The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion
The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion was one of the first books to respond to growing academic coverage of the topic of diversity management at degree level. This fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect new working practices, labour market data, organisational policies, and developments in equality and diversity law, as well as including new case studies and analysis of current and emerging areas of debate in the United Kingdom and across Europe.
Diversity management is a term that covers not only policy and practice on race, disability, and sex discrimination, but also broader issues including other identity and cultural differences. The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion, fifth edition, provides future HR professionals and business/organisational managers of the future with the legal information and research findings needed to enable them to participate in the development and implementation of meaningful diversity and inclusion policies in their organisations.
This new edition offers: Inclusion of topical issues such as female and minority representation on executive boards, religious diversity, gender identity, Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements. Multiple analytical perspectives, such as socio-legal and feminist approaches, to provide rich insights into the subject matter. Practical case studies and exercises to illustrate the real-life issues in a local, international, and organisational context.
The book deals with the subject of diversity management in a rigorous and structured manner, beginning each chapter with aims and objectives, providing key learning points and review and discussion questions at regular junctures, and ending with concluding thoughts and observations, making this book the perfect support resource for those teaching or studying in the field of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
- Höfundar: Gill Kirton, Anne-marie Greene
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-12-28
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000509182
- Print ISBN: 9781032030487
- ISBN 10: 1000509184
- Cover
- Half-Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of illustrations
- List of exhibits
- About the authors
- 1 Introduction: What is diversity?
- Aim
- Objectives
- Purpose of the book
- What is diversity?
- The social construction of identity
- The social construction of inequalities
- Focusing on the UK and European diversity contexts
- The book’s contents
- Using the book
- References
- Part 1Context and concepts
- 2 Diversity in the labour market
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Gender and the labour market
- Black and minority ethnic and migrant employment
- Employment and religion
- Disability and employment
- Older workers in the labour market
- LGBTI employment
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 3 Theorising patterns of labour market segregation and inequality
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Employment segregation
- Economic explanations for employment segregation
- Weaknesses of economic theories of segregation
- Sociological explanations for labour market segregation and inequalities
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 4 Diversity in the workplace
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Analysing equality and diversity at the workplace
- Unpacking workplace diversity issues
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 5 Theorising organisational policy approaches to equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- The equality agenda 1970s–1980s: liberal and radical approaches
- A critique of liberal and radical equality approaches
- The equality agenda 1990s: the diversity paradigm
- A critique of the diversity paradigm
- How can equality and diversity be theorised in the 21st century?
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 2 Diversity in the labour market
- 6 Equality, diversity, and the law
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- The origins and evolution of equality and anti-discrimination law
- The Equality Act 2010
- Equality law enforcement and legal remedies
- Employer and trade union perspectives on equality law
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 7 Trade unions and equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Union membership patterns
- Trade union campaigning and lobbying on equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Trade union action on equality, diversity, and inclusion at the workplace
- Implications for unions of the diversity policy paradigm
- Building inclusive unions
- Critical appraisal of UK union action on equality and diversity
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 8 Equality, diversity, and inclusion policy and practice
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Diversity practitioners
- The role of line managers
- Equality, diversity, and inclusion policy in organisations
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 9 Diversity and organisational performance
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- The business case for diversity
- Workforce diversity impact on competitive advantage
- Corporate board diversity and firm performance
- Impact of diversity at work group and team levels
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- References
- 10 The social policy context of equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Policies impacting on race/ethnic equality
- Policies impacting on gender equality
- Policies impacting on equality for older workers
- Policies impacting on younger workers
- Policies impacting on disability equality
- Policies impacting on equality for LGBTI employees
- Policies impacting on religion and belief equality
- Conclusion
- Review and discussion questions
- Further reading
- References
- 11 The future of equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Aim
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Continuing patterns of inequality
- Possible ways forward
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18528
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380