The Mediator's Handbook

The popular The Mediator's Handbook presents a time-tested, adaptable model for helping people work through conflict. Extensively revised to incorporate recent practice and thinking, the accessible manual format lays out a clear structure for new and occasional mediators while offering a detailed, nuanced resource for professionals. Starting with a new chapter on assessing conflict and bringing people to the table, the first section explains the process step by step, from opening conversations and exploring the situation through the phases of finding resolution—deciding on topics, reviewing options, and testing agreements.
The "Toolbox" section details the concepts and skills a mediator needs in order to: Understand the conflict Support the people Facilitate the process Guide decision-making Throughout the book, the emphasis is on what the mediator can do or say now , and on the underlying principles and core methods that can help the mediator make wise choices. Long a popular course textbook for high schools, universities, and training programs, The Mediator's Handbook is also a valued desk reference for professional mediators and a practical guide for managers, organizers, teachers, and anyone working with clients, customers, volunteers, committees, or teams.
Jennifer E. Beer, PhD , mediates organizational conflicts, facilitates meetings, and offers related workshops, regularly teaching a negotiation course at Wharton (University of Pennsylvania). Caroline C. Packard, JD led Friends Conflict Resolution Programs for fifteen years and is an organizational conflict response specialist and mediator based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Eileen Stief developed the mediation process presented in the Handbook , training a generation of mediators to work with community, multi-party, and environmental disputes.
- Höfundar: Jennifer E. Beer, Caroline C. Packard
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2012-11-13
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781550925166
- Print ISBN: 9780865717220
- ISBN 10: 1550925164
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Overview
- What is mediation?
- A useful tool
- What makes mediation work?
- The mediator’s role
- The anatomy of the mediation process
- The anatomy of a session
- Process-centered mediation
- Guiding principles
- Mediation terms
- Getting to the Table
- Can mediation help this situation?
- How people find a mediator
- Voluntary or mandatory?
- Initial conversations
- Do they want to participate?
- Defining the scope
- Approaching the other parties
- Should I be the mediator?
- Pre-mediation agreements and review
- Choosing a location
- The Mediation Session Part I: Exploring the Situation
- Preparing yourself, co-mediators
- Setting up
- Opening
- Opening: Welcome & warm-up
- Opening: Logistics
- Opening: Orientation
- Opening: Participants’ role, willingness
- Listening to Each Perspective
- The Exchange
- The Exchange: Facilitating
- The Exchange: Tasks & flow
- Clarify information
- Check out interpretations
- Listen for their concerns
- Example + impact
- Restate their interests
- Note other relevant interests
- Encourage empathy and reconciliation
- Transition to Reaching Resolution
- Separate Conversations
- Uses for Separate Conversations
- Breaking for Separate Conversations
- Separate Conversations: Template
- The Mediation Session Part II: Reaching Resolution
- Reaching Resolution
- Reaching Resolution: Sequence
- Topic List
- Topic List: Why it is crucial
- Topic List: Drafting
- Topic List: Wording
- Midpoint check-in
- Options
- Options: Together come up with ideas
- Options: Gut, interests, workability
- Options: Reality testing
- Decisions
- Decisions: Gut, interests, workability
- Decisions: Emotions, hesitations
- Writing the Agreement
- Writing the Agreement: Specifics
- Writing the Agreement: Positive framing
- Closing
- Afterwards: Wrapping up
- Multiple sessions
- Getting to the Table
- Understanding Conflict
- Disputes & conflicts
- Metaphors for understanding conflict
- The conflict core
- Common effects of conflict
- The pleasures of conflict
- When things heat up
- The way out is through
- The Conflict Triangle
- People, Process, Problem
- Which mode are you in?
- Supporting the People
- Supporting the people: Main skills
- Setting the tone
- Level of formality, taking notes
- Confidentiality in practice
- Giving your full attention
- Elements of full attention
- Acknowledging
- Handling judgmental remarks
- Protecting
- From adversarial mode to cooperative mode
- Avoid this Kettle of Fish
- Attending to comfort & accessibility
- Language and hearing difficulties
- Working with people in all their variety
- Finding commonalities
- Scenarios: Emotionally difficult situations
- Facilitating the Process
- Facilitating the process
- Impartial facilitation
- Structuring the session
- Structuring the discussion
- When you can be directive
- When to consult
- Keeping on track
- Crafting questions
- Crafting questions: Word with care
- Crafting questions: Spin it positive
- Crafting questions: Follow up for clarification
- Kinds of rewording
- Reflecting back
- Summarizing
- Summarizing: Its many uses
- Working visually
- When to intervene
- When to intervene: Stopping the momentum
- When to intervene: Slowing the process down
- Is it time to quit?
- Ending a mediation
- Scenarios: Facilitation challenges
- Solving the Problem
- Participants’ starting point: Power & rights
- Changing the “positions” mindset
- Interests
- Layers of interests
- Why interests matter
- Finding space for solutions
- Reframing
- Checking out (mis)interpretations
- Lies, perceptions, deceptions
- Plain description of facts and needs
- Flip it! Outcome-focused interests
- Tactful wording of interests and topics
- Summary of interests
- Topic List examples
- Eliciting ideas: Brainstorming
- Eliciting ideas: Opening up possibilities
- Can mediators suggest options?
- Visual aids for making decisions
- Types of resolution
- “Typical” or “good enough” resolutions
- What-ifs
- Fallbacks: Contingencies, uncertainties
- Step-down agreements: Smaller scope
- When there’s no agreement
- Final review: Workability
- Final review: Future
- Sample agreements
- Scenarios: problem-solving challenges
- Going Further
- Going further
- Adapting the process
- Mediating with children & teens
- Mediating across generations
- Mediating family conflicts
- Mediating employee conflicts
- Participant evaluation
- Mediator evaluation of a mediation
- Evaluating yourself
- The Handbook “soup pot”
- Authors & contributors
- Organizational support
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12635
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 379