Drawing on the twelve core disciplines of business, including business law, economics, marketing and finance, this fourth edition of the hugely successful The 30 Day MBA shows you how to use key business concepts and tools to assess business decisions and implement strategy. Now with a new concept for each chapter - including crowdfunding, digital marketing, business incubators and the 80/20 principle - The 30 Day MBA also provides coverage of the key optional modules: Mergers and Acquisitions and International Business.
New case studies include Chilango, TomTom, Heinz, Hotel Chocolat, Shell, The Card Factory and Addidas among others. Including a range of free online questions and answers that enable you to self-assess your knowledge, this bestselling classroom-free guide is brimming with models, international case studies and practical applications of key theories, placing MBA skills within reach of all professionals and students.
- Höfundur: Colin Barrow
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 03-01-2016
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780749474973
- Print ISBN: 9780749475000
- ISBN 10: 0749474971
- Cover
- Title Page
- Prelims
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of tables
- Introduction
- 01 Accounting
- The rules of the game
- Fundamental conventions
- Accounting conventions
- The rule makers
- Bookkeeping – the way transactions are recorded
- Cash flow
- The income statement/profit and loss account
- The balance sheet
- Filing accounts
- Financial ratios
- Analysing accounts
- Accounting ratios
- Getting company accounts
- Ratio analysis spreadsheets
- Break-even analysis
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 02 Finance
- Sources of funds
- How leverage/gearing works
- Borrowed money
- Banks
- Bonds, debentures and mortgages
- Asset-backed financiers
- Equity
- Sources of equity capital
- Hybrids
- Cost of capital
- Investment decisions
- Budgets and variances
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 03 Marketing
- Getting the measure of markets
- Understanding customers
- Segmenting markets
- The marketing mix
- Selling
- Negotiating
- Market research
- Marketing in the internet era
- Social media
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 04 Organizational behaviour
- Strategy vs structure, people and systems
- Structures – the options
- Building and running a team
- The board of directors
- People
- Motivation
- Leadership
- Management
- Delegation: the essential management skill
- Systems
- Managing change
- Culture
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 05 Business history
- How business history is studied in business schools
- Babylon and beyond (4000 bc–1000 ad)
- Mediaeval merchants (1000–1700)
- The era of ventures (1700–1900)
- The age of financial panics (1900–to date)
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 06 Business law
- Corporate structures
- Employment law
- Employment legislation
- Intellectual property
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 07 Economics
- Schools of economic thought
- Micro vs macroeconomics
- Market structures
- Essential economics
- Business cycles
- Inflation
- Interest rates
- Economic policy and tools
- More concerns
- The broken window fallacy
- Online video courses and lectures
- 08 Entrepreneurship
- Why entrepreneurship matters
- Who makes a good entrepreneur?
- Entrepreneurial categories
- Family business
- Business incubators: where entrepreneurs hang out
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 09 Ethics and social responsibility
- Teaching ethics and social responsibility in business schools
- Owners vs directors: the start of the ethical tug of war
- Understanding stakeholders
- Mapping out the stakeholders
- Assessing obligations
- Stakeholder strategies
- Implementing ethical and responsible strategies
- Does being ethical pay off?
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 10 Operations management
- Outsourcing and the value chain
- Production methods and control
- After Lean?
- Inventory management
- Quality
- Information technology
- Supply chain channel structures
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 11 Quantitative and qualitative research and analysis
- Quantitative research and analysis
- Qualitative research and analysis
- Triangulation
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- 12 Strategy
- Devising strategy – the overview
- The experience (or learning) curve
- Differentiation
- Focus
- First to market: possible international advantages
- Industry analysis
- Shaping strategy – tools and techniques
- Environmental
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Online video courses and lectures
- Online video case studies
- Index
- Copyright
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : Barrow, Colin , Colin Barrow
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379