The Art of Integrative Counseling

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Useful as a supplemental text in advanced theories and practicum courses, this fourth edition discusses the key concepts and techniques from many contemporary theories and how to develop an integrative approach to the counseling process to better meet individual client needs. Dr. Corey introduces the techniques that he draws from in his own integrative approach to counseling using a wide variety of case examples with diverse clients.
Topics covered include assessing presenting issues; developing a productive working alliance; establishing therapeutic goals; understanding and addressing diversity; working with resistant clients; using evidence-based practice in cognitive, emotive, and behavioral work with clients; dealing with transference and countertransference; and incorporating trends in integrative therapies. To encourage active learning, reflective exercises throughout the text provide readers with opportunities to put themselves in the role of therapist and client.
“No one knows more about theory-based counseling than Gerald Corey, who has spent the past 50+ years helping us to gain real insight into multiple models. In this book, Corey takes readers from forming a working alliance with clientsthrough the processes for setting and achieving goals. His skill at and understanding of the termination processes is worth the entire book. Not only will The Art of Integrative Counseling be the core text for counseling process and skills courses, it will provide the foundation for effective, truly integrated counseling throughout one’s career.
” -- James Robert Bitter, EdD, East Tennessee State University “Gerald Corey’s fourth edition of The Art of Integrative Counseling provides important concepts to consider when developing an integrative approach to working with clients. For beginning counselors, it demonstrates how one can be integrative whether one is behaviorally, cognitively, or affectively oriented. For more advanced counselors, it reminds them of the wealth of information that all theories offer and how techniques or theories can be synthesized into a more effective approach.
Whether you are a new counselor trying to figure out how to integrate the many theories you learned about, or a seasoned professional seeking new ways of working with clients, this book has something for you. ” --Edward Neukrug, EdD, Old Dominion University Gerald Corey, EdD, ABPP, is professor emeritus of Human Services and Counseling at California State University at Fullerton.
- Höfundur: Gerald Corey
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-08-08
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119535294
- Print ISBN: 9781556203855
- ISBN 10: 1119535298
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Preface
- About the Fourth Edition of The Art of Integrative Counseling
- What’s New in the Fourth Edition of The Art of Integrative Counseling?
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: The Beginning Stages of Counseling
- An Integrative Theoretical Approach: An Overview
- Becoming the Client: Put Yourself in the Shoes of the Client
- Initial Sessions and the Case of Gwen
- Initial Sessions and the Case of Chet
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 2: The Therapeutic Relationship
- Developing a Working Alliance
- Self-Disclosure in the Therapeutic Relationship
- Your Role as a Counselor in Creating a Working Relationship
- Becoming the Client: Sharing in a Collaborative Partnership
- Developing a Therapeutic Alliance With Sidney
- Developing a Therapeutic Alliance With Rita
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 3: Establishing Therapeutic Goals
- Overview of Goals From Various Theoretical Perspectives
- Becoming the Client: Establishing Counseling Goals
- Clarifying Counseling Goals With Joleen
- Clarifying Counseling Goals With Aaron
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 4: Understanding and Addressing Diversity
- My Introduction to Multicultural and Diversity Perspectives
- Perspectives on Multicultural Concerns
- Diversity as Central in the Counseling Process
- Counseling LGBTQI People
- Recognizing the Spiritual Domain
- Becoming the Client: Understanding How to Work With Diversity
- Theories Applied to Understanding Diversity Perspectives
- Understanding Win-May From a Diversity Perspective
- Understanding Gabriel From a Diversity Perspective
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 5: Understanding and Working With Resistance
- Understanding the Dynamics of Resistance
- Respecting and Reframing Resistance
- Becoming the Client: Experiencing Resistance in Yourself
- Understanding Kelsey’s Resistance
- Understanding Rico’s Resistance
- Guidelines for Dealing With Resistance in Clients
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 6: Cognitive Focus in Counseling
- Benefits and Limitations of a Cognitive Focus
- Becoming the Client: Experiencing Cognitive Behavior Techniques
- Working With Marissa From a Cognitive Behavior Perspective
- Working With Erv From a Cognitive Behavior Perspective
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 7: Emotive Focus in Counseling
- Experiential Approaches and the Role of Emotion in Therapy
- Becoming the Client: Experiencing Emotion-Focused Therapy
- Working With Elaine in Identifying and Exploring Feelings
- Working With Andrew in Identifying and Exploring Feelings
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 8: Behavioral Focus in Counseling
- Benefits and Limitations of a Behavioral Focus
- Multimodal Therapy: Assessment and Therapy Goals
- The Third Wave of Behavior Therapy
- Becoming the Client: Experiencing Behavior-Oriented Therapy
- Developing a Behavioral Contract
- Working With Shante Using a Behavioral Focus
- Working With Marlin Using a Behavioral Focus
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 9: An Integrative Perspective
- Searching for Common Factors Across Therapy Schools
- The Foundation of My Integrative Approach
- Drawing on the Action-Oriented Therapies
- Drawing on Feminist and Family Systems Approaches
- Becoming the Client: Becoming the Person You Want to Be
- Working With Petra From an Integrative Perspective
- Couples Counseling in an Integrative Way: Lani and Rob
- Study a Primary Theory—But Be Open to Integration
- Benefits and Limitations of Integration
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 10: Working With Transference and Countertransference
- Contrasting Views of Transference
- The Connection Between Transference and Countertransference
- Working With Transference Therapeutically
- Addressing Countertransference Issues
- Becoming the Client: The Value of Personal Therapy
- Working With Transference and Countertransference With Matt
- Working With Transference and Countertransference With Bonnie
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 11: Understanding How the Past Influences the Present and the Future
- Understanding How the Past, Present, and Future Are Intertwined
- Becoming the Client: Examining Your Past, Present, and Future
- Working With Tricia’s Past, Present, and Future
- Working With Jasper’s Past, Present, and Future
- Concluding Comments
- Chapter 12: Evaluation and Termination
- Guidelines for Effective Termination Strategies
- Becoming the Client: Taking Credit for Your Changes
- Evaluation and Termination With Chelsea
- Evaluation and Termination With Charles
- Your Thoughts on Ending the Therapeutic Relationship
- Some Final Thoughts on Psychotherapy Integration
- Concluding Comments
- References
- Index
- Technical Support
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5960
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379