“This excellent survey. . . spans the rise and fall of the Greco-Roman world. This conversational yet erudite history is a treat. ” (Publishers Weekly, starred review) The magnificent civilization created by the ancient Greeks and Romans is the greatest legacy of the classical world. However, narratives about the “civilized” Greek and Roman empires resisting the barbarians at the gate are far from accurate.
Tony Spawforth, an esteemed scholar, author, and BBC presenter, follows the thread of civilization through more than six millennia of history. His story reveals that Greek and Roman civilization, to varying degrees, was surprisingly receptive to external influences, particularly from the East. From the rise of the Mycenaean world of the sixteenth century B. C. , Spawforth traces a path through the ancient Aegean to the zenith of the Hellenic state and the rise of the Roman Empire, the coming of Christianity, and the consequences of the first caliphate.
Deeply informed, provocative, and entirely fresh, this is the first and only accessible work that tells the extraordinary story of the classical world in its entirety. “A welcome survey of the two greatest powers in the ancient Mediterranean world and their bound destinies. ” —Kirkus Reviews “A sweeping, beautifully written story. . . . With Spawforth as our guide, we grasp a world less of myths and superheroes than of people who really lived.
- Höfundur: Tony Spawforth
- Útgáfudagur: 06-11-2018
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780300241105
- Print ISBN: 9780300217117
- ISBN 10: 0300241100
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of Maps and Plates
- Acknowledgements
- Plates
- Prologue The Wild and the Tamed: Ancient Views of Civilization
- Part I The Greeks
- 1 The Dawn of Greek Civilization
- 2 The Rise of the Hellenes
- 3 New Things: The First Greek City-States
- 4 As Rich as Croesus: Early Greeks and the East
- 5 Great Greeks: The Greek Settlement of the West
- 6 Meet the (Western) Neighbours
- 7 ‘Lord of All Men’? The Threat of Persia
- 8 The Same but Different: Athens and Sparta
- 9 ‘Unprecedented Suffering’? The Peloponnesian War
- 10 Examined Lives and Golden Mouths
- 11 ‘A Brilliant Flash of Lightning’: Alexander of Macedon
- 12 Game of Thrones, or the World after Alexander
- Part II The Romans
- 13 ‘Senatus Populusque Romanus’
- 14 Boots on the Ground: Building the Roman Empire
- 15 Hail Caesar! The Advent of the Autocrats
- 16 ‘Fierce Rome, Captive’? The Lure of Greece
- 17 What Did the Romans Do for Their Empire?
- 18 ‘Barbarians’ at the Gate
- 19 The ‘Jesus Movement’
- 20 United We Stand: The Final Century
- 21 Divided We Fall: A Tale of Two Empires
- Epilogue
- Timeline
- Notes
- Further Reading
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 13335
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379