Turbulent times. Economic disruptions. Pandemics, wars and civil strife. Hidden and secret cabals. Global elites. Mysterious symbols. Missing money. Surveillance and microchips. Where is the world heading? Just who has control, and what are their goals? While we are assured by our leaders that global treaties and international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and United Nations are wholly benign and beneficial in nature, are they actually the foundation for an authoritarian world government? Are powerful cabals and front organizations orchestrating political and financial events in a nefarious attempt destroy individual nations and achieve world domination? Uncovering the hidden power and the inner workings behind more than 200 events, organizations, people, symbols, pop-cultural references, and other examples underlying suspicions of the looming New World Order, The New World Order Book reveals and uncovers the truth behind the disconcerting reasons for the rapidly expanding militarization of the police; the increase in doctors prescribing mood-changing drugs to the nation’s children; the manipulative actions of the Illuminati and the Freemasons; population control; the surveillance of social media, emails, and phone calls; Project Blue Beam: an alleged, top secret program to create a faked alien invasion; the rise of a so-called Fourth Reich; the further expansion of the Patriot Act; suspicious deaths; “end times” scenarios; banking elites; and the microchipping and tracking of the human population; to name just a few.
It takes a compelling look at 7/7; 9/11; Anthrax Attack; Bohemian Grove; Brexit; Bretton Woods System; Charlie Hebdo; China’s Influence; Climate Change; Department of Homeland Security; Donald Trump and the NWO; Edward Snowden; European Union; FEMA Detention Camps; Flow of Immigrants; Fourth Reich; Freedom of Information Act Erosion; Freemasonry; Hackers; ISIS; Malta Conference; Manchurian Candidates; Mass Surveillance; Media Manipulation; Medicating the Population; Microchips for People; Mind Control; National Security Agency; No Fly List; Patriot Act; Rise of Russia; Skull and Bones; Spying via a Laptop’s Camera; Surveillance Cameras; Terror Alerts; Tightening Gun Laws; Tor Project; Trilateral Commission; U.
K. Independence Party; United Nations; Vatican; Whistleblowers; Wikileaks; Wiretapping; World Bank Group; Your Smart TV is Spying; Zika Virus; and much, much more…. Tracing the power and destructive effects of the global elite and their plots, The New World Order Book exposes their unpleasant reach into the daily operations of today’s world. It also includes a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness.
- Höfundur: Nick Redfern
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-10-01
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781578596690
- Print ISBN: 9781578596157
- ISBN 10: 1578596696
- Front Cover
- Title Page
- Contents
- Photo Sources
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- A
- Alchemy
- Alzheimer’s
- American Vision
- Anthrax Attack
- Anti-Globalization Movement
- Area 51
- Assange, Julian
- Avian Flu
- B
- Banking Deaths
- Barcoding the Population
- Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act
- Bilderberg Group
- Bilderberg’s Role in the New World Order
- bin Laden, Osama
- Biochips
- Black Helicopters
- Blair, Tony
- Bohemian Club
- Bohemian Grove Secrecy
- Border Closings
- Brave New World
- Bretton Woods System
- Brexit
- Bush, George H. W., 1990 Speech
- Bush, George H. W., 1991 Speech
- Bush, Jeb
- C
- Cashless Society
- Chemtrails
- China
- Civil Unrest
- Climate Change
- Clinton, Hillary
- Club of Rome
- Cold War Statements
- Coleman, Dr. John
- Collins Elite
- Committee of 300
- Council for National Policy
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Count of St. Germain
- Coup d’Etat
- Curfews
- D
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- Denver Airport
- Department of Homeland Security
- Diana, Princess of Wales’s Death
- Dick, Philip K., and the Nazi Plot
- Dirty Bomb
- Disarming the United States
- Doctors’ Deaths
- Dugway Proving Ground
- Dumbing Down the Population
- E
- Ebola
- Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union
- Electromagnetic Pulse Disaster
- Eschatology
- European Union
- Experiments on the Brain
- Extraterrestrial New World Order
- F
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Federalism
- Five Eyes
- Fluoride
- Fort Detrick
- Fourth Reich
- Freedom of Information Act Erosion
- Freemasons
- G–H
- Goff, Kenneth
- Gorbachev, Mikhail
- Government Communications Headquarters
- “Harrison Bergeron”
- Hicks, Fredereick C.
- Homeschooling
- Human Replacements
- The Hunger Games
- I
- Illuminati
- Illuminati and the New World Order
- Immortality for the Elite
- Insect Drones
- Internet Censoring
- Internet Sabotage
- iPhone Spying
- J–K
- John Birch Society
- Journalism at Risk
- Kelly, David
- Kennedy, John F., Assassination
- Kennedy, Robert F.
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Kissinger, Henry
- L–M
- Lederberg, Joshua
- Lennon, John, Murder
- Library Spying
- Marconi Electric Systems
- Martial Law
- Men in Black
- Microbiologist Deaths
- Microchips
- Militarization of the Police
- Mind Control
- Mind Manipulation
- MKDelta
- MKNaomi
- Monatomic Gold Powder
- Monroe, Marilyn
- Mood-altering Drugs
- Mr. Robot
- N
- New World Order in the 1990s
- 9/11
- 1984
- None Dare Call It Conspiracy
- Nuclear Winter
- O
- Obesity
- Octopus
- Off the Grid
- One World Currency
- Origins of the New World Order
- Orwellian
- Overpopulation
- P
- Patriot Act
- Pearl Harbor and the New World Order Parallels
- Perpetual War
- Pine Gap
- Population Culling
- PRISM Program
- Project Blue Beam
- Project for the New American Century
- Putin, Trump, and the New World Order
- R
- Rabies
- RAND Corporation
- Reagan’s View of a World United by UFOs
- Religion
- Report from Iron Mountain
- Reptilians
- Reptilians and Sex
- Restore the Fourth
- Revelations
- Rex 84
- Rh Negatives
- Robertson, Pat
- Roswell
- S
- Sanders, Bernie
- 7/7
- The Singularity and Artificial Evolution
- Skull and Bones
- Smart TV Spies
- Snowden, Edward
- Social Security Administration Arms Purchases
- Spanish Flu Pandemic
- Spraying Cities
- Superviruses
- Survivalists
- T
- Talbott, Strobe
- Television
- Tor Project
- Tracking Your Online Purchases
- Trilateral Commission
- Trump, Donald
- Trump, Donald, Speech
- Trump’s New World Order
- Trump’s Wall
- 2016 Presidential Election Stolen
- 2030 Agenda
- U
- Ufologists and Spying
- UFOs in Ottawa
- UFOs of the New World Order
- UK Independence Party
- United Nations Army
- United Nations Population Plot
- U.S. Constitution Erosion
- U.S. Militia
- V
- V for Vendetta
- Veterans Today
- Viruses
- Voting Restrictions
- W–Z
- Wackenhut Corporation
- Walking Corpse Syndrome
- Walmart Conspiracy
- Watch Lists
- Water Control
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Weathermen
- Webcam Spying
- Webster, Nesta Helen
- Wells, H.G…
- WikiLeaks
- World Bank
- World Order
- World War III
- Zero Hour
- Further Reading
- Index
- About the Authors
- Also from Visible Ink Press
- Copyright
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10035
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 379