The Front-Line Leader: Building a High-Performance Organization from the Ground Up

As President and CEO at Scripps Health, one of Americas most prestigious health systems, Chris Van Gorder has presided over a dramatic turnaround, catapulting Scripps from near bankruptcy to a dominant market position. While hospitals and health systems nationwide have laid people off or are closing their doors, Scripps is financially healthy, has added almost 5,000 employees, and has developed a reputation as a marquee employer, recognized year after year by Fortune Magazine, Working Mother, the AARP, and othersas a Best Places to Work.
What are the secrets to this remarkable story, and what can other leaders and businesses learn from Van Gorders success as a leader? Van Gorder traces his track record to his background as a California police officer, and Front-Line Leadership shares the leadership techniques learned from his service, grounded in the philosophy of responsibility, honesty, and public service learned as a member of the force.
Police work is about protecting the community, making it a better place, educating citizens, developing warm and caring relationships, and ultimately doing the right thing, not the convenient thing, so as to give citizens someone to look up to and believe in. Businesses who follow these same principles lay the groundwork for lasting sucecss. As much as companies talk about accountability and spend millions on corporate social responsibility programs, managers seldom understand what practical steps to take for an ethic of service that makes accountability meaningful.
Front-Line Leadership exposes readers to specific tactics and implementation steps they can use starting today to take responsibility, inspire others, achieve breakout results for their organization and move up into higher positions. By understanding and deploying these steps, readers learn that cultivating a deep personal practice of accountability isnt just the right thing to do but also the most effective and profitable path a leader can take.
- Höfundur: Chris Van Gorder
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2014-10-27
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118933350
- Print ISBN: 9781118933343
- ISBN 10: 1118933354
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 Know Your People
- Fly-Bys Don’t Count
- Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get Dirty
- Do Your Dance
- Make It Real with Questions and Answers
- Stay Accessible
- Keeping Employees Current
- Be Yourself
- The Job Never Ends
- Taking Action
- Chapter 2 Get Outside Yourself
- See Yourself as a Trainee Again
- Engage Even More Deeply
- Lean on Your Partners
- Build a Team Early
- “We,” Not “I”
- Love Your People
- Taking Action
- Chapter 3 The Credibility Factor
- Make It Visible and Meaningful
- Act Repeatedly
- Help Is on the Way
- Taking Action
- Chapter 4 Tell Stories
- Talk About the Front Line
- Tell Your Own Stories
- Use Your Storytelling Skills to Explain
- Invite Employees to Tell Stories Too
- Getting Inspired Together
- Taking Action
- Chapter 5 Create a Culture of Advocacy
- Manage Down
- Give Employees a Voice
- Take Employee Feedback Seriously
- Empower Employees to Assist in Change
- Give People the Tools They Need to Succeed
- Raise the Bar
- Taking Action
- Chapter 6 Take Care of the "Me"
- Commit to a Philosophy, Not a Policy
- Stick with the Philosophy in Tough Times
- Create Structures That Support “No Layoffs”
- Care for People Beyond the Workplace
- Give More, Get More
- Taking Action
- Chapter 7 Hold People Accountable
- Make Leaders Formally Accountable
- Create Your Own Standards
- Spread the Gospel of Accountability
- Lay Down the Law
- Provide Resources
- Reward Good Performance
- Spiraling Upward
- Taking Action
- Chapter 8 Build Loyalty and Engagement from the Middle
- Develop Middle Managers Yourself
- Let Managers Lead
- Get Personal
- Share the Power—and the Credit
- Taking Action
- Chapter 9 Bring People Together
- Bridge Information Gaps
- Mobilize Collaboration Proactively
- Engender Collaboration Proactively Throughout the Ranks
- Take Your Time
- Taking Action
- Chapter 10 Ask "What If?"
- Make Contingency Planning a Way of Life
- Address Big-Picture Threats
- Rally Your People
- Always Fall Up
- Taking Action
- Conclusion
- Notes
- About the Author
- Index
- More from Wiley
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12238
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 379