The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing
8.290 kr.

The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing is a comprehensive and cutting-edge work providing the latest insights into a range of perspectives on organizational wellbeing, as well as highlighting global wellbeing issues and exploring new contexts. Topics covered include: digital working and social media, LGBTQIA+ identifications and work, suicide at work, refugee workers, and mental health. A multi- and inter-disciplinary work, this handbook embraces ideas and empirical work from a range of fields including psychology, business and management, economics, and science.
- Höfundur: Tony Wall
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-04-14
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529760965
- Print ISBN: 9781529704860
- ISBN 10: 1529760968
- List of Figures and Tables
- Notes on the Editors and Contributors
- 1 Organizational Wellbeing: An Introduction and Future Directions
- Part I: Theoretical Perspectives
- 2 Understanding the Cost of Mental Health at Work: An Integrative Framework
- 3 Personality, Wellbeing and Wellbeing Interventions
- 4 Wellbeing and Age in Organizational Life
- 5 Emotions and Wellbeing at Work: A Multilevel Perspective
- 6 Requesting and Receiving Supervisor Support and the Implications for Organizational Wellbeing
- 7 Wellbeing and Work–Life Boundaries/Interfaces
- 8 Social Capital and Wellbeing: The Role of Work and Family Relations across Cultures
- 9 Social Movements and Wellbeing in Organizations from Multilevel and Intersectional Perspectives: The Case of the #blacklivesmatter Movement
- 10 Organizational Resilience: Complex, Multisystemic Processes during Periods of Stress
- Part II: International Issues and Contexts
- 11 Virtual Work, Technology and Wellbeing
- 12 Intentions behind the Use of Social Network Sites and their Association with Employees’ Job Performance and Wellbeing
- 13 Intrapreneurship and Wellbeing in Organizations
- 14 Entrepreneurs’ Psychological Wellbeing
- 15 Mergers, Acquisitions and Wellbeing in Organizational Life: The Critical Role of Human Resources
- 16 Managing Presenteeism to Optimize Health and Performance
- 17 LGBTQIA Identities and Organizational Wellbeing
- 18 Preventing Suicide in the Workplace
- 19 Grief in the Workplace
- 20 Employee Wellbeing in Post-Disaster Settings
- 21 Humanizing Work: Occupational Mental Health of Humanitarian Aid Workers
- Part III: Developing Organizational Wellbeing
- 22 Workplace Interventions: Individual, Team, Organizational
- 23 The Three Pillars of Mental Health in the Workplace: Prevention, Intervention and Accommodation
- 24 National Approaches to Wellbeing Interventions: The UK Management Standards as an Example
- 25 National Arts and Wellbeing Policies and Implications for Wellbeing in Organizational Life
- 26 Nudge Theory Applied to Wellbeing at Work
- 27 Applications of Neuroscience to Improve Wellbeing in Organizational Life
- 28 Psychologically Informed Coaching Interventions and Workplace Wellbeing
- Part IV: Emerging Issues and Directions
- 29 Creative-reflective Inquiries and Wellbeing in Organizations
- 30 Measuring Wellbeing in Organizational Contexts
- 31 Evaluating Multicomponent Wellbeing Strategies: Theoretical and Methodological Insights
- 32 Indigenous Peoples’ Perspectives and Wellbeing in Organizational Life
- 33 Play and Wellbeing at Work
- 34 Creative Practices for Wellbeing in Organizations: An Emerging Scholarship of Practice Framework
- 35 Micro-activism and Wellbeing: 1,000s of Snowflakes and the Potential Avalanche
- 36 Workers’ Resistance in Defense of Wellbeing in Contemporary Organizations
- 37 Spiritual Wellbeing in Organizations
- 38 Posthumanism and Wellbeing in the Workplace
- 39 Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Robots and Wellbeing in Organizational Life
- 40 International and National Standards in Health, Safety and Wellbeing
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8976
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380