This stimulating book has become a go-to text for understanding the role that social factors play in the experience of health and many diseases. This extensively revised and updated third edition offers the most compelling case yet that stress, poverty, unhealthy lifestyles, and unpleasant living and working conditions can all be directly associated with illness. The book continues to build on the paradigm shift that has been emerging in twenty-first-century medical sociology, which looks beyond individual explanations for health and disease.
As the field has headed toward a fundamentally different orientation, William Cockerham’s work has been at the forefront of these changes, and he here marshals evidence and theory for those seeking a clear and authoritative guide to the realities of the social determinants of health. Of particular note in the latest edition is new material on the relationship between gender and health, implications of the life course for health behavior, the health effects of social capital, and the emergence of COVID-19.
- Höfundur: William C. Cockerham
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 28-01-2021
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781509540372
- Print ISBN: 9781509540358
- ISBN 10: 1509540377
- Cover
- Dedication
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Preface
- 1 The Social Causation of Health and Disease
- Coronavirus
- Smoking
- The Biomedical Model
- Elements of Proof
- Diabetes
- Social Determinants of Disease: Fundamental Cause Theory
- Measuring Structural Effects
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 2 Theorizing about Health and Disease
- The Rise and Fall of Structural-Functionalism
- The Fall of Conflict Theory and Repackaging of Marxism
- The Rise of the Agency-Oriented Paradigm
- American Medical Sociology
- British Medical Sociology
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 3 Health Lifestyles
- Lifestyle: Health as an Achievement
- Methodological Individualism in Health Lifestyle Research
- The Agency–Structure Debate
- Health Lifestyle Theory
- Class circumstances
- Age, gender, and race/ethnicity
- Collectivities
- Living conditions
- Socialization and experience
- Life choices (agency)
- Life chances (structure)
- Choice and chance interplay
- Dispositions to act (habitus)
- Completing the model
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 4 The Power of Class
- Class and Heart Attack Survival
- Class Structure and its Components
- Class schemes
- Weber: status groups
- The End of Class?
- The Social Gradient in Mortality
- Confirming the Relationship
- Medical Care as an Intervening Variable?
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 5 Class and Health: Explaining the Relationship
- Class, Health, and Medical Care in the United States
- Class, Health, and Medical Care in the United Kingdom
- Stress
- Income Inequality
- Culture
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Conclusion: Social Causation or Social Selection?
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 6 Age
- Age Stratification Theory
- Life Course Theory
- Cohort Effects of Age
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 7 Gender
- The Gender Health and Mortality Paradox
- Gender Differences in Physical and Mental Health
- Gender Differences in Health Practices
- LGBT Health
- Another Look at Smoking
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 8 Race and Ethnicity
- Ethnicity
- Race and Physical Health
- Hispanics and Immigration
- Racism as a Fundamental Cause
- Race and Health in Britain
- Race and Mental Health
- Summary
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 9 Living Conditions and Neighborhood Disadvantage
- Unhealthy Places
- Health and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Britain
- Physical Health and Neighborhood Disadvantage in the US
- Mental Health and Neighborhood Disadvantage in the US
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- 10 Health and Social Capital
- Robert Putnam: Bowling Alone
- Nan Lin: Social Capital as Structure
- Pierre Bourdieu: A Social Form of Capital
- Robert Sampson: Collective Efficacy
- Research Applications of Social Capital
- Conclusion
- Critical Thinking Questions
- Suggested Further Reading
- Concluding Remarks
- The Return of Structure
- Structure–Agency Interface
- Policy Implications
- Conclusion
- References
- Name Index
- Subject Index
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5663
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 379