Tourism as an industry is constantly evolving. Trends and attitudes are susceptible to changes in what people look for in a holiday, which can change within different economic contexts; generational shifts; the political landscape; and most recently, the Covid-19 global pandemic. This popular and comprehensive textbook helps students to not only understand these changes but study them with a critical mindset and historical perspective, desirable for success in assessments.
The text also continues to retain its focus on ‘business’ and the operational aspects of tourism, making it especially useful for students considering a career and/or short term placement in the tourism industry. This 12th edition of The Business of Tourism includes updates to take in changes to the tourism industry and consumption behaviours as a result of: Brexit (the UK’s decision to leave the European Union) the pandemic and its impacts on nature; the operation of attractions; event tourism; hotel chains; transport; and governmental support Sustainability and the reduction of the negative impacts caused by tourism Chris Holloway was a former Professor of Tourism Management at the University of the West of England.
- Höfundar: J. Christopher Holloway, Claire Humphreys
- Útgáfa:12
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-09-07
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529794427
- Print ISBN: 9781529780987
- ISBN 10: 1529794420
- Online resources
- Preface to the twelfth edition
- List of abbreviations
- Part I Defining and Analysing Tourism and its Impacts
- 1 An introduction to tourism
- Why study tourism?
- Defining tourism
- The tourist product
- The nature of tourism
- The tourist destination
- Summary
- References
- 2 Tourism in its historical context
- Introduction: The origins of travel
- The development of travel in the Middle Ages
- The development of road transport
- The Grand Tour
- Authorisation to travel
- Other political hindrances to travel
- The development of the spas
- The rise of the seaside resort
- Conditions favouring the expansion of travel in the nineteenth century
- The age of steam: Rail and sea transport
- Other late nineteenth-century developments
- The twentieth century and the origins of mass tourism
- The growing importance of business travel
- The all-inclusive holiday
- Mass-market tourism in its maturity
- The influence of information technology
- Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 3 The demand for tourism
- Introduction
- The tourist’s needs and wants
- Travel motivation
- Travel facilitators
- Segmenting the tourism market
- Consumer processes
- Making the decision
- Fashion and taste
- Factors influencing changes in tourist demand
- The future pattern of tourist demand
- Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 4 The economic impacts of tourism
- Introduction
- The international tourist market
- The value of economic data
- The economic impacts of tourism
- Statistical measurement of tourism
- Future issues
- Further reading
- Websites
- References
- 5 The socio-cultural impacts of tourism
- Introduction
- The socio-cultural effects of tourism
- The hosts’ impacts on tourists
- Cultural transgressions
- The exploitation of indigenous populations
- Managing the social impacts of tourism
- Bringing economic benefits to locals
- The impacts of travel on tourists’ health
- Politico-cultural impacts
- Legislation and guidance protecting the tourist destination
- Summary
- Further reading
- Websites
- References
- 6 The environmental impacts of tourism
- Introduction
- The environmental effects of tourism
- Public-sector planning for control and conservation
- The public-/private-sector interface in the development of sustainable tourism
- Summary
- Further reading
- Websites
- References
- 1 An introduction to tourism
- 7 The structure and organisation of the travel and tourism industry
- Introduction
- The chain of distribution for tourism
- Common interest organisations
- Integration in the tourism industry
- Summary
- Websites
- References
- 8 Tourist destinations
- Introduction: What defines a destination?
- Categorising destinations
- Coastal tourism
- Urban tourism
- Rural tourism
- The successful destination
- Design of the built and natural environment
- The media and their influence on tourist destinations
- Destinations of the future
- Summary
- Website
- References
- 9 Tourist attractions
- Introduction
- Historic buildings and heritage
- Museums and art galleries
- Parks and gardens
- Other attractions
- Other influential factors attracting visitors
- The scope for innovative tourism
- Summary
- Further reading
- Websites
- References
- 10 Event tourism
- Introduction: Defining event tourism
- Forms of event tourism
- Developing event tourism strategies
- The future of event tourism
- Summary
- Websites
- References
- 11 Business tourism
- Introduction
- Meetings
- Exhibitions and trade fairs
- Incentive travel
- Individual business travel
- Trends in business tourism
- Summary
- Websites
- References
- 12 The hospitality sector: Accommodation and catering services
- Introduction
- The structure of the accommodation sector
- Classifying and grading accommodation
- The nature of demand for accommodation facilities
- Categories of accommodation
- The distribution of accommodation
- Environmental issues
- Catering
- Future developments in the hospitality sector
- Websites
- References
- 13 Tourist transport by air
- Introduction
- The airline business
- The organisation of air transport
- Air transport regulation
- The deregulation of air transport
- The economics of airline operation
- Environmental concerns
- The marketing of air services
- What is the future for air transport?
- Websites
- References
- 14 Tourist transport by water
- Introduction
- The ocean liners
- Cruising
- Ferry services
- Coastal and inland waterways tourism
- Seagoing pleasure craft
- What does the future hold for water transport?
- Further reading
- Websites
- References
- 15 Tourist transport on land
- Introduction
- The role of the railways in tourism
- Coach travel
- The private car
- Cycling and tourism
- Tourists on foot
- Future developments in land transport
- References
- 16 The management of visitors
- Introduction
- Controlling the impacts of visitors
- Meeting the cost of visitor management
- Operational approaches to visitor management
- Technology that can assist in visitor management
- Future issues
- Further reading
- Websites
- References
- 17 The structure and role of the public sector in tourism
- Introduction
- The nature of government involvement
- Planning and facilitating tourism
- Supervision and control of tourism
- The organisation of public-sector tourism
- Public-/private-sector cooperation
- Town twinning and tourism
- The role of the European Union
- The future role of the public sector in tourism
- Summary
- Websites
- References
- 18 Tour operating
- Introduction
- Tour operators: Why a European perspective?
- The role of the tour operator
- Tour operating within Europe
- The changing marketplace in tour operating
- The nature of tour operating
- Planning and marketing of package tours
- The role of the resort representative
- Pricing the package tour
- The tour brochure
- The reservations system
- Operators selling direct
- The information technology revolution and its impact on tour operating
- The future for tour operators
- Websites
- References
- 19 Selling and distributing travel and tourism
- Introduction
- Historical context
- The scale of the retail sector
- The power of the travel agency chains
- The profitability of travel agents
- The role of travel agents
- Distribution trends
- Setting up and running a travel agency
- Travel agency appointments
- The impact of computer technology
- The future of travel retailing
- Websites
- References
- 20 Ancillary tourism services
- Introduction
- Services to the tourist
- Services to the supplier
- Marketing services
- Technical services
- The future of ancillary services
- Websites
- References
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8175
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380