THE MILLION COPY INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER 'Sun Tzu better watch his back' New York Magazine 'If power is your ultimate goal, this is the book you need' The Times ' At last, the book to help you scheme your way into the upper echelons of power' Daily Express Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this piercing work distils three thousand years of the history of power into forty-eight well-explicated laws.
As attention-grabbing in its design as it is in its content, this bold volume outlines the laws of power in their unvarnished essence, synthesizing the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun-tzu, Carl von Clausewitz, and other great thinkers. Some laws require prudence ("Law 1: Never Outshine the Master"), some stealth ("Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions"), and some the total absence of mercy ("Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally"), but like it or not, all have applications in real-life situations.
- Höfundur: Robert Greene
- Útgáfudagur: 2010-09-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 7 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781847651341
- Print ISBN: 9781861972781
- ISBN 10: 1847651348
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgments
- Contents
- Preface
- Law 1: Never Outshine the Master
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 2: Never Put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to Use Enemies
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 4: Always Say less than Necessary
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 5: So Much Depends on Reputation—Guard it With your Life
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 6: Court Attention at all Cost
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 7: Get Others to do the Work for you, but Always take the Credit
- Judgment
- Transgression and Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 8: Make Other People Come to You—Use Bait if Necessary
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 9: Win Through your Actions, Never Through Argument
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 10: Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 11: Learn to Keep People Dependent on You
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 12: Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm your Victim
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 13: When Asking for Help, Appeal to People’s Self-Interest, Never to Their Mercy or Gratitude
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 14: Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 15: Crush your Enemy Totally
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 16: Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor
- Judgment
- Transgression and Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 17: Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 18: Do not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself—Isolation is Dangerous
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 19: Know Who You’re Dealing With—Do not Offend the Wrong Person
- Judgment
- Opponents, Suckers, and Victims: Preliminary Typology
- Transgressions of the Law
- Transgression I
- Interpretation
- Transgression II
- Interpretation
- Transgression III
- Interpretation
- Transgression IV
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 20: Do not Commit to Anyone
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 21: Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker—Seem Dumber than your Mark
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 22: Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 23: Concentrate your Forces
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 24: Play the Perfect Courtier
- Judgment
- Court Society
- The Laws of Court Politics
- Scenes of Court Life: Exemplary Deeds and Fatal Mistakes
- Interpretation
- Scene II
- Interpretation
- Scene III
- Interpretation
- Scene IV
- Interpretation
- Scene V
- Interpretation
- Scene VI
- Interpretation
- Scene VII
- Interpretation
- Scene VIII
- Interpretation
- Scene IX
- Interpretation
- Scene X
- Interpretation
- Scene XI
- Interpretation
- The Delicate Game of Courtiership: A Warning
- Interpretation
- Law 25: Re-Create Yourself
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 26: Keep your Hands Clean
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law III
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 27: Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following
- Judgment
- The Science of Charlatanism, Or How to Create A Cult In Five Easy Steps
- Observances of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance II
- Interpretation
- Observance III
- Interpretation
- Reversal
- Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness
- Judgment
- Boldness and Hesitation: A Brief Psychological Comparison
- Observances of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance II
- Interpretation
- Observance III
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 29: Plan all the Way to the End
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 30: Make your Accomplishments Seem Effortless
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 31: Control the Options: Get Others to Play With the Cards you Deal
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 32: Play to People’s Fantasies
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 33: Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew
- Judgment
- Finding the Thumbscrew: A Strategic Plan of Action
- Observances of the Law
- Observance I
- Interpretation
- Observance II
- Interpretation
- Observance III
- Interpretation
- Observance IV
- Interpretation
- Observance V
- Interpretation
- Reversal
- Law 34: Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act Like a King to be Treated Like One
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 35: Master the art of Timing
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 36: Disdain Things you Cannot have: Ignoring Them is the Best Revenge
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 37: Create Compelling Spectacles
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 38: Think as you Like but Behave Like Others
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 39: Stir up Waters to Catch Fish
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 40: Despise the Free Lunch
- Judgment
- Money and Power
- Transgressions of the Law
- Transgression I
- Interpretation
- Transgression II
- Interpretation
- Observances of the Law
- Observance I
- Interpretation
- Observance II
- Interpretation
- Observance III
- Interpretation
- Observance IV
- Interpretation
- Observance V
- Interpretation
- Observance VI
- Interpretation
- Observance VII
- Interpretation
- Reversal
- Law 41: Avoid Stepping into a Great Man’s Shoes
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 42: Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep Will Scatter
- Judgment
- Observance of the Law I
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law II
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 43: Work on the Hearts and Minds of Others
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 44: Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect
- Judgment
- Mirror Effects: Preliminary Typology
- Observances of Mirror Effects
- Observance I
- Interpretation
- Observance II
- Interpretation
- Observance III
- Interpretation
- Observance IV
- Interpretation
- Observance V
- Interpretation
- Observance VI
- Interpretation
- Observance VII
- Interpretation
- A Warning: Beware of Mirrored Situations
- Law 45: Preach the need for Change, but Never Reform too Much at Once
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 46: Never Appear too Perfect
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 47: Do not go Past the Mark you Aimed for: In Victory, Learn When to Stop
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Law 48: Assume Formlessness
- Judgment
- Transgression of the Law
- Interpretation
- Observance of the Law
- Interpretation
- Keys to Power
- Reversal
- Selected Bibliography
- Index
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17264
- Útgáfuár : 2010
- Leyfi : 379