Extensively revised to incorporate recent research and current clinical practice , The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 11th Edition, covers all aspects of normal and abnormal embryonic and fetal development. In a clear, concise manner and lavishly illustrated throughout, this textbook is designed to successfully meet the needs of medical and health sciences profession students, as well as those in graduate programs.
It provides an easy-to-digest, comprehensive review of what can be a complex and challenging subject. Guides readers month by month and stage by stage through embryo and fetal organ and systems development, using full-color photographs of clinical cases, relevant modern medical imaging, and numerous high-quality supportive figures. Includes many new 3D HD color rendered images of embryos and fetuses, as well as 3D reconstructions of whole embryos.
Provides clinically-oriented problems for each chapter, with corresponding answers and explanations designed to facilitate discussion and learning. Features 18 exceptional color animations, now with narration , to help students as they explore and learn the complexity of embryological development. Provides the knowledge base needed for today’s examinations , including USMLE Step 1, as well as for future clinical practice.
Thoroughly updated information includes new annotations on fundamental molecular events during embryogenesis , now required for many professional examinations. Includes enhanced clinical material in all chapters, with updated tables, Clinical Case highlights and a critical chapter on common signalling pathways during development that covers gene editing (CRISPR/Cas9), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), a revision of the sonic hedgehog signalling pathway; and more.
- Höfundar: Keith L. Moore, T. V. N. Persaud, Mark G. Torchia
- Útgáfa:11
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-12-23
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780323611565
- Print ISBN: 9780323611541
- ISBN 10: 0323611567
- Instructions for online access
- Cover image
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Award page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contributors
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Get the most out of The Developing Human 11th Edition!
- 1 Introduction to Human Development
- Developmental Periods
- Significance of Embryology
- Historical Gleanings
- Genetics and Human Development
- Molecular Biology of Human Development
- Descriptive Terms in Embryology
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 2 First Week of Human Development
- Gametogenesis
- Meiosis
- Spermatogenesis
- Oogenesis
- Comparison of Gametes
- Uterus, Uterine Tubes, and Ovaries
- Female Reproductive Cycles
- Ovarian Cycle
- Menstrual Cycle
- Transportation of Gametes
- Maturation of Sperms
- Viability of Gametes
- Sequence of Fertilization
- Cleavage of Zygote
- Formation of Blastocyst
- Summary of First Week
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 3 Second Week of Human Development
- Completion of Implantation of Blastocyst
- Formation of Amniotic Cavity, Embryonic Disc, and Umbilical Vesicle
- Development of Chorionic Sac
- Implantation Sites of Blastocysts
- Summary of Implantation
- Summary of Second Week
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 4 Third Week of Human Development
- Gastrulation: Formation of Germ Layers
- Primitive Streak
- Notochordal Process and Notochord
- Allantois
- Neurulation: Formation of Neural Tube
- Development of Somites
- Development of Intraembryonic Coelom
- Early Development of Cardiovascular System
- Development of Chorionic Villi
- Summary of Third Week
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 5 Fourth to Eighth Weeks of Human Development
- Phases of Embryonic Development
- Folding of Embryo
- Germ Layer Derivatives
- Control of Embryonic Development
- Highlights of Fourth to Eighth Weeks
- Estimation of Embryonic Age
- Summary of Fourth to Eighth Weeks
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 6 Fetal Period
- Estimation of Fetal Age
- Highlights of Fetal Period
- Expected Date of Delivery
- Factors Influencing Fetal Growth
- Procedures for Assessing Fetal Status
- Summary of Fetal Period
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 7 Placenta and Fetal Membranes
- Placenta
- Parturition
- Umbilical Vesicle
- Allantois
- Multiple Pregnancies
- Summary of Placenta and Fetal Membranes
- Neonatal Period
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 8 Body Cavities, Mesenteries, and Diaphragm
- Embryonic Body Cavity
- Development of Diaphragm
- Summary of Development of Body Cavities, Mesenteries, and Diaphragm
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 9 Pharyngeal Apparatus, Face, and Neck
- Pharyngeal Arches
- Pharyngeal Pouches
- Pharyngeal Grooves
- Pharyngeal Membranes
- Development of Thyroid Gland
- Development of Tongue
- Development of Salivary Glands
- Development of Face
- Development of Nasal Cavities
- Development of Palate
- Summary of Pharyngeal Apparatus, Face, and Neck
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 10 Respiratory System
- Respiratory Primordium
- Development of Larynx
- Development of Trachea
- Development of Bronchi and Lungs
- Summary of Respiratory System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 11 Alimentary System
- Foregut
- Midgut
- Hindgut
- Enteric Nervous System
- Summary of Alimentary System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 12 Urogenital System
- Development of Urinary System
- Development of Suprarenal Glands
- Development of Genital System
- Development of External Genitalia
- Development of Inguinal Canals
- Relocation of Testes and Ovaries
- Summary of Urogenital System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 13 Cardiovascular System
- Early Development of Heart and Blood Vessels
- Later Development of Heart
- Birth Defects of Heart and Great Vessels
- Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arch Arteries
- Fetal and Neonatal Circulation
- Development of Lymphatic System
- Summary of Cardiovascular System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 14 Skeletal System
- Development of Bone and Cartilage
- Development of Joints
- Development of Axial Skeleton
- Development of Appendicular Skeleton
- Summary of Skeletal System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 15 Muscular System
- Development of Skeletal Muscle
- Development of Smooth Muscle
- Development of Cardiac Muscle
- Summary of Muscular System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 16 Development of Limbs
- Early Stages of Limb Development
- Final Stages of Limb Development
- Birth Defects of Limbs
- Summary of Limb Development
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 17 Nervous System
- Development of Nervous System
- Development of Spinal Cord
- Development of Brain
- Birth Defects of Brain
- Development of Peripheral Nervous System
- Development of Autonomic Nervous System
- Summary of Nervous System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 18 Development of Eyes and Ears
- Development of Eyes and Related Structures
- Development of Ears
- Summary of Eye Development
- Summary of Ear Development
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 19 Integumentary System
- Development of Skin and Appendages
- Summary of Integumentary System
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 20 Human Birth Defects
- Classification of Birth Defects
- Teratology: Study of Abnormal Development
- Birth Defects Caused by Genetic Factors
- Birth Defects Caused by Environmental Factors
- Birth Defects Caused by Multifactorial Inheritance
- Summary of Birth Defects
- Clinically Oriented Problems
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- 21 Common Signaling Pathways Used During Development
- Intercellular Communication
- Morphogens
- Protein Kinases
- Transcription Factors
- Epigenetics
- Stem Cells: Differentiation Versus Pluripotency
- Summary of Common Signaling Pathways Used During Development
- Bibliography and Suggested Reading
- Appendix Discussion of Clinically Oriented Problems
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : Mark G. Torchia , T. V. N. Persaud , Keith L. Moore , Keith Moore, TVN Persaud, Mark Torchia
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380