The Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is an authoritative desk-top reference work for students of geography, the environment and sustainability. Through a series of 101 interconnected questions and answers spanning ten thematic sections, the book provides a comprehensive survey of humankind's impact on the global environment from the Late Stone Age to the present day. Unrivalled in scope, the book distills the latest research findings and scholarship across a remarkable range of topics concerning the evolving human–environment relationship.
These include the broad history of human-induced changes in the environmental conditions of the planet; the major human impacts on the Earth and their consequences; and the different causes and rationales applied to understanding these environmental changes. All questions are answered succinctly and rigorously and draw on a wealth of contemporary evidence and scientific theories. The book is colour illustrated throughout, answers are fully cross-referenced and further readings are suggested for those wishing to delve deeper.
- Höfundur: B. L. Turner II
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-11-02
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781788215138
- Print ISBN: 9781788215114
- ISBN 10: 1788215133
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Preface
- Metrics and measures
- Introduction
- References
- Section I The Anthropocene and the Earth system: foundational concepts
- References
- Q1 What is the Anthropocene?
- References
- Q2 Is the Anthropocene a geological time unit?
- References
- Q3 What is the Earth system?
- References
- Q4 What are biogeochemical cycles?
- References
- Q5 What is albedo?
- References
- Q6 What are ecosystems, landscapes and biomes?
- References
- Q7 What are environmental (ecosystem) services?
- References
- Q8 Are global environmental change and climate change different?
- References
- Q9 Are the totality of human impacts on the Earth system novel?
- References
- Section II The emergence of the Anthropocene
- References
- Q10 Did Stone Age people change the Earth system?
- References
- Q11 Did early agriculturalists change the Earth system as proposed by the Ruddiman hypothesis?
- References
- Q12 Did the early colonial era change the Earth system?
- References
- Q13 Has the industrial era affected the Earth system?
- References
- Q14 Are we entering a new technological era beyond the industrial one?
- References
- Q15 Is the Anthropocene concept applicable in the distant past?
- References
- Section III Human changes to the land surface/lithosphere
- References
- Q16 Has human activity changed the land surface of the Earth?
- References
- Q17 Has human activity changed forests?
- References
- Q18 Why does tropical deforestation attract so much attention?
- References
- Q19 What is the forest transition thesis and its relevance to global forests?
- References
- Q20 How much land is cultivated and what are its environmental consequences?
- References
- Q21 Has human activity eroded and degraded soils globally?
- References
- Q22 Will agriculture require less land in the future as proposed by the Borlaug hypothesis?
- References
- Q23 Does land taken out of cultivation decrease the global area cultivated or lead to displacement and land-grabbing?
- References
- Q24 How much grasslands and pastures have been altered or degraded globally?
- References
- Q25 What are co-adapted landscapes?
- References
- Q26 What is desertification and how much has occurred?
- References
- Q27 Does human landscape burning have Earth system impacts?
- References
- Q28 Has human activity reduced mangrove forests?
- References
- Q29 Has human activity on tundra influenced climate warming?
- References
- Q30 Has human activity created land subsidence worldwide?
- References
- Q31 Does urbanization impact the Earth system?
- References
- Section IV Human changes to the hydrosphere
- References
- Q32 Has human activity altered the hydrological (water) cycle?
- References
- Q33 What are water withdrawal, water consumption and water footprint, and their implications for water availability?
- References
- Q34 Has human activity altered freshwater surface stocks and with what environmental consequences?
- References
- Q35 Has human activity degraded groundwater and aquifer stocks globally?
- References
- Q36 Has human activity depleted wetlands globally?
- References
- Q37 Has human activity reduced frozen water – the cryosphere – globally?
- References
- Q38 Has human activity increased ocean heat?
- References
- Q39 Has human activity raised sea levels?
- References
- Q40 Has human activity disrupted the thermohaline circulation/meridional overturning circulation, and what are the consequences?
- References
- Q41 Has human activity acidified and deoxygenated the oceans?
- References
- Q42 Has human activity polluted the oceans globally in new ways?
- References
- Section V Human changes to the atmosphere
- References
- Q43 Has human activity altered the functioning of the troposphere and stratosphere?
- References
- Q44 Has human activity increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
- References
- Q45 Has human activity increased aerosols in the atmosphere?
- References
- Q46 Is the Earth system warming – is climate change real – and how do we know?
- References
- Q47 What is the Earth’s average temperature and how is it determined?
- References
- Q48 What is the evidence for human-induced global climate warming?
- References
- Q49 Do El Niño and La Niña (ENSO) events cause warming of the Earth system?
- References
- Q50 Will human activity increase the occurrence of droughts globally?
- References
- Q51 Has human activity increased tropical storms?
- References
- Q52 Is the extreme cold of the polar vortex human-induced and does it negate the trends in global warming?
- References
- Q53 Has human activity damaged the ozone layer?
- References
- Q54 Do cities amplify local temperatures and precipitation and contribute to global warming?
- References
- Section VI Human changes to life in the biosphere
- References
- Q55 Is human activity creating a new mass extinction?
- References
- Q56 Has the human movement of domesticated and other biota changed the Earth system?
- References
- Q57 Do pollutants from human activities degrade land biota worldwide?
- References
- Q58 Has human activity reduced marine fish stocks?
- References
- Q59 Has human activity affected coral reefs?
- References
- Q60 Has human activity affected microorganisms and their links to the Earth system?
- References
- Q61 Does the built environment of cities alter biota dynamics?
- References
- Section VII The human causes of the Anthropocene
- References
- Q62 Does IPAT explain environmental change?
- References
- Q63 Does an increasing population alter environments?
- References
- Q64 Does increasing affluence alter environments?
- References
- Q65 Does technology create environmental change?
- References
- Q66 Do institutions create environmental change?
- References
- Q67 Are some economies and political economies more environmentally degrading than others?
- References
- Q68 Do cultural values and norms shape environmental behaviour?
- References
- Section VIII Understanding our relationship with nature
- References
- Q69 What is – and ought to be – our relationship with nature?
- References
- Q70 How has science treated human–environment relationships conceptually and analytically?
- References
- Q71 What is the social–environment system in human–environmental science?
- References
- Q72 Do views about human–environment relationships cross-cut cultures and social groups?
- References
- Q73 How do the Cassandra and Cornucopian perspectives shape views on human–environment relationships?
- References
- Q74 How does the Malthusian thesis and its implications apply to human–environment relationships?
- References
- Q75 Does carrying capacity apply to conditions in the Anthropocene?
- References
- Q76 How does the Boserupian thesis and its implications apply to human–environment relationships?
- References
- Q77 Can the Malthusian and Boserupian theses be reconciled and what are the implications for understanding human–environment relationships?
- References
- Q78 What was “The Bet” and what are its implications for understanding human–environment relationships?
- References
- Q79 Why is human-induced climate change so seriously challenged despite the science supporting it?
- References
- Q80 In what ways do humanists influence our understanding of human–environment relationships?
- References
- Section IX Sustainability in the Anthropocene
- References
- Q81 Do distinctions exist among approaches to sustainability?
- References
- Q82 In what ways does sustainability differ from previous environmental concerns?
- References
- Q83 What does “place-based” research mean in sustainability science?
- References
- Q84 How does sustainable development differ from sustainability?
- References
- Q85 What is the distinction between weak and strong sustainability and its implications for sustainability goals?
- References
- Q86 What are complex adaptive systems and their implications for sustainability?
- References
- Q87 Why are uncertainty, surprise and the precautionary principle applied throughout sustainability problems?
- References
- Q88 Is the Earth system approaching its planetary boundaries to function?
- References
- Q89 Are tipping elements in the Earth system reaching their tipping points?
- References
- Q90 What is the Gaia hypothesis and what are its implications for Earth system sustainability?
- References
- Q91 What is the environmentalist’s paradox and what does it mean for sustainability?
- References
- Q92 In what ways are the concepts of vulnerability and resilience applicable to sustainability interests?
- References
- Q93 Do the vulnerability and resilience of past human–environment relationships provide insights about current sustainability?
- References
- Q94 Can the economic value of global environmental services – the biosphere and Earth system – be calculated?
- References
- Q95 What is inclusive wealth and its applicability to sustainability?
- References
- Q96 What other measures of sustainability are used?
- References
- Q97 What are the distinctions and implications of mitigation and adaptation for climate change?
- References
- Q98 What can we learn from the CFC-ozone and CO2-climate change experiences about the pros and cons of international environmental agreements to reduce degradation of the Earth system?
- References
- Q99 What are the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and what are their implications for sustainability?
- References
- Q100 How might the knowledge of sustainability science lead to improved actions toward sustainable development?
- References
- Q101 Is a sustainable Anthropocene possible?
- References
- Glossary
- Appendix: International programmes, conventions and platforms dealing with the environment and sustainability
- Permissions and acknowledgements for figures and tables
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18420
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 379