The Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience

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Reflecting recent changes in the way cognition and the brain are studied, this thoroughly updated third edition of the best-selling textbook provides a comprehensive and student-friendly guide to cognitive neuroscience. Jamie Ward provides an easy-to-follow introduction to neural structure and function, as well as all the key methods and procedures of cognitive neuroscience, with a view to helping students understand how they can be used to shed light on the neural basis of cognition.
The book presents an up-to-date overview of the latest theories and findings in all the key topics in cognitive neuroscience, including vision, memory, speech and language, hearing, numeracy, executive function, social and emotional behaviour and developmental neuroscience, as well as a new chapter on attention. Throughout, case studies, newspaper reports and everyday examples are used to help students understand the more challenging ideas that underpin the subject.
In addition each chapter includes: Summaries of key terms and points Example essay questions Recommended further reading Feature boxes exploring interesting and popular questions and their implications for the subject. Written in an engaging style by a leading researcher in the field, and presented in full-color including numerous illustrative materials, this book will be invaluable as a core text for undergraduate modules in cognitive neuroscience.
Reflecting recent changes in the way cognition and the brain are studied, this thoroughly updated fourth edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive and student-friendly guide to cognitive neuroscience. Jamie Ward provides an easy-to-follow introduction to neural structure and function, as well as all the key methods and procedures of cognitive neuroscience, with a view to helping students understand how they can be used to shed light on the neural basis of cognition.
The book presents a comprehensive overview of the latest theories and findings in all the key topics in cognitive neuroscience, including vision, hearing, attention, memory, speech and language, numeracy, executive function, social and emotional behavior and developmental neuroscience. Throughout, case studies, newspaper reports, everyday examples and studentfriendly pedagogy are used to help students understand the more challenging ideas that underpin the subject.
New to this edition: Increased focus on the impact of genetics on cognition New coverage of the cutting-edge field of connectomics Coverage of the latest research tools including tES and fNIRS and new methodologies such as multi-voxel pattern analysis in fMRI research Additional content is also included on network versus modular approaches, brain mechanisms of hand-eye coordination, neurobiological models of speech perception and production and recent models of anterior cingulate function.
Written in an engaging style by a leading researcher in the field and presented in full color including numerous illustrative materials, this book will be invaluable as a core text for undergraduate modules in cognitive neuroscience. It can also be used as a key text on courses in cognition, cognitive neuropsychology, biopsychology or brain and behavior. Those embarking on research will find it an invaluable starting point and reference.
- Höfundur: Jamie Ward
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-12-06
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781351035163
- Print ISBN: 9781138490543
- ISBN 10: 1351035169
- Cover Page
- Half Title Page
- The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- About the author
- Preface to the fourth edition
- 1 Introducing cognitive neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuroscience in Historical Perspective
- Philosophical approaches to mind and brain
- Scientific approaches to mind and brain
- The birth of cognitive neuroscience
- Does Cognitive Psychology Need the Brain?
- Does Neuroscience Need Cognitive Psychology?
- From Modules to Networks
- Cognitive Neuroscience in Historical Perspective
- 2 Introducing the brain
- Structure and Function of the Neuron
- Electrical signaling and the action potential
- Chemical signaling and the postsynaptic neuron
- How do neurons code information?
- The Gross Organization of the Brain
- Gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid
- A hierarchical view of the central nervous system
- Terms of reference and section
- The Cerebral Cortex
- The Subcortex
- The basal ganglia
- The limbic system
- The diencephalon
- The Midbrain And Hindbrain
- Structure and Function of the Neuron
- 3 The electrophysiological brain
- In search of neural representations: single-cell recordings
- How are single-cell recordings obtained?
- Distributed versus sparse coding
- Evaluation
- Electroencephalography and Eevent-Related Potentials
- How does EEG work?
- Event-related potentials (ERPs)
- Rhythmic oscillations in the EEG signal
- Mental Chronometry in Electrophysiology and Cognitive Psychology
- Investigating face processing with ERPs and reaction times
- Endogenous and exogenous ERP components
- The spatial resolution of ERPs
- Evaluation
- Magnetoencephalography
- In search of neural representations: single-cell recordings
- 4 The imaged brain
- Structural Imaging
- Computerized tomography
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- MRI physics for non-physicists
- Functional Imaging
- Basic physiology underpinning functional imaging
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging
- Functional near infrared spectroscopy
- From Image to Cognitive Theory: Experimental Design
- An example of cognitive subtraction methodology
- Problems with cognitive subtraction
- Cognitive conjunctions and factorial designs
- Parametric designs
- Functional integration: measuring networks in the brain
- Analyzing Data From Functional Imaging
- Correction for head movement
- Stereotactic normalization
- Smoothing
- Statistical comparison
- Interpreting Data From Functional Imaging
- Inhibition versus excitation
- Activation versus deactivation
- Necessity versus sufficiency
- Why do Functional Imaging Data Sometimes Disagree With Lesion Data?
- Having your cake and eating it
- Brain-Reading: is “Big Brother” Round the Corner?
- Evaluation
- Structural Imaging
- 5 The lesioned brain and stimulated brain
- Dissociations and associations in neuropsychology
- Single-Case Studies in Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Caramazza’s assumptions for theorizing in cognitive neuropsychology
- The case for single-case studies
- Evaluation
- Group Studies and Lesion-Deficit Analysis in Neuropsychology
- Ways of grouping patients
- Caveats and complications
- Evaluation
- Animal Models in Neuropsychology
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
- How does TMS work?
- The “virtual lesion”
- Using TMS to study functional integration
- Practical aspects of using TMS
- Timing issues—repetitive or single pulse?
- How to hit the spot?
- What is the appropriate control condition?
- Evaluation
- Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES)
- Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
- Transcranial alternating current and random noise stimulation (tACS, tRNS)
- Evaluation
- Structural Development of the Brain
- Prenatal development
- Postnatal development
- Evaluation
- Functional Development of the Brain
- Functional brain plasticity in rewired brains
- Critical and sensitive periods in development
- Innate knowledge?
- Evaluation
- Nature and Nurture of Individual Differences
- Twin studies and adoption studies
- Heritability estimates of brain and behavior
- Linking genetic differences to brain and behavior
- Mechanisms for gene–environment interplay
- Epigenetics
- Gene–environment correlations (rGE)
- Gene–environment interactions (G x E)
- Evaluation
- From Eye To Brain
- The retina
- The primary visual cortex and geniculostriate pathway
- Cortical and non-cortical routes to seeing
- Evaluation
- Cortical Blindness and “Blindsight”
- Functional Specialization of the Visual Cortex Beyond V1
- V4: the main color center of the brain
- V5/MT: the main movement center of the brain
- Evaluation
- Recognizing Objects
- Parts and wholes: gestalt grouping principles
- Case HJA: seeing the parts but not the whole
- Accessing structural descriptions: object constancy
- Category specificity in visual object recognition?
- Recognizing Faces
- Models of face processing
- Evidence that faces are special
- Why are faces special?
- Task difficulty
- Holistic versus part-based perceptual processing
- Visual expertise at within-category discrimination
- Faces are a distinct category
- Evaluation
- Vision Imagined
- The nature of sound
- From ear to brain
- Basic Processing Of Auditory Information
- Feature processing in the auditory cortex
- “What” versus “where”
- Auditory memory and auditory stream segregation
- Evaluation
- Music Perception
- Memory for tunes
- Rhythm
- Pitch
- Melody and musical syntax
- Timbre
- Music and emotion
- Voice Perception
- Speech Perception
- The nature of the speech signal
- The motor theory of speech perception
- Auditory ventral and dorsal routes for “what” and “how”
- Spatial and Non-Spatial Attentional Process
- The Role of the Frontoparietal Network in Attention
- The “where” pathway, salience maps and orienting of attention
- Hemispheric differences in parietal lobe contributions to attention
- The relationship between attention, perception and awareness
- Evaluation
- Theories of Attention
- Feature integration theory
- Biased competition theory
- The premotor theory of attention
- Evaluation
- Neglect as a Disorder of Spatial Attention and Awareness
- Characteristics of neglect
- Neglect and the relationship between attention, perception and awareness
- Different types of neglect and different types of space
- Perceptual versus representational neglect
- Near versus far space
- Personal and peripersonal space
- Within objects versus between objects (or object-based versus space-based)
- Evaluation
- A Basic Cognitive Framework for Movement and Action
- The Role of the Frontal Lobes in Movement and Action
- Primary motor cortex
- Frontal eye fields
- Lateral and medial premotor cortex
- Prefrontal contributions to action
- Evaluation
- Ownership and Awareness of Actions
- Evaluation
- Action Comprehension and Imitation
- Mirror neurons
- Acting on Objects
- “What” versus “how”: the dorsal and ventral streams reconsidered
- Neural mechanisms of sensorimotor transformation
- Evaluation
- Fronto-Striatal and Cerebellar Networks in Action
- Role of subcortical structures in movement and action
- Hypokinetic disorders of the basal ganglia: Parkinson's disease
- Hyperkinetic disorders of the basal ganglia: Huntington's disease and Tourette's syndrome
- Evaluation
- Short-Term and Working Memory
- Models of STM and working memory
- Phonological short-term memory
- Visuo-spatial short-term memory
- Evaluation
- Different Types of Long-Term Memory
- Amnesia
- Preserved and impaired memory in amnesia
- Episodic memory
- Short-term memory
- Procedural and perceptual (implicit) memory
- Semantic memory
- Accounting for the memory deficits in amnesia
- Evaluation
- Preserved and impaired memory in amnesia
- Functions of the Hippocampus and Medial Temporal Lobes in Memory
- Consolidation
- Multiple-trace theory/trace transformation theory
- Cognitive map theory
- Evaluation
- Theories of remembering, knowing and forgetting
- Recall versus recognition and familiarity versus recollection
- Why do we forget things?
- Memory distortions and false memories
- The role of the prefrontal cortex in long-term memory
- Memory encoding
- Monitoring and memory retrieval
- Experiential states
- Source monitoring
- Memory for temporal context
- Evaluation
- Spoken Word Recognition
- What are the access units for auditory word forms?
- The cohort model
- Word recognition in context: the N400
- Evaluation
- Semantic Memory and the Meaning of Words
- Is semantic memory organized hierarchically?
- Is semantic memory amodal or grounded?
- Category specificity in semantic knowledge: innate or emergent property?
- Evaluation
- Understanding and Producing Sentences
- The role of Broca's area in sentence processing
- Is syntax independent from semantics?
- Is syntax independent from working memory?
- Evaluation
- Retrieving and Producing Spoken Words
- Studies of speech errors
- Different stages in spoken word retrieval
- Articulation: closing the communication loop
- Visual word recognition
- Cognitive mechanisms of visual word recognition
- The visual word form area (VWFA)
- Pure alexia or “letter-by-letter” reading
- Evaluation
- Reading Aloud: Routes From Spelling to Sound
- Profiles of acquired central dyslexias
- Developmental dyslexia
- What has functional imaging revealed about the existence of multiple routes?
- Inferior frontal lobe (Broca's area, BA44 and BA45)
- Inferior parietal lobe
- Anterior and mid-temporal lobe
- Is the same reading system universal across languages?
- Evaluation
- Spelling and Writing
- A model of spelling and writing
- The graphemic buffer
- Output processes in writing and oral spelling
- Does Spelling Use the Same Mechanisms as Reading?
- Evaluation
- Universal Numeracy?
- Infants
- The unschooled
- Cavemen
- Other species
- Infants
- Processing nonsymbolic numbers: collections and quantities
- Processing number symbols: digits and words
- Neural substrates of number meaning
- Is number meaning discrete or continuous?
- What is the relationship between numbers and space?
- Evaluation
- Base-10 units or mental number line
- Calculation: multiplication, addition, subtraction and division
- Transcoding: reading, writing and saying numbers
- Evaluation
- Anatomical and Functional Divisions Of The Prefrontal Cortex
- Executive Functions in Practice
- Working memory
- Task-setting and problem-solving
- Overcoming potent or habitual responses
- Task-switching
- Multi-tasking
- Evaluation
- The Organization of Executive Functions
- “Hot” versus “cold” control processes
- The multiple-demand network
- A posterior-to-anterior organization?
- Hemispheric differences
- Evaluation
- The Role of the Anterior Cingulate in Executive Functions
- Theories of Emotion
- Darwin and Freud
- James–Lange and Cannon–Bard
- Papez circuit and the limbic brain
- Contemporary views of emotion: categories, dimensions and appraisals
- Evaluation
- Neural Substrates of Emotion Processing
- The amygdala: fear and other emotions
- The insula: disgust and interoception
- Orbitofrontal cortex: contextualized emotions and emotional feelings
- Anterior cingulate: response evaluation, autonomic responses and pain
- Ventral striatum and reward
- Evaluation
- Reading Faces
- Recognizing facial expressions
- Detecting and utilizing eye gaze information
- Evaluation
- Understanding Other Minds
- Empathy, mirroring and simulation theory
- Mind-reading in autism
- Neural basis of theory of mind
- Temporal poles
- Medial prefrontal cortex
- Temporoparietal junction (TPJ)
- Evaluation
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5984
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380