The Craft of Research

- ÍSL101F Ritstjórn og fræðileg skrif
A thoroughly updated edition of a beloved classic that has guided generations of researchers in conducting effective and meaningful research. With more than a million copies sold since its first publication, The Craft of Research has helped generations of researchers at every level—from high-school students and first-year undergraduates to advanced graduate students to researchers in business and government.
Conceived by seasoned researchers and educators Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams, this fundamental work explains how to choose significant topics, pose genuine and productive questions, find and evaluate sources, build sound and compelling arguments, and convey those arguments effectively to others. While preserving the book’s proven approach to the research process, as well as its general structure and accessible voice, this new edition acknowledges the many ways research is conducted and communicated today.
Thoroughly revised by Joseph Bizup and William T. FitzGerald, it recognizes that research may lead to a product other than a paper—or no product at all—and includes a new chapter about effective presentations. It features fresh examples from a variety of fields that will appeal to today’s students and other readers. It also accounts for new technologies used in research and offers basic guidelines for the appropriate use of generative AI.
- Höfundar: Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, William T. FitzGerald
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-06-24
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780226826660
- Print ISBN: 9780226833880
- ISBN 10: 022682666X
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface: The Aims of This Edition
- Introduction: Your Research and Your Audience
- I.1 What Is Research?
- I.2 Connecting with Your Audience
- I.3 Understanding Your Role
- I.4 Imagining the Role of Your Audience
- I.5 How to Use This Book
- ▶ Quick tip: A Checklist for Understanding Your Audience
- I Asking Questions, Seeking Answers
- Prologue: Planning Your Project—An Overview
- ▶ Quick Tip: Sustaining a Research Project Alone and in Groups
- 1 From Topics to Questions
- 1.1 From an Interest to a Topic
- 1.2 From Focused Topic to Research Question
- 1.3 The Most Significant Question: So What?
- ▶ Quick Tip: Finding Topics
- 2 From Questions to a Problem
- 2.1 Understanding Research Problems
- 2.2 Distinguishing Between “Pure” and “Applied” Research
- 2.3 Connecting Research to Practical Consequences
- 2.4 Finding a Good Research Problem
- 2.5 Learning to Work with Problems
- ▶ Quick Tip: Making an Opportunity of Inexperience
- Prologue: Planning Your Project—An Overview
- II Sources and Resources
- Prologue: Sources and Authentic Research
- 3 Finding and Evaluating Sources
- 3.1 Understanding Three Types of Sources
- 3.2 Making the Most of the Library
- 3.3 Locating Sources Online
- 3.4 Evaluating Sources for Relevance and Reliability
- 3.5 Looking Beyond Predictable Sources
- 3.6 Using People to Further Your Research
- ▶ Quick Tip: Using Generative Artificial Intelligence
- 4 Engaging Sources
- 4.1 Recording Complete Bibliographic Information
- 4.2 Engaging Sources Actively
- 4.3 Reading for a Problem
- 4.4 Reading for Arguments
- 4.5 Reading for Data and Support
- 4.6 Taking Notes Systematically
- 4.7 Annotating Your Sources
- ▶ Quick Tip: Managing Moments of Uncertainty
- III Making Your Argument
- Prologue: Assembling a Research Argument
- 5 Making Good Arguments: An Overview
- 5.1 Argument as Conversation
- 5.2 Assembling the Core of Your Argument
- 5.3 Explaining Your Reasoning with Warrants
- 5.4 Acknowledging and Responding to Anticipated Questions and Objections
- 5.5 Planning Your Research Argument
- 5.6 Creating Your Ethos
- ▶ Quick Tip: A Common Mistake—Falling Back on What You Know
- 6 Making Claims
- 6.1 Determining the Kind of Claim You Should Make
- 6.2 Evaluating Your Claim
- 6.3 Qualifying Claims to Enhance Your Credibility
- ▶ Quick Tip: Make Your Claim Contestable
- 7 Assembling Reasons and Evidence
- 7.1 Using Reasons to Plan Your Argument
- 7.2 Distinguishing Evidence from Reasons
- 7.3 Determining the Kind of Evidence You Need
- 7.4 Distinguishing Evidence from Reports of It
- 7.5 Evaluating Your Evidence
- ▶ Quick Tip: Assess Your Evidence as You Gather It
- 8 Warrants
- 8.1 Warrants in Everyday Reasoning
- 8.2 Warrants in Research Arguments
- 8.3 Testing Warrants
- 8.4 Knowing When to State a Warrant
- 8.5 Using Warrants to Test Your Argument
- 8.6 Challenging Others’ Warrants
- ▶ Quick Tip: Reasons, Evidence, and Warrants
- 9 Acknowledgments and Responses
- 9.1 Questions About Your Research Problem
- 9.2 Questions About the Soundness of Your Argument
- 9.3 Imagining Alternatives to Your Argument
- 9.4 Deciding What to Acknowledge
- 9.5 Framing Your Responses as Sub-Arguments
- 9.6 The Vocabulary of Acknowledgment and Response
- ▶ Quick Tip: Three Predictable Disagreements
- IV Delivering Your Argument
- Prologue: Planning, Writing, and Thinking
- 10 Planning and Drafting
- 10.1 Why a Formal Paper?
- 10.2 Planning Your Paper
- 10.3 Avoiding Three Common but Flawed Patterns
- 10.4 Turning Your Plan into a Draft
- ▶ Quick Tip: Managing Anxiety as a Writer
- 11 Revising and Organizing
- 11.1 Thinking Like a Reader
- 11.2 Revising Your Frame
- 11.3 Revising Your Argument
- 11.4 Revising Your Organization
- 11.5 Checking Your Paragraphs
- 11.6 Letting Your Draft Cool, Then Revisiting It
- ▶ Quick Tip: Abstracts
- 12 Incorporating Sources
- 12.1 Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting
- 12.2 Creating a Fair Summary
- 12.3 Creating a Fair Paraphrase
- 12.4 Using Direct Quotations
- 12.5 Mixing Summary, Paraphrase, and Quotation
- 12.6 Showing Readers How Evidence Is Relevant
- 12.7 The Social Importance of Citing Sources
- 12.8 Four Common Citation Styles
- 12.9 Guarding Against Inadvertent Plagiarism
- ▶ Quick Tip: Indicating Citations in Your Paper
- 13 Communicating Evidence Visually
- 13.1 Choosing Visual or Verbal Representations
- 13.2 Choosing the Most Effective Graphic
- 13.3 Designing Tables, Charts, and Graphs
- 13.4 Specific Guidelines for Tables, Bar Charts, and Line Graphs
- 13.5 Representing Data Ethically
- ▶ Quick Tip: Look for Opportunities to Include Visual Evidence
- 14 Introductions and Conclusions
- 14.1 The Common Structure of Introductions
- 14.2 Step 1: Stating a Context
- 14.3 Step 2: Stating Your Problem
- 14.4 Step 3: Stating Your Response
- 14.5 Setting the Right Pace
- 14.6 Finding Your First Few Words
- 14.7 Writing Your Conclusion
- ▶ Quick Tip: Use Key Terms in Titles
- 15 Revising Style: Telling Your Story Clearly
- 15.1 Judging Style
- 15.2 The First Two Principles of Clear Writing
- 15.3 A Third Principle: Old Before New
- 15.4 Choosing Between the Active and Passive Voice
- 15.5 A Final Principle: Complexity Last
- 15.6 Editorial Polish
- ▶ Quick Tip: The Quickest Revision Strategy
- 16 Research Presentations
- 16.1 Presenting to Auditors
- 16.2 Giving a Preliminary Presentation
- 16.3 Giving a Final Presentation
- ▶ Quick Tip: Treat Your Presentation as a Performance
- V Some Last Considerations
- 17 The Ethics of Research
- 17.1 Your Ethical Obligation to Yourself
- 17.2 Your Ethical Obligations to Your Audience and Fellow Researchers
- 17.3 Research and Social Responsibility
- 17.4 A Final Thought
- 18 Advice for Teachers
- 18.1 The Risks of Imposing Formal Rules
- 18.2 On Assignment Scenarios: Creating a Ground for Curiosity
- 18.3 Accepting the Inevitable Messiness of Learning
- Our Debts
- Appendix: A Brief Guide to Bibliographic and Other Resources
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 13092
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379