 11. The Final Frontier
- The LIPs of Venus
- Keeping a Lid on It
- It Cracks Me Up
- Other Earths
- Size Matters, or Maybe Not
- In the Beginning
- Consensus, of Sorts
- Summing Up
- What Has Plate Tectonics Ever Done for Us?
- Afterthoughts
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14611
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379