The gold standard text in cancer biology, thoroughly updated with the latest research. Incorporating the most important advances in the rapidly-evolving field of cancer biology, this book remains the defining course text on its subject. Students, instructors, researchers, and clinicians the world over admire its authoritative content, clear explanations, extensive full-color art program, and pedagogical features that promote a deep conceptual understanding of the science through the lens of fascinating tales of scientific discovery.
- Höfundur: Robert A. Weinberg
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-07-01
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780393887587
- Print ISBN: 9780393887655
- ISBN 10: 0393887588
- Cover
- Title Page
- Publisher’s Notice
- Copyright
- About the Authors
- Dedication
- Preface
- A Note to the Reader on the Third Edition
- Digital Resources for Instructors and Students
- Acknowledgments
- Table of Contents
- Detailed Contents
- Chapter 1: The Biology and Genetics of Cells and Organisms
- 1.1 Mendel establishes the basic rules of genetics
- 1.2 Mendelian genetics helps to explain Darwinian evolution
- 1.3 Mendelian genetics governs how both genes and chromosomes behave
- 1.4 Chromosomes are altered in most types of cancer cells
- 1.5 Mutations causing cancer occur in both the germ line and the soma
- 1.6 Genotype embodied in DNA sequences creates phenotype through proteins
- 1.7 Gene expression patterns also control phenotype
- 1.8 Modification of chromatin proteins and DNA controls gene expression
- 1.9 Unconventional RNA molecules also affect the expression of genes
- 1.10 Metazoa are formed from components conserved over vast evolutionary time periods
- 1.11 Gene cloning techniques revolutionized the study of normal and malignant cells
- Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 2: The Nature of Cancer
- 2.1 Tumors arise from normal tissues
- 2.2 Tumors arise from many specialized cell types throughout the body
- 2.3 Some types of tumors do not fit into the major classifications
- 2.4 Cancers seem to develop progressively
- 2.5 Tumors are monoclonal growths
- 2.6 Cancers occur with vastly different frequencies in different human populations
- 2.7 The risks of cancers often seem to be increased by assignable influences, including lifestyle
- 2.8 Specific chemical agents can induce cancer
- 2.9 Both physical and chemical carcinogens act as mutagens
- 2.10 Mutagens may be responsible for some human cancers
- 2.11 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 3: Cancer as an Infectious Disease
- 3.1 Peyton Rous discovers a chicken sarcoma virus
- 3.2 Rous sarcoma virus is discovered to transform infected cells in culture
- 3.3 The continued presence of RSV is needed to maintain transformation
- 3.4 Viruses containing DNA molecules are also able to induce cancer
- 3.5 Tumor viruses induce multiple changes in cell phenotype including acquisition of tumorigenicity
- 3.6 Tumor virus genomes persist in virus-transformed cells by becoming part of host-cell DNA
- 3.7 Retroviral genomes become integrated into the chromosomes of infected cells
- 3.8 A version of the src gene carried by RSV is also present in uninfected cells
- 3.9 RSV exploits a kidnapped cellular gene to transform cells
- 3.10 The vertebrate genome carries a large group of proto-oncogenes
- 3.11 Slowly transforming retroviruses activate proto-oncogenes by inserting their genomes adjacent to these cellular genes
- 3.12 Some retroviruses naturally carry oncogenes
- 3.13 Bacterial cancers
- 3.14 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 4: Cellular Oncogenes
- 4.1 Transfection of DNA provides a strategy for detecting nonviral oncogenes
- 4.2 Oncogenes discovered in human tumor cell lines are related to those carried by transforming retroviruses
- 4.3 Proto-oncogenes can be activated by genetic changes affecting either protein expression level or structure
- 4.4 Variations on a theme: the myc oncogene can arise via at least three additional distinct mechanisms
- 4.5 A diverse array of structural changes in proteins can also lead to oncogene activation
- 4.6 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 5: Growth Factors, Receptors, and Cancer
- 5.1 Normal metazoan cells control each other’s lives
- 5.2 The Src protein functions as a tyrosine kinase
- 5.3 The EGF receptor functions as a tyrosine kinase
- 5.4 An altered growth factor receptor can function as an oncoprotein
- 5.5 A growth factor gene can become an oncogene: the case of sis
- 5.6 Transphosphorylation underlies the operations of many receptor tyrosine kinases
- 5.7 Yet other types of receptors enable mammalian cells to communicate with their environment
- 5.8 Nuclear receptors sense the presence of low–molecular-weight lipophilic ligands
- 5.9 Integrin receptors sense association between the cell and the extracellular matrix
- 5.10 The Ras protein, an apparent component of the downstream signaling cascade, functions as a G-protein
- 5.11 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 6: Cytoplasmic Signaling Circuitry Programs Many of the Traits of Cancer
- 6.1 A signaling pathway reaches from the cell surface into the nucleus
- 6.2 The Ras protein stands in the middle of a complex signaling cascade
- 6.3 Tyrosine phosphorylation controls the location and thereby the actions of many cytoplasmic signaling proteins
- 6.4 SH2 and SH3 groups explain how growth factor receptors activate Ras and acquire signaling specificity
- 6.5 Ras-regulated signaling pathways: A cascade of kinases forms one of three important signaling pathways downstream of Ras
- 6.6 Ras-regulated signaling pathways: a second downstream pathway controls inositol lipids and the Akt/PKB kinase
- 6.7 Ras-regulated signaling pathways: a third downstream pathway acts through Ral, a distant cousin of Ras
- 6.8 The JAK–STAT pathway allows signals to be transmitted from the plasma membrane directly to the nucleus
- 6.9 Cell adhesion receptors emit signals that converge with those released by growth factor receptors
- 6.10 The canonical and non-canonical Wnt pathways control diverse cellular phenotypes
- 6.11 G-protein–coupled receptors can also drive normal and neoplastic proliferation
- 6.12 Four additional “dual-address” signaling pathways contribute in various ways to normal and neoplastic proliferation
- 6.13 The Hippo signaling circuit integrates diverse inputs to govern diverse cell phenotypes
- 6.14 Well-designed signaling circuits require both negative and positive feedback controls
- 6.15 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 7: Tumor Suppressor Genes
- 7.1 Cell fusion experiments indicate that the cancer phenotype is recessive
- 7.2 The recessive nature of the cancer cell phenotype requires a genetic explanation
- 7.3 The retinoblastoma tumor provides a solution to the genetic puzzle of TSGs
- 7.4 Incipient cancer cells eliminate wild-type copies of TSGs by a variety of mechanisms
- 7.5 The Rb gene often undergoes loss of heterozygosity in tumors
- 7.6 Loss-of-heterozygosity events can be used to find TSGs
- 7.7 Promoter methylation represents an important mechanism for inactivating TSGs
- 7.8 TSGs and their encoded proteins function in diverse ways
- 7.9 The NF1 protein acts as a negative regulator of Ras signaling
- 7.10 APC facilitates egress of cells from colonic crypts
- 7.11 KEAP1 regulates cellular response to oxidative stress
- 7.12 Not all familial cancers can be explained by inheritance of mutant TSGs
- 7.13 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 8: pRb and Control of the Cell Cycle Clock
- 8.1 Cell growth and division is coordinated by a complex array of regulators
- 8.2 Cells make decisions about growth and quiescence during a specific period in the G1 phase
- 8.3 Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases constitute the core components of the cell cycle clock
- 8.4 Cyclin–CDK complexes are also regulated by CDK inhibitors
- 8.5 Viral oncoproteins reveal how pRb blocks advance through the cell cycle
- 8.6 pRb is deployed by the cell cycle clock to serve as a guardian of the restriction-point gate
- 8.7 E2F transcription factors enable pRb to implement growth-versus-quiescence decisions
- 8.8 A variety of mitogenic signaling pathways control the phosphorylation state of pRb
- 8.9 The Myc protein governs decisions to proliferate or differentiate
- 8.10 TGF-β prevents phosphorylation of pRb and thereby blocks cell cycle progression
- 8.11 pRb function and the controls of differentiation are closely linked
- 8.12 Control of pRb function is perturbed in most if not all human cancers
- 8.13 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 9: p53: Master Guardian and Executioner
- 9.1 DNA tumor viruses lead to the discovery of p53
- 9.2 p53 is discovered to be a tumor suppressor gene
- 9.3 Inherited mutations affecting p53 predispose individuals to a variety of tumors
- 9.4 Mutant versions of p53 interfere with normal p53 function
- 9.5 p53 protein molecules usually have short lifetimes
- 9.6 Various signals cause p53 induction
- 9.7 DNA damage and deregulated growth signals cause p53 stabilization
- 9.8 Mdm2 destroys its own creator
- 9.9 ARF and p53-mediated apoptosis protect against cancer by monitoring intracellular signaling
- 9.10 p53 functions as a transcription factor that halts cell cycle advance in response to DNA damage and attempts to aid in the repair process
- 9.11 Prolonged DNA damage and oncogene activation can induce p53-dependent senescence
- 9.12 The apoptosis program participates in normal tissue development and maintenance
- 9.13 Apoptosis is a complex biochemical program that often depends on mitochondria
- 9.14 Both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic programs can lead to cell death
- 9.15 Cancer cells deploy numerous ways to inactivate their apoptotic machinery
- 9.16 p53 inactivation provides an advantage to incipient cancer cells at a number of steps in tumor progression
- 9.17 Additional forms of cell death may limit the survival of cancer cells
- 9.18 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 10: Eternal Life: Cell Immortalization and Tumorigenesis
- 10.1 Normal cell populations appear to register the number of cell generations separating them from their ancestors in the early embryo
- 10.2 Cells need to become immortalized in order to form a cell line
- 10.3 Cancer cells need to become immortal in order to form tumors
- 10.4 The proliferation of cultured cells is also limited by the telomeres of their chromosomes
- 10.5 Telomeres are complex molecular structures that are not easily replicated
- 10.6 Incipient cancer cells can escape crisis by expressing telomerase
- 10.7 Telomerase plays a key role in the proliferation of human cancer cells
- 10.8 Some immortalized cells can maintain telomeres without telomerase
- 10.9 Telomeres play different roles in the cells of laboratory mice and in human cells
- 10.10 Telomerase-negative mice show both decreased and increased cancer susceptibility
- 10.11 The mechanisms underlying cancer pathogenesis in telomerase-negative mice may also operate during the development of human tumors
- 10.12 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 11: Multi-Step Tumorigenesis
- 11.1 Most human cancers develop over many decades of time
- 11.2 Histopathology provides evidence of multi-step tumor formation
- 11.3 Cells accumulate genetic and epigenetic alterations as tumor progression proceeds
- 11.4 Cancer development seems to follow the rules of Darwinian evolution
- 11.5 Multi-step tumor progression helps to explain familial polyposis and field cancerization
- 11.6 Intra-tumor diversification can outrun Darwinian selection
- 11.7 Tumor stem cells further complicate the Darwinian model of clonal succession and tumor progression
- 11.8 Multiple lines of evidence reveal that normal cells are resistant to transformation by a single mutated gene
- 11.9 Human cells are constructed to be highly resistant to immortalization and transformation
- 11.10 Mammalian evolution contributed to the complexity of human cell transformation
- 11.11 Nonmutagenic agents, including those favoring cell proliferation, make important contributions to tumorigenesis
- 11.12 Mitogenic agents, key governors of human cancer incidence, can act as tumor promoters
- 11.13 Chronic inflammation often serves to promote tumor progression in mice and humans
- 11.14 Inflammation-dependent tumor promotion operates through defined signaling pathways
- 11.15 Metabolism is the elusive heart of the cancer process
- 11.16 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 12: Shaping and Characterizing the Cancer Genome
- 12.1 Tissues are organized to minimize the progressive accumulation of mutations
- 12.2 The properties of stem cells make them good candidates to be cells-of-origin of cancer
- 12.3 Apoptosis, drug pumps, and DNA replication quality control mechanisms offer tissues a way to minimize the accumulation of mutant preneoplastic cells
- 12.4 Cell genomes are under constant attack from endogenous biochemical processes
- 12.5 Cell genomes are under occasional attack from exogenous mutagens and their metabolites
- 12.6 Cells deploy a variety of defenses to protect DNA molecules from attack by mutagens
- 12.7 Repair enzymes fix DNA that has been altered by mutagens
- 12.8 Inherited defects in nucleotide-excision repair, base-excision repair, and mismatch repair lead to specific cancer susceptibility syndromes
- 12.9 A variety of other DNA repair defects confer increased cancer susceptibility
- 12.10 The karyotype of cancer cells is often changed through alterations in chromosome structure
- 12.11 The karyotype of cancer cells is often changed through alterations in chromosome number
- 12.12 Advances in genome sequencing technologies have fueled a revolution in cancer genomics
- 12.13 Genomic analysis reveals that human cancers differ with respect to mutational burden, patterns of mutations, and copy number gains and losses
- 12.14 Cancer genomes contain driver and passenger gene mutations
- 12.15 Cancer genomic studies reveal both inter-tumoral and intra-tumoral heterogeneity
- 12.16 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 13: Dialogue Replaces Monologue: Heterotypic Interactions and the Biology of Angiogenesis
- 13.1 Normal and neoplastic epithelial tissues are formed from interdependent cell types
- 13.2 The extracellular matrix represents a critical component of the tumor microenvironment
- 13.3 Tumors resemble wounded tissues that do not heal
- 13.4 Experiments directly demonstrate that stromal cells are active contributors to tumorigenesis
- 13.5 Macrophages and myeloid cells play important roles in activating the tumor-associated stroma
- 13.6 Endothelial cells and the vessels that they form ensure tumors adequate access to the circulation
- 13.7 Tripping the angiogenic switch is essential for tumor expansion
- 13.8 The angiogenic switch initiates a highly complex process
- 13.9 Anti-angiogenesis therapies have been employed to treat cancer
- 13.10 Nervous tissue contributes to tumor growth
- 13.11 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 14: Moving Out: Invasion and Metastasis
- 14.1 The invasion–metastasis cascade begins with local invasiveness
- 14.2 Epithelial–mesenchymal transitions profoundly reshape the phenotypes of carcinoma cells
- 14.3 Epithelial–mesenchymal transitions are often induced by contextual signals
- 14.4 EMTs are programmed by transcription factors that orchestrate key steps of embryogenesis
- 14.5 Signals released by an array of stromal cell types contribute to the induction of invasiveness and intravasation
- 14.6 EMT-inducing transcription factors may enable entrance into the stem cell state
- 14.7 EMT-inducing transcription factors help drive malignant progression including metastatic dissemination
- 14.8 The invasiveness of carcinoma cells depends on clearance of obstructing ECM
- 14.9 Motility enables cancer cells to move into space excavated by MMPs
- 14.10 Intravasation and the formation of circulating tumor cells: first steps in perilous journeys
- 14.11 Colonization represents the most complex and challenging step of the invasion–metastasis cascade
- 14.12 Successful metastatic colonization often involves complex adaptations
- 14.13 An example of extreme metastatic specialization: metastasis to bone requires the subversion of osteoblasts and osteoclasts
- 14.14 Occult micrometastases threaten the long-term survival of many cancer patients
- 14.15 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 15: Crowd Control: Tumor Immunology
- 15.1 The immune system continuously conducts surveillance of tissues
- 15.2 The human immune system plays a critical role in warding off various types of human cancer
- 15.3 The immune system functions to destroy foreign invaders and abnormal cells in the body’s tissues
- 15.4 The diversity of B cell and T cell receptors arises from the stochastic diversification of the genes that encode them
- 15.5 MHC molecules play key roles in antigen recognition by T cells
- 15.6 T cells that recognize MHC-I have different roles from those that recognize MHC-II
- 15.7 Dendritic cell activation of naive T cells is a key step in the generation of functional helper and cytotoxic T cells
- 15.8 Tumor antigens are targets of the immune response to cancer
- 15.9 Natural killer cells contribute to anti-cancer immunity
- 15.10 Macrophages make multiple contributions to tumor development
- 15.11 Regulatory T cells are indispensable negative regulators of the immune response that are co-opted by tumors to counteract immune attack
- 15.12 Immune checkpoints act to limit immune responses
- 15.13 Synopsis and prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 16: Cancer Immunotherapy
- 16.1 Vaccination can prevent cancer caused by infectious agents
- 16.2 Vaccination against human papillomaviruses prevents cervical cancer
- 16.3 Therapeutic vaccination is a potential treatment for cancer
- 16.4 Passive immunization with antibodies can be used to treat cancer
- 16.5 Lymphoma and breast cancer can be treated with monoclonal antibodies
- 16.6 Antibody–drug conjugates deliver toxic drugs to cells displaying tumor antigens
- 16.7 Cancer can be treated by adoptive cell transfer
- 16.8 CAR T cells have predetermined specificity and bypass MHC-dependent antigen presentation
- 16.9 Checkpoint inhibition is a distinct type of immunotherapy that modifies the behavior of immune cells
- 16.10 Checkpoint immunotherapies based on mouse studies have been applied in the oncology clinic
- 16.11 Resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors commonly arises
- 16.12 Lethal encounters between T cells and cancer cells can be encouraged by constructing bi-specific antibodies
- 16.13 T-cell–dependent immunotherapies can be hampered by T-cell exhaustion
- 16.14 Synopsis and Prospects
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Chapter 17: The Rational Treatment of Cancer
- 17.1 The development and clinical use of effective therapies will depend on accurate diagnosis of disease
- 17.2 Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are the major pillars on which current cancer therapies rest
- 17.3 The present and future use of chemotherapy requires improved understanding of how anti-cancer drugs work
- 17.4 Differentiation, synthetic lethality, and cell cycle checkpoints can be exploited to kill cancer cells
- 17.5 Functional and biochemical considerations dictate that only a subset of the defective proteins in cancer cells are attractive targets for drug development
- 17.6 Pharmaceutical chemists can generate and explore the biochemical properties of a wide array of potential drugs
- 17.7 Drug candidates and their targets must be examined in cell models as an initial measurement of their utility in whole organisms
- 17.8 Studies of a drug’s action in laboratory animals are an essential part of pre-clinical testing
- 17.9 Promising candidate drugs are subjected to rigorous clinical tests in Phase I trials in humans
- 17.10 Phase II and III trials provide credible indications of clinical efficacy
- 17.11 Tumors often develop resistance to initially effective therapy
- 17.12 Targeting Bcl-2 to induce cell death
- 17.13 Gleevec paved the way for the development of many other highly targeted compounds
- 17.14 EGF receptor antagonists may be useful for treating a wide variety of tumor types
- 17.15 Proteasome inhibitors yield unexpected therapeutic benefit
- 17.16 B-Raf discoveries have led to inroads into the melanoma problem
- 17.17 Synopsis and prospects: challenges and opportunities on the road ahead
- Key Concepts, Thought Questions, and Additional Reading
- Supplementary Sidebars
- Abbreviations
- Glossary
- Index
- Supplementary Sidebars
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14646
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379