The Effective Teacher's Guide to Behavioural and Emotional Disorders

'Michael Farrell offers well sourced overviews of the conflicting and contradictory advice that is available to schools, suggests a variety of solutions to challenges, empowering the reader to make their own choices. ' - Carol Smart, Special Needs Information Press Fully updated with the latest research and advice on best practice, this new edition of The Effective Teacher’s Guide to Behavioural and Emotional Disorders covers a range of conditions that cause learning difficulties for children, including disruptive behaviour, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and depressive disorders.
The theoretical underpinning is fully updated but also condensed in this edition to make way for more practical strategies for teachers. Teachers are likely to meet children with varying types and degrees of emotional behavioural disorders. This comprehensive guide equips you with informed and practical strategies to ensure that all pupils are included and provided for in the best possible way. The new edition has also been adapted to be more widely relevant to readers in different countries, focusing more on the strategies that work regardless of national context.
Writing in his popular accessible style, Michael Farrell suggests the best ways of dealing with a variety of conditions, always with practical classroom situations in mind. In each section, the book: sets out the definitions of the condition looks at the range of provision suggests intervention and support strategies gives points for reflection and suggested further reading. Highly accessible and authoritative, this book provides teachers with an invaluable resource to help you create a truly inclusive classroom.
- Höfundur: Michael Farrell
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2010-11-26
- Blaðsíður: 136
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781136848872
- Print ISBN: 9780415565691
- ISBN 10: 1136848878
- The Effective Teacher’s Guides series, all by Michael Farrell
- Contents
- About the author
- Preface
- Chapter 1 What are emotional and behavioural disorders? Introduction
- ‘The Effective Teacher’s Guides’ Series
- The new edition
- Types of disability and disorder and types of emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Proposed readers
- Outline of the remaining chapters
- Chapter 2: Pedagogy
- Chapter 3: Key perspectives
- Chapter 4: Disruptive behaviour disorders
- Chapter 5: Anxiety disorders and depressive disorders
- Chapter 6: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Chapter 7: Conclusion
- Key texts
- Chapter 2 Pedagogy
- Introduction
- Behavioural approaches
- Learning by trial and accidental success
- Classical conditioning
- Conditioned emotional responses
- Operant conditioning
- Operant conditioning, reinforcement and discrimination
- Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment
- Other aspects of reinforcement
- Evaluation of behavioural approaches
- Observational learning and modelling
- Social learning theory and social cognitive theory
- Processes in observational learning and modelling
- Evaluation of social cognitive theory
- Learning theory and observational learning and emotional and behavioural disorders
- Learning theory
- Observational learning
- Elective mutism, phobia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Elective mutism
- Phobias
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Conclusion
- Thinking points
- Key texts
- Chapter 3 Key perspectives
- Introduction
- Psychotherapy and special education
- Three approaches
- Systems approach
- Functional family therapy
- Family and school as systems
- A joint systems approach involving family and school
- Systems perspectives and special education
- Psychodynamic approach
- Psychodynamic approaches: Klein, Winnicott and Bowlby
- Focal psychodynamic psychotherapy
- Arts therapies and play therapy
- Psychodynamic perspectives in education
- Cognitive-behavioural approach
- Cognitive and behavioural elements
- Cognitive-behavioural interventions
- Rational-emotive behavioural therapy
- Cognitive therapy
- Problem-solving dialogues and training
- Cognitive-behavioural perspectives and special education
- Conclusion
- Thinking points
- Key texts
- Chapter 4 Disruptive behaviour disorders
- Introduction
- Support for teachers and others
- Definitions, prevalence and possible causal factors
- Disruptive behaviour disorders and schools
- Oppositional defiant disorder
- Conduct disorder
- Definitions and features
- Prevalence
- Causal factors
- Definitions and features
- Identification and assessment of disruptive behaviour disorders
- Provision for disruptive behaviour disorders
- Children (3 to 10 years old)
- Parent training
- Social skills training and anger management training
- Problem-solving skills training and cognitive-behavioural therapy
- Classroom contingency management
- Adolescents (10 to 17 years)
- Family-based interventions: Functional family therapy and multi-systemic therapy
- The Teaching-Family Model in group homes, and fostering
- Combination packages of adolescent-focused interventions
- School-based interventions
- Medication
- Curriculum and assessment
- Pedagogy
- Resources
- Therapy and care
- Organisation
- Other aspects of provision
- Introduction
- Anxiety disorders
- Generalised anxiety disorder
- Definition
- Prevalence
- Causal factors
- Identification and assessment
- Provision
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Definition
- Prevalence
- Causal factors
- Identification and assessment
- Provision
- Phobias: Specific and social
- Definition
- Prevalence
- Causal factors
- Identification and assessment
- Provision
- Separation anxiety disorder
- Definition
- Prevalence
- Causal factors
- Identification and assessment
- Provision
- Selective mutism (elective mutism)
- Definition
- Prevalence
- Causal factors
- Identification and assessment
- Provision
- Generalised anxiety disorder
- Definitions and other matters
- Prevalence
- Causal factors
- Identification and assessment
- Provision
- Curriculum
- Pedagogy
- Resources
- Therapy
- Organisation
- Other aspects
- General
- For anxiety
- For depression
- Introduction
- Some debates concerning ADHD
- Shifting responsibility
- Family location within society and socialisation
- Cultural influences and pressures
- Over zealous medicalisation
- Incompatibility between child and environment
- Preferred diagnosis when ADHD co-occurs with other conditions
- Possible further developments
- Definitions
- Prevalence and co-occurrence with other disorders
- Causal factors
- Identification and assessment
- Provision
- Curriculum and assessment
- Pedagogy
- Concrete experience and active, experiential learning
- Behaviour management training
- Biofeedback
- Social skills teaching and developing compensatory skills
- Better pupil participation
- Resources
- Therapy/care
- Organisation
- Breaks and structure
- Classroom layout
- Routines, sequences and duration
- Criticisms of organisation involving separation and structure
- Other provision
- Parent training and support
- Diet
- Thinking points
- Key texts
- Internet
- Emotional and behavioural disorders and areas of provision
- Pedagogy and approaches
- Provision for particular disorders
- Disruptive behaviour disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Depressive disorders
- Curriculum, pedagogy, resources, and organisation for pupils with anxiety disorder and depressive disorders
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Curriculum and assessment, pedagogy, resources, therapy/ care, organisation and other provision
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Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
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- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15325
- Útgáfuár : 2010
- Leyfi : 380