The Development of Children
- SÁL414G Þroskasálfræði
- KME301G Þroska- og námssálarfræði
This popular textbook is an authoritative chronological exploration of how the lives of children are shaped by biological and cultural factors. The book offers a lively, engaging, and always accessible examination of child development as a process involving the whole child within multiple, mutually influencing contexts. Throughout, the emphasis is on how the interaction of biology and culture contributes both to the universal pathways of development shared by all children and to the diverse developmental patterns that unfold in the lives of individual children.
This is an accessible introduction to Developmental Psychology for students taking courses that focus on child and adolescent development. This book can also be purchased with the breakthrough online resource, LaunchPad, which offers innovative media content, curated and organised for easy assignability. LaunchPad's intuitive interface presents quizzing, flashcards, animations and much more to make learning actively engaging.
- Höfundar: Cynthia Lightfoot, Michael Cole, Sheila R. Cole
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 09-12-2018
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781319188337
- Print ISBN: 9781319135737
- ISBN 10: 1319188338
- Front Matter
- Cover Page
- Halftitle Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- About The Authors
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- Chapter 1 The Study of Human Development
- Developmental Science
- Periods of Development
- Domains of Development
- Contexts of Development
- Children, Society, and Science
- Historical Beliefs About Children and Childhood
- The Emergence of Developmental Science
- The New Field of Developmental Science
- The Central Issues of Developmental Science
- Questions About the Sources of Development
- Questions About Plasticity
- Questions About Continuity/Discontinuity
- Questions About Individual Differences
- Theories of Development
- Theory in Developmental Science
- Grand Theories
- Modern Theories
- Methods for Studying Development
- The Goals of Developmental Research
- Criteria for Developmental Research
- Methods of Data Collection
- Research Designs
- Ethical Standards
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Developmental Science
- Part One In the Beginning
- Chapter 2 Biocultural Foundations
- Inheriting Culture
- The Tools of Culture
- Processes of Cultural Inheritance
- The Complexity of Culture
- Biological Inheritance
- Genes and Traits
- Evolution’s Process of Natural Selection
- Genetic Inheritance Through Sexual Reproduction
- Laws of Genetic Inheritance
- Mutations and Genetic Abnormalities
- The Phenotype: From Genes to Traits
- Heritability
- Genotypes, Phenotypes, and Human Behavior
- The Coevolution of Culture and Biology
- Lactose Tolerance
- Sickle-Cell Anemia
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Inheriting Culture
- Chapter 3 Prenatal Development and Birth
- The Periods of Prenatal Development
- The Germinal Period
- The Embryonic Period
- The Fetal Period
- Maternal Conditions and Prenatal Development
- Maternal Stress
- Nutritional Influences
- Teratogens: Environmental Sources of Birth Defects
- Drugs
- Infections and Other Health Conditions
- Birth
- The Stages of Labor
- Cultural Variations in Childbirth
- Childbirth in the United States
- The Newborn’s Condition
- Assessing a Baby’s Viability
- Problems and Complications
- Developmental Consequences
- Beginning the Parent–Child Relationship
- The Baby’s Appearance
- Social Expectations
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- The Periods of Prenatal Development
- Chapter 2 Biocultural Foundations
- Chapter 4 The First 3 Months
- Physical Growth
- Measuring Body Growth
- Growth of the Skull
- Brain Development
- Neurons and Networks of Neurons
- The Structure of the Central Nervous System
- Experience and Development of the Brain
- Sensing the Environment
- Methods of Evaluating Infant Sensory Capacities
- Hearing
- Vision
- Taste and Smell
- Multimodal Perception
- The Organization of Behavior
- Reflexes
- From Reflex to Coordinated Action
- Reaching
- Piaget’s Theory of Developing Action
- Learning Theories of Developing Action
- Temperament
- Becoming Coordinated with the Social World
- Sleeping
- Feeding
- Crying
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Physical Growth
- Chapter 5 Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy
- Physical Growth
- Size and Shape
- The Musculoskeletal System
- Brain Development
- Brain and Behavior
- Brain and Experience
- Motor Development
- Fine Motor Skills
- Gross Motor Skills
- The Role of Practice in Motor Development
- Cognitive Development: The Great Debate
- Sensorimotor Development
- Conceptual Development
- Understanding the Permanence of Objects
- Understanding Other Properties of the Physical World
- Reasoning About Objects
- The Growth of Attention and Memory
- Developing Attention
- Developing Memory
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Physical Growth
- Chapter 6 Social and Emotional Development in Infancy
- The Nature of Infant Emotions and Emotional Expressions
- Theories of Emotional Development
- Infant Emotions and Social Life
- Intersubjectivity and the Brain
- The First Emotional Relationships
- Theories of Attachment
- Explanations of Attachment
- Phases of Attachment
- Patterns of Attachment
- Attachment Patterns Across Development and Generations
- First Relationships and Culture
- The Changing Nature of Communication
- Social Referencing
- Following a Caregiver’s Signs of Interest
- A Sense of Self
- Self-recognition
- The Emergence of Self-conscious Emotions
- Developing Trust and Autonomy
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- The Nature of Infant Emotions and Emotional Expressions
- Chapter 7 Language Acquisition
- The Power and Foundations of Language
- Keys to the World of Language
- The Biological Key to Language
- The Environmental Key to Language
- The Basic Domains of Language Acquisition
- Phonological Development
- Semantic Development
- Grammar Development
- Pragmatic Development
- Explanations of Language Acquisition
- Biological Explanations
- Social and Cultural Explanations
- Constructivist and Dynamic Systems Approaches
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Chapter 8 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
- Physical and Motor Development
- The Changing Body
- Motor Development
- Health
- Brain Development
- Preoperational Development
- Centration
- The Problem of Uneven Levels of Performance
- Information-Processing Approaches to Cognitive Development
- Cognitive Development in Privileged Domains
- The Domain of Psychology
- The Domain of Biology
- The Domain of Physics
- Explaining Domain-Specific Cognitive Development
- Cognitive Development and Culture
- Cultural Scripts
- Cultural Context and the Unevenness of Development
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Physical and Motor Development
- Chapter 9 Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood
- Identity Development
- Gender Identity
- Ethnic Identity
- Personal Identity
- A New Moral World
- The Psychodynamic View
- The Constructivist View
- The Social Domain View
- Developing Self-Regulation
- Regulating Thought and Action
- Self-Regulation and Play
- Regulating Emotions
- Understanding Aggression
- The Development of Aggression
- What Causes and Controls Aggression?
- Developing Prosocial Behaviors
- Empathy
- Sympathy
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Identity Development
- Chapter 10 Contexts of Development
- The Family Context
- The Biocultural Origins of Family
- Parenting Practices
- The Role of Siblings
- Family Diversity
- Distressed Families
- Nonparental Child Care
- Varieties of Child Care
- Developmental Effects of Child Care
- Neighborhoods and Communities
- Community and Culture
- Distressed Communities
- Media Contexts
- Print Media
- Television
- Interactive Media
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- The Family Context
- Chapter 11 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
- Physical and Motor Development
- Patterns of Growth
- Motor Development
- Brain Development
- Concrete-Operational Development
- Conservation
- Classification
- Planning
- Metacognition
- Limitations of Concrete Operations
- Information-Processing Approaches
- The Role of Memory
- Thinking About Memory
- Increased Control of Attention
- Executive Function
- The Role of Social and Cultural Contexts
- Is the Acquisition of Conservation Universal?
- Cultural Variations in Memory and Attention
- Cultural Variations in Planning
- Individual Differences in Cognitive Development
- Measuring Intelligence
- Persistent Questions About Intelligence
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Physical and Motor Development
- Chapter 12 School as a Context for Development
- The Contexts of Learning
- School Readiness
- Precursors to Reading and Writing
- Precursors to Learning Mathematics
- The Role of Family
- Preschools
- In the Classroom
- Social Organization of the Classroom and Instructional Design
- Barriers to School Success
- The Cognitive Consequences of Schooling
- The School-Cutoff Strategy
- Comparing Schooled and Nonschooled Children
- Assessing the Second-Generation Impact of Schooling
- Contemporary Challenges in a Globalizing World
- The Culture of School
- The Language of School
- Culturally Responsive Classroom Strategies
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Chapter 13 Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood
- A New Sense of Self
- Changing Conceptions of the Self
- Self-Esteem
- Moral Development
- Constructivist View of Moral Development
- Social Domain Theory
- Peer Relationships
- Peer Relationships and Social Status
- Bullies and Their Victims
- Competition and Cooperation Among Peers
- Relationships Between Boys and Girls
- Friendship: A Special Type of Relationship
- The Influence of Parents
- Changing Interactions
- Parents and Peers
- Divorce
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- A New Sense of Self
- Chapter 14 Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence
- Adolescents and Society
- Historical Views
- Adolescents in Modern Society
- The Emergence of a Scientific Approach
- G. Stanley Hall
- Sigmund Freud
- Margaret Mead
- Puberty
- The Growth Spurt
- Sexual Development
- Brain Development
- The Neuro-Hormonal System
- The Timing of Puberty
- Puberty and Health
- Cognitive Development
- Piaget’s Theory of Formal Operations
- Information-Processing Approaches
- Sociocultural Approaches
- Moral Development
- Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning
- Gilligan’s Theory of Moral Reasoning
- Parent and Peer Contributions to Moral Development
- Cultural Variations in Moral Reasoning
- The Relationship Between Moral Reasoning and Moral Action
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Adolescents and Society
- Chapter 15 Social and Emotional Development in Adolescence
- Emotional Development in Adolescence
- The Experience of Emotions
- Regulating Emotions
- Relationships with Peers
- Friendships
- Digital Media: A Threat to Intimacy?
- Adolescent Peer Group Life and Culture
- Peer Pressure, Conformity, and Deviance
- Romantic Relationships
- Sexual Behavior
- Learning About Sex
- The Sexual Debut
- Relationships with Parents
- Adolescent–Parent Conflicts
- Attachment and Adjustment
- Self and Identity Development
- Self-Determination and Agency
- Achieving a Mature Identity
- Forming an Ethnic Identity
- Forming a Sexual Identity
- Adolescent Health and Well-Being
- Emotional Health
- Positive Youth Development
- Looking Ahead
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Emotional Development in Adolescence
- Footnotes
- Glossary
- References
- Name Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Z
- Subject Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Z
- Back Cover
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8382
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : Eign , Leiga