Conversations defining the Arctic region often provoke debate and controversy -- for scientists, this lies in the imprecise and imaginary line known as the Arctic Circle; for countries like Canada, Russia, the United States, and Denmark, such discussions are based in competition for land and resources; for indigenous communities, those discussions are also rooted in issues of rights. These shifting lines are only made murkier by the threat of global climate change.
In the Arctic Ocean, the consequences of Earth's warming trend are most immediately observable in the multi-year and perennial ice that has begun to melt, which threatens ice-dependent microorganisms and, eventually, will disrupt all of Arctic life and raise sea levels globally. In The Arctic: What Everyone Needs to Know ®, Klaus Dodds and Mark Nuttall offer concise answers to the myriad questions that arise when looking at the circumpolar North.
They focus on its peoples, politics, environment, resource development, and conservation to provide critical information about how changes there can, and will, affect our entire globe and all of its inhabitants. Dodds and Nuttall explore how the Arctic's importance has grown over time, the region's role during the Cold War, indigenous communities and their history, and the past and future of the Arctic's governance, among other crucial topics.
- Höfundar: Klaus Dodds, Mark Nuttall
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-05-23
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780190649838
- Print ISBN: 9780190649807
- ISBN 10: 0190649836
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction: One Arctic, Many Arctics
- Where does the Arctic begin and end?
- Who lives in the Arctic, and is that changing?
- What effect is climate change having on those who live in the Arctic?
- What are the competing visions of and for the Arctic?
- Why is it important to resist Arctic stereotypes?
- What are the main drivers for these multiple Arctics?
- 1. Locating True North
- Why does anyone care what is and what is not “true north”?
- How have we defined the Arctic?
- Who lives in the Arctic?
- How alike are the Arctic and the Antarctic?
- How has the Arctic been represented in public culture?
- What should guide how we look at the Arctic?
- 2. Land, Sea, and Ice
- What was the Arctic like in the distant past?
- What are the defining physical characteristics of contemporary Arctic environments?
- How has life adapted to the Arctic?
- How has land, sea, and ice been represented?
- Do our representations of Arctic land, sea, and ice still fit?
- 3. Arctic Homelands
- What factors are shaping Arctic communities?
- Are there tensions between indigenous and so-called settler populations in the Arctic?
- How have the Arctic’s indigenous peoples been represented, and how do they represent themselves?
- Do the interests of indigenous and non-indigenous northern populations converge or diverge?
- How is the nature of indigenous peoples’ relationships with their Arctic homelands expressed?
- Why do indigenous oral histories and stories matter about Arctic homelands?
- How has indigenous storytelling guided our sense of Arctic homelands?
- Why do indigenous peoples matter in Arctic geopolitics?
- What does indigenous legal and political activism reveal about the state of Arctic homelands?
- Are there human-animal conflicts in Arctic homelands?
- What do iconic species such as polar bears reveal about the state of Arctic homelands?
- 4. From Colonization to Cooperation
- Who came across the Bering Land Bridge?
- Who were the first Europeans to colonize and settle the Arctic?
- Why did the Norse settlement not endure?
- What was the next wave of European settlement in Greenland?
- How was the North American Arctic colonized and settled?
- How and why did Russia expand northward?
- What impact did World War II have on the Arctic?
- How did the Arctic become a frontline in the Cold War?
- What was Project Iceworm?
- What was the Thule disaster of 1968, and why does it matter?
- What part did Arctic science play in Cold War geopolitical tension?
- Did science and technology produce positive results in the Arctic?
- Did the end of the Cold War provide a new opportunity to reshape Arctic governance?
- What are the latest developments in international cooperation in the Arctic?
- Do the legacies of settler colonialism still shape Arctic politics today?
- 5. Warming Arctic
- Why does a warming Arctic matter?
- What, so far, has been the impact of warming in the Arctic?
- How has the Arctic changed in the past?
- How is climate change influencing the Arctic today?
- What will an ice-free Arctic Ocean mean?
- 6. Resourceful Arctic
- What is the history of resource development in the Arctic?
- How are indigenous livelihoods affected by mining and oil and gas exploration and development?
- How does oil development entail different visions of the Arctic?
- Who is investing in Arctic resources?
- What are exclusive economic zones, and how do they work?
- Can Arctic mega-projects be sustainable?
- Will the Arctic become a hotspot for renewable energy?
- 7. The Global Arctic
- What is the global Arctic?
- Why does a warming Arctic contribute to a global Arctic?
- Will US-Russian relations change the global Arctic?
- What is the Svalbard Treaty, and why is it a potential flashpoint in the Arctic?
- What part are Asian states playing in the global Arctic?
- What might the Arctic look like in 2050?
- Further Reading
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16421
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380