This groundbreaking book addresses a critical aspect of the occupational therapy practice—the art and science of building effective therapeutic relationships with clients. A distinguished clinician, scientist, and educator, Renée Taylor, PhD, has defined a conceptual practice model, the Intentional Relationship Model , to identify how the client and the therapist each contribute to the unique interpersonal dynamic that becomes the therapeutic relationship.
She emphasizes how therapists must act deliberately, thoughtfully, and with vigilant anticipation of the challenges and breakthroughs that have the potential to influence the course of the relationship. In the 2nd Edition, Dr. Taylor adds extensively to the case content with examples ranging across the age and practice setting continuum. She introduces these clients in Chapter 1 and revisits them throughout the book to illustrate the application of the Intentional Relationship Model to a variegated mixture of common interpersonal challenges in occupational therapy practice.
- Höfundur: Renee R. Taylor
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-01-13
- Hægt að prenta út 25 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 25 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781719642507
- Print ISBN: 9780803669772
- ISBN 10: 1719642508
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Preface
- Contributors
- Reviewers
- Acknowledgments
- Contents
- Part I: Theoretical Foundations and Guidelines for Practice
- Chapter 1: Therapeutic Use of Self in Occupational Therapy: The Importance of Empathy and Intentionality
- Introduction
- Honoring Those We Serve: Client Snapshots
- Ken
- Ed
- Elliott
- Reagan
- Clients’ Underlying Experiences
- Therapists’ Underlying Experiences
- Honoring Those We Serve: Client Snapshots
- Empathy and Intentionality: Foundations for Occupational Therapy Practice
- Empathy: Roots in Occupational Therapy
- Modern Conceptualizations of Empathy: A Critical Perspective
- Empathy and the Intentional Relationship Model: Important Points
- Intentionality: Reflections in Historical Definitions of Therapeutic Use of Self
- Intentionality and the Intentional Relationship Model
- Empathy and Intentionality Define Therapeutic Use of Self
- Overview of the Intentional Relationship Model
- Failures in Empathy and Intentionality
- The Importance of Relational Expertise in Occupational Therapy: Therapist Snapshots
- Rigel
- Erika
- The Importance of Relational Expertise in Occupational Therapy: Therapist Snapshots
- Introduction
- Being Client-Centered in Occupational Therapy
- Client Examples
- Bart (Two-Sticks) Johnson
- Sarah
- Veronica
- Margarita
- Client Examples
- Chapter 1: Therapeutic Use of Self in Occupational Therapy: The Importance of Empathy and Intentionality
- Introduction
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Solution
- Outcome
- About Kim
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About René
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Michele
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Anne
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Roland
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Belinda
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Stephanie
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Vardit
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- The Outcome
- About Kate
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Krissa
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Carmen
- Interpersonal Challenge
- Interpersonal Response
- Outcome
- About Jane
- Introduction
- Explaining the Therapeutic Relationship: Need for a Conceptual Practice Model
- Conceptual Background for the Model: How Therapeutic Use of Self in Occupational Therapy Differs From Psychotherapy
- Elements of the Intentional Relationship Model
- The Client’s Interpersonal Characteristics
- Situational Interpersonal Characteristics
- Enduring Interpersonal Characteristics
- Interpersonal Events of Therapy
- The Therapist’s Use of Self
- Interpersonal Skill Base
- Therapeutic Mode Use
- Interpersonal Reasoning
- Desired Occupation
- Relationships Within the Model
- Intentional Relationship Model: 10 Underlying Principles
- Principle 1: Critical Self-Awareness Is Key to the Intentional Use of Self
- Principle 2: Interpersonal Self-Discipline Is Fundamental to Effective Use of Self
- Principle 3: It Is Necessary to Keep Head Before Heart
- Principle 4: Mindful Empathy Is Required to Know Your Client
- Principle 5: Grow Your Interpersonal Knowledge Base
- Principle 6: Provided That They Are Purely and Flexibly Applied, a Wide Range of Therapeutic Modes Can Work and Be Utilized Interchangeably in Occupational Therapy
- Principle 7: The Client Defines a Successful Relationship
- Principle 8: Activity Focusing Must Be Balanced With Interpersonal Focusing
- Principle 9: Application of the Model Must Be Informed by Core Values and Ethics
- Principle 10: Cultural Sensitivity Is Central to Practice
- Introduction
- Initial Self-Assessment
- Our Interpersonal Behavior
- Interpersonal Behavior and Therapeutic Modes
- The Six Therapeutic Modes
- Advocating Mode
- Strengths of the Advocating Mode
- Cautions of the Advocating Mode
- Collaborating Mode
- Strengths of the Collaborating Mode
- Cautions of the Collaborating Mode
- Empathizing Mode
- Strengths of the Empathizing Mode
- Cautions of the Empathizing Mode
- Encouraging Mode
- Strengths of the Encouraging Mode
- Cautions of the Encouraging Mode
- Instructing Mode
- Strengths of the Instructing Mode
- Cautions of the Instructing Mode
- Problem-Solving Mode
- Strengths of the Problem-Solving Mode
- Cautions of the Problem-Solving Mode
- Modes in Perspective
- Mode Shifting
- Mode Mismatch, Mixed and Incongruent Mode Use
- Advocating Mode
- Locating One’s Comfort Zone of Preferred Modes
- Introduction
- Client-Centered Practice, Client Interpersonal Characteristics, and Participation
- Client Interpersonal Characteristics
- Situational Interpersonal Characteristics
- Enduring Interpersonal Characteristics
- Categories of Interpersonal Characteristics
- Communication Style
- Tone of Voice
- Body Language
- Facial Expression (Affect)
- Response to Change and Challenge
- Level of Trust
- Need for Control
- Approach to Asserting Needs
- Predisposition to Giving Feedback
- Response to Feedback
- Response to Human Diversity
- Orientation Toward Relating
- Preference for Touch
- Interpersonal Reciprocity
- Approaching the Therapeutic Relationship in Light of Client Interpersonal Characteristics
- Using Therapeutic Modes in Response to Client Characteristics
- Introduction
- Expression of Strong Emotion
- Intimate Self-Disclosures
- Power Dilemmas
- Nonverbal Cues
- Verbal Innuendos
- Crisis Points
- Resistance and Reluctance
- Boundary Testing
- Empathic Breaks
- Emotionally Charged Therapy Tasks and Situations
- Limitations of Therapy
- Contextual Inconsistencies
- Interpersonal Event Cascades
- The Role of Inevitable Events in the Interpersonal Reasoning Process
- Introduction
- Six Steps of Interpersonal Reasoning
- Step 1: Anticipate
- Step 2: Identify and Cope
- Step 3: Determine if a Mode Shift Is Required
- Step 4: Choose a Response Mode or Mode Sequence
- Step 5: Draw on Any Relevant Interpersonal Skills Associated With the Mode(s)
- Step 6: Gather Feedback, and if Necessary, Strive Toward Mutual Understanding of the Response
- Suboptimal Communication
- Responses That Are Suboptimal or Carry the Potential to Be Suboptimal
- Dominating Responses
- Parental Responses
- Defensive Responses
- Nervous Responses
- Casual Responses
- Self-Disclosing Responses
- Intrusive Responses
- Patronizing Responses
- Cliché Responses
- Minimizing Responses
- Responses That Prematurely Optimize
- Humorous Responses
- Dismissive Responses
- Distancing Responses
- Culturally Insensitive Responses
- Socially Embarrassing Responses
- Evaluative Responses
- Confused Responses
- Responses That Exaggerate, Pathologize, or Pity
- Responses That Compare
- Responses That Are Suboptimal or Carry the Potential to Be Suboptimal
- Chapter 8: Therapeutic Communication
- Introduction
- Verbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
- Unidirectional Versus Bidirectional Communication
- Therapeutic Listening
- Empathic Listening
- Guided Listening
- Verbal Prompts and Sounds
- Enrichment Questions
- Seeking and Responding to Client Feedback
- Providing Clients With Structure, Direction, and Feedback
- Chapter 9: Establishing Intentional Relationships
- Introduction
- Rapport Building, Impression Management, and Emotional Climate
- Mode Matching and Versatility
- Managing Emotional Intensity
- Sadness
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Judicious Use of Touch
- Cultural Competence
- Chapter 10: The Intentional Interview and Strategic Questioning
- Introduction
- Intentional Interviewing: Interpersonal Aspects
- Creating a Confidential and Protective Environment
- Conveying a Take-Charge Attitude
- Assessing Vulnerabilities and Sensitivities
- Orienting the Client to the Process and Requesting Consent
- Rephrasing, Reordering, or Asking Questions Creatively
- Detecting and Respecting the Client’s Boundaries
- Listening Well
- Responding (Nonverbally or Verbally) to a Response
- Responding Therapeutically
- Never Apologizing for Interview Length or the Questions
- Checking in and Acting as an Emotional Buoy
- Knowing When to Stop
- Redirecting Hyperverbal or Tangential Clients
- Spotting and Clarifying Ambiguities, Doorknob Comments, and Contradictions in Content
- Summarizing, Seeking Feedback, and Establishing Closure
- Strategic Questioning
- Introduction
- Preserving Confidentiality and Boundaries
- Viewing Relationships From a Social Systems Perspective
- Distinguishing Between Productive and Maladaptive Dynamics of Systems
- Managing Maladaptive Dynamics of Systems
- Modes for Parents and Caregivers
- Introduction
- Understanding Difficult Behavior
- Managing Difficult Behavior
- Step 1. Anticipate
- Step 2. Identify, Cope, and Strive for Understanding
- Step 3. Determine If a Mode Shift Is Required
- Step 4. Choose a Response Mode
- Step 5. Draw on Any Relevant Interpersonal Skills Associated With That Mode
- Step 6. Gather Feedback
- Summing It Up
- Specific Categories of Difficult Behavior
- Manipulative Behavior
- Excessive Dependence
- Symptom Focusing
- Resistance
- Emotional Disengagement
- Denial
- Difficulty With Rapport and Trust
- Hostility
- Incorporating a Complementary Occupational Therapy Approach
- Introduction
- Resolving Empathic Breaks
- Conflict Resolution
- Introduction
- Core Values and the Therapist’s Interpersonal Modes
- Advocating Mode
- Collaborating Mode
- Empathizing Mode
- Encouraging Mode
- Instructing Mode
- Problem-Solving
- Overview
- Behavioral Self-Awareness
- Reliability
- Confidentiality
- Professional Boundaries
- Introduction
- Teachers and Educators
- Collaborations in the Client’s Absence
- Collaborations in the Client’s Presence
- Supervisory and Fieldwork Relationships
- Introduction
- Self-Awareness and Reflective Use of Your Traits
- Knowing and Responsibly Accepting Weaknesses and Limitations
- Recognizing and Cultivating Your Assets
- Developing Aspects of the Self
- Deliberately Cultivating Strengths From Mistakes, Problems, and Failures
- Transforming Personal Difficulties and Challenges Into Gifts
- Maintaining Mindfulness of Why You Are an Occupational Therapist
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15102
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380