This book is the first comprehensive overview and evaluation of the origins, history and current size and condition of all of Iceland's major glaciers (including Vatnajökull, the largest in Europe) at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It is not only illustrated with many beautiful photographs and graphs of recent statistics and scientific data, but is also a collection of historical writings and drawings from annals, sagas, folk tales, diaries, reports, stories and poems, as it presents a unique approach to the study of glaciers on an island in the North Atlantic.
Balancing and comparing the world of man with the world of nature, the perceptions of art and culture with the systematic and pragmatic analyses of science, The Glaciers of Iceland present a wide spectrum of readers with a new and stimulating view of the origins, development and possible future of these massive natural phenomena, as well as the study and role of glaciology, within specific time lines and geographical locations.
Icelandic glaciers the author argues could prove essential for understanding the current unsettling progress of global warming. The glaciers of Iceland, therefore, aims at presenting to a wide readership an original, historical, cultural and scientific overview of these geophysical features in Iceland while also suggesting increasingly important lessons and models for man's future interaction with the world's glaciers as a whole.
- Höfundur: Helgi Björnsson
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-10-04
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9789462392076
- Print ISBN: 9789462392069
- ISBN 10: 9462392072
- Foreword
- Preface
- Translator’s Note
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- The Origins and History of Glaciers and Glaciology
- 1 Origins and Nature of Glaciers
- Abstract
- 1.1 The Frozen World and Its Imprints
- 1.2 Understanding Ice in the Global Environment
- 1.3 Introduction to Glaciers
- 1.4 Formation of a Glacier
- 1.5 Elements of the Glacial Transport System
- 1.6 Thermal Characteristics of Glaciers
- 1.7 Energy Fluxes and Glacial Melting
- 1.8 The Plumbing System of a Glacier
- 1.9 Glacial Lakes and Outburst Floods (Jökulhlaups)
- 1.10 Glacial Surges
- 1.11 Erosive and Creative Powers of Glaciers and Their Rivers
- References
- 2 Reading the Landscape
- Abstract
- 2.1 The Long, Winding Road to Understanding Ice Ages
- 2.2 Venetz-Sitten, de Charpentier and the Glacial Hypothesis
- 2.3 Agassiz, Schimper, and the Birth of the Theory of the Ice Age
- 2.4 Locating and Dating the Ice-Age Glacier
- 2.5 Traces of Many Glacial and Interglacial Periods in Sediment Layers
- 2.6 Linking Climate Change to Earth’s Orbital Trajectory: Adhémar, Croll and Milankovitch
- 2.7 Reading Climate History in Suboceanic Strata and Glacial Ice
- 2.8 The Emergence of a Complete Picture of Past Global Climate Variations
- 2.9 Climate Fluctuations During the Last Glacial Period
- 2.10 Late Quaternary Glaciation of Iceland
- 2.11 Holocene Climate and Glaciers
- 2.12 Climate and the Glaciers of Iceland Over the Last Millennium
- 2.13 Climate in the 20th Century and the Future of Iceland’s Glaciers
- References
- 3 Iceland
- Abstract
- 3.1 ‘Iceland Is One Great Mountainous and Glacier Mickle Land.’ (Stefánsson 1957, p. 1)
- 3.2 Influence of Climate and Landscape on Location of Glaciers
- 3.3 The Hidden Terrains of Iceland
- 3.4 Mass Balances and Runoff Meltwaters of Icelandic Glaciers
- 3.5 Glacial Meteorology
- 3.6 The Dynamics of Iceland’s Glaciers
- 3.7 Recent Developments and the Importance of Studying Icelandic Glaciers
- 3.8 Future Prospects for Icelandic Glaciers
- References
- 4 History of Glaciology in Iceland
- Abstract
- 4.1 Accounts of Glaciers at the Beginning of the Settlement of Iceland
- 4.2 The First Contemporary Documentary Evidence of Glaciers in Iceland
- 4.3 Þórður Vídalín and His Treatise on Ice Mountains
- 4.4 Encroachment of Expanding Glaciers from ca. 1700 Onwards
- 4.5 The Enlightenment and Knowledge of Glaciers in the 18th Century
- 4.6 The Pioneering Glaciologist Sveinn Pálsson
- 4.7 Gunnlaugsson’s Map of Iceland and Hallgrímsson’s Unfinished ‘Account of Iceland’
- 4.8 The Search for Traces of Ice-Age Glaciers in Iceland
- 4.9 Þorvaldur Thoroddsen’s Overview of Iceland’s Geography and Geology
- 4.10 Detection of Ancient Climate Changes in Marine and Terrestrial Sediments
- 4.11 From Ice-Age Glacial Remnants to Modern Glaciers
- 4.12 Changes in Glaciers and Climate Since the Settlement of Iceland
- 4.13 Cartography of Iceland’s Glaciers
- 4.14 Hidden Subglacial Topography Revealed
- 4.15 Main Emphasis of Glaciological Research at the Beginning of the 21st Century
- References
- The Glaciers of Iceland
- 5 Glaciers of Southern Iceland
- Abstract
- 5.1 Mýrdalsjökull Ice Cap
- 5.1.1 Mýrdalsjökull and Its Subglacial Volcanic System
- 5.1.2 Katla: Stories and Legends
- 5.1.3 History of Research on Katla
- 5.1.4 The Subglacial Topography and Geology of Mýrdalsjökull
- 5.1.5 Waiting for Katla
- 5.2 Eyjafjallajökull
- 5.2.1 Volcanic Eruptions Beneath Eyjafjallajökull
- 5.3 Tindfjallajökull
- 5.4 Torfajökull
- 5.5 Hekla
- References
- 6 Glaciers of the Central Highlands
- Abstract
- 6.1 Langjökull
- 6.1.1 Karlsdráttur and Kirkjuból
- 6.1.2 Langjökull as the Source of Groundwater Springs
- 6.1.3 The Subglacial Terrain of Langjökull
- 6.1.4 The Origins of Langjökull
- 6.1.5 The Future of Langjökull
- 6.2 Þórisjökull
- 6.3 Eiríksjökull
- 6.4 Hrútfell
- 6.5 Ok
- 6.6 Hofsjökull
- 6.6.1 Explorations of Hofsjökull
- 6.6.2 Hofsjökull at the Beginning of the 21st Century
- 6.6.3 The Subglacial Terrain of Hofsjökull
- 6.6.4 Origins and Future of Hofsjökull
- 6.7 Kerlingarfjöll Mountains
- 6.8 Tungnafellsjökull
- References
- 7 Glaciers of Northern and Western Iceland
- Abstract
- 7.1 Glaciers Between Skagafjörður and Eyjafjörður
- 7.1.1 Glaciers Formed in Valley Heads
- 7.1.2 Location of Northern Glaciers
- 7.1.3 Mountain Trails
- 7.2 Glaciers Between Eyjafjörður and Skjálfandi Bay
- 7.3 Drangajökull
- 7.3.1 Drangajökull’s Outlet Glaciers
- 7.3.2 Muddy Shores and Tepid Pools
- 7.3.3 Poor Farmland, but Plentiful Driftwood
- 7.4 Gláma
- 7.5 Snæfellsjökull
- References
- 8 Vatnajökull and Glaciers of Eastern Iceland
- Abstract
- 8.1 Vatnajökull
- 8.1.1 Volcanic Activity and Jökulhlaups
- 8.1.2 Cartographic History of Vatnajökull
- 8.2 Skeiðarársandur Outwash Plain
- 8.2.1 History of Skeiðarársandur
- 8.2.2 Skeiðarárjökull
- 8.3 The Subglacial Lake Grímsvötn
- 8.3.1 Grímsvötn: Volcanic Activity and Jökulhlaups
- 8.3.2 Eruptions to the North of Grímsvötn Cause Jökulhlaups
- 8.3.3 Eruption in Grímsvötn 2011, Iceland’s Largest Since Hekla in 1947
- 8.3.4 History of Grímsvötn
- 8.3.5 Grímsvötn Rediscovered
- 8.3.6 Research into Grímsvötn After the Eruption of 1934
- 8.3.7 Close Monitoring of Grímsvötn
- 8.3.8 The Motor Age Begins at Grímsvötn
- 8.4 The Stratovolcano Öræfajökull
- 8.4.1 Öræfi’s Beautiful Countryside and Unique Culture
- 8.4.2 Devastating Eruption of Hnappafellsjökull in 1362
- 8.4.3 Eruption of Öræfajökull, 3 August 1727 to April or May 1728
- 8.5 Breiðamerkurjökull and Breiðamerkursandur
- 8.5.1 Glacial Advances and Land Destruction Since the Time of Settlement
- 8.5.2 The Creation of Proglacial Lakes and the Retreat of the Glacier
- 8.5.3 Coastal Erosion Near Jökulsárlón Threatens the National Highway
- 8.6 Glaciers in Mýrar and Hornafjörður
- 8.6.1 Ancient Route Over Vatnajökull from Suðursveit
- 8.6.2 Glaciers to the East of Breiðabunga Dome
- 8.6.3 Mýrar Rivers Threatened Settlements
- 8.6.4 Hoffellsjökull and the Hornafjarðarfljót River
- 8.6.5 Expansion of Hoffellsjökull from the Time of Settlement Until the End of the 19th Century
- 8.6.6 Retreat of Hoffellsjökull from the End of the 19th Century
- 8.6.7 Hoffellsjökull as Scene of Pioneering Glaciology in the Early 20th Century
- 8.7 Eastern Vatnajökull and Glaciers in the Lón District
- 8.8 The Northern Margins of Vatnajökull
- 8.8.1 The Ancient Vatnajökulsvegur Highland Trail
- 8.8.2 Further Expeditions to the Northern Margins
- 8.8.3 Brúarjökull
- 8.8.4 Enormous Surges of Brúarjökull
- 8.8.5 Kárahnjúkar Hydropower Plant
- 8.8.6 Dyngjujökull
- 8.8.7 Volcanoes Beneath Dyngjujökull
- 8.8.8 The Askja Swarm
- 8.8.9 The Bárðarbunga Caldera
- 8.9 The Western Margins of Vatnajökull
- 8.9.1 Jökulhlaups and Magma Flows from Bárðarbunga Volcano
- 8.9.2 Skaftárkatlar Ice Cauldrons on Lokahryggur Ridge
- 8.9.3 The Skaftá River
- 8.9.4 Síðujökull and the Grímsvötn Volcano
- 8.9.5 Surges Along the Western Margins of Vatnajökull
- 8.9.6 History of the Exploration, Cartography and Toponymy of Western Vatnajökull
- 8.10 The Origins of Vatnajökull
- 8.11 Mass Balance of Vatnajökull Since the Beginning of the 20th Century
- 8.12 The Future of Vatnajökull
- References
- Appendix A: Overview of the History of Glaciers and Glaciology in Iceland
- Appendix B: Surface Areas and Volumes of Several Glaciers Until the Year 2000. See Appendix C for 20
- Appendix C: Surface Areas of Glaciers According to Land Maps, Aerial Photographs and Satellite Image
- Appendix D: Surface Area (km2) of Individual Outlet Glaciers of Vatnajökull, Langjökull, Hofsjöku
- Appendix E: Computer-Generated Image of Subglacial Base of Vatnajökull
- Appendix F: Katla Jökulhlaups since Settlement of Iceland
- Appendix G: Computer-Generated Image of Subglacial Base of Mýrdalsjökull
- Appendix H: Jökulhlaups from Eystri-Skaftárketill ice cauldron (Vatnajökull)
- Appendix I: Jökulhlaups from Vestari-Skaftárketill Ice Cauldron (Vatnajökull)
- Appendix J: Computer-Generated Image of Subglacial Base of Langjökull
- Appendix K: Computer-Generated Image of Subglacial Base of Hofsjökull
- Appendix L: Recorded Volcanic Eruptions Beneath Vatnajökull
- Appendix M: Grímsvötn: Surface Area and Volume of Grímsvötn and Grímsvötn jökulhlaups; Thickn
- Afterword
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 4208
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380