In this highly accessible introduction, Brian Nelson provides an overview of French literature - its themes and forms, traditions and transformations - from the Middle Ages to the present. Major writers, including Francophone authors writing from areas other than France, are discussed chronologically in the context of their times, to provide a sense of the development of the French literary tradition and the strengths of some of the most influential writers within it.
- Höfundur: Brian Nelson
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-06-05
- Hægt að prenta út 5 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 5 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781316379165
- Print ISBN: 9780521887083
- ISBN 10: 1316379167
- Cover
- Half title
- Title page
- Imprints page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Chronology
- Chapter 1 Villon: a dying man
- A fictional will
- ‘The Ballad of the Hanged’
- Chapter 2 Rabelais: the uses of laughter
- Laughter, satire and language
- Laughter, the marketplace and the body
- Chapter 3 Montaigne: self-portrait
- ‘…it is my own self that I portray’
- ‘Our most great and glorious achievement is to live our life fittingly’
- Chapter 4 Corneille: heroes and kings
- Le Cid
- The ‘Roman’ tragedies
- Chapter 5 Racine: in the labyrinth
- The world of Racinian tragedy
- Phèdre
- Chapter 6 Molière: new forms of comedy
- Comedy high and low
- Comedy of character: Tartuffe
- ‘Normative’ comedy
- Comedy and/as fantasy
- Chapter 7 La Fontaine: the power of fables/fables of power
- The Fables: art and ideology
- The Poet and the King
- Chapter 8 Madame de Lafayette: the birth of the modern novel
- Chapter 9 Voltaire: the case for tolerance
- The Enlightenment
- Voltaire and Enlightenment
- Voltaire at Ferney
- The best of all possible worlds
- Chapter 10 Rousseau: man of feeling
- Critique of society
- La Nouvelle Héloïse
- Autobiography
- Chapter 11 Diderot: the enlightened sceptic
- The mind of a sceptic
- Experimental fiction
- Chapter 12 Laclos: dangerous liaisons
- Sexual games
- A polyphonic novel
- Interpretation
- Chapter 13 Stendhal: the pursuit of happiness
- After Waterloo
- A divided self
- Tranquillity
- Chapter 14 Balzac: ‘All is true’
- The Human Comedy
- Old Goriot: the beginning
- Old Goriot: the end
- Chapter 15 Hugo: the divine stenographer
- Drama
- Poetry
- The novel
- Chapter 16 Baudelaire: the streets of Paris
- Modernity and the city
- Parisian scenes
- Chapter 17 Flaubert: the narrator vanishes
- Madame Bovary: a visit to a ball
- Sentimental Education: a visit to a brothel
- Chapter 18 Zola: the poetry of the real
- Scientific observation and poetic vision
- Social class
- The body and sex
- The public writer
- Chapter 19 Huysmans: against nature
- The Decadent dandy
- A journey
- Chapter 20 Mallarmé: the magic of words
- Chapter 21 Rimbaud: somebody else
- The poet as seer
- ‘The Drunken Boat’
- Bohemia, London, Brussels, Africa
- Chapter 22 Proust: the self, time and art
- ‘When a man is asleep…’
- A goodnight kiss
- ‘…a piece of madeleine’
- ‘…a sort of drunkenness’
- Chapter 23 Jarry: the art of provocation
- Ubu
- Anarchism, Dadaism, Absurdism
- Chapter 24 Apollinaire: impresario of the new
- Tradition and modernity
- ‘Zone’
- Chapter 25 Breton & Company: Surrealism
- Rebellion of the mind
- Paris Peasant and Nadja
- Significance and legacy
- Chapter 26 Céline: night journey
- Elements of a life
- A nightmare journey
- The form of expression
- Chapter 27 Sartre: writing in the world
- Early years
- Nausea
- Commitment
- Chapter 28 Camus: a moral voice
- The outsider
- Morality and politics
- Chapter 29 Beckett: filling the silence
- Finding a voice
- Waiting for Godot
- Chapter 30 French literature into the twenty-first century
- New novel, new criticism
- A return to tradition
- Literature as play
- Duras and other women writers
- Autobiography/autofiction
- Francophone writing
- French fiction today
- Notes
- Further reading
- Index of authors and titles
- Index of genres, movements and concepts
- Cambridge Introductions to…
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14656
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 379