Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms

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Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms uses the research-validated ADAPT framework (Ask, Determine, Analyze, Propose, Test) to help teachers determine how, when, and with whom to use proven academic and behavioral interventions to obtain the best outcomes for students with disabilities. Through clear language and practical examples, authors Diane P. Bryant, Deborah D. Smith, and Brian R. Bryant show how to create truly inclusive classrooms for students who have disabilities and who are gifted through evidence-based practices and hands-on strategies.
The Third Edition includes reorganized chapters on Individualized Services and Diverse Learners, new information on the latest court cases and IDEA funds, and revised sections on disabilities. Brand new videos address a wide range of current issues in teaching, including the impacts of COVID on inclusive classrooms. With this guide, educators will be inspired and equipped to effectively teach students with disabilities in inclusive settings.
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- Höfundur: Diane Bryant
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-12-08
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781071834930
- Print ISBN: 9781071928226
- ISBN 10: 1071834932
- Preface
- About the Authors
- Chapter 1 Inclusive Teaching as Responsive Education
- The ADAPT Framework
- Inclusive Education
- Origins of Inclusion
- Evolution of Inclusive Education
- Inclusive Education Practices
- The Inclusion Debate
- Special Education
- Free Appropriate Public Education
- Least Restrictive Environment
- Systematic Identification Procedures
- Individualized Education Programs
- Family Involvement
- Related Services
- Access to the General Education Curriculum
- Effective, Evidence-Based Practices
- Frequent Monitoring of Progress
- The Foundations of Special Education
- Inconsistent Opportunities
- Early Court Cases: The Backdrop for National Legislation
- Laws and Court Decisions That Protect Today’s Students With Disabilities
- Every Student Succeeds Act
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
- Americans With Disabilities Act
- Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
- Assistive Technology Act of 2004 and 21st Century Assistive Technology Act of 2022
- Court Decisions Defining IDEA
- Thinking About Disabilities
- The Deficit Perspective on Disabilities
- The Cultural Perspective on Disabilities
- The Sociological Perspective on Disabilities
- People With Disabilities as Members of a Historically Underrepresented Group
- Disabilities Defined
- Causes of Disabilities
- Biological Causes of Disabilities
- Environmental Causes of Disability
- Other Risk Factors
- Categories of Students With Disabilities
- Causes of Disabilities
- Summary
- Review the Learning Objectives
- Revisit the Opening Challenge
- Key Terms
- Professional Standards and Licensure
- Notes
- ADAPT in Action
- Ms. Rymes Seeks Information
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Universal Screening
- Tier 1 (All)
- Tier 2 (Some)
- Tier 3 (Few)
- The Evaluation and Identification Process
- Step 1: Prereferral
- Step 2: Referral
- Step 3: Identification
- Step 4: Eligibility
- Step 5: Development of the Individualized Education Program
- Step 6: Implementation of the Individualized Education Program
- Step 7: Evaluation and Reviews
- Risks for Disabilities and Special Education Identification
- Definition of At Risk
- Conditions That Contribute to Risk
- Poverty
- Homelessness
- Migrant and Immigrant Status
- Conditions of Some Schools
- Roles of Education Professionals
- Roles of Families
- Roles of Students
- Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs)
- Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
- Transition Components of Individualized Education Programs
- Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)
- 504 Plans
- Qualifying for Services Under Section 504
- IDEA vs 504
- Providing Educational Services Under Section 504
- Characteristics of Collaboration
- Shared Problem Solving
- Shared Responsibility
- Voluntary Involvement
- Critical Prerequisite Skills for Effective Collaboration
- Communication Skills
- Conflict Resolution Skills
- Multicultural and Linguistic Diversity Considerations
- How Professionals Can Work Together Collaboratively
- The Need for Collaborative Partnerships With Professionals
- Models of Collaborative Partnerships With Professionals
- Collaboration–Consultation
- Coteaching Model
- Collaboration Considerations for English Learners
- How Professionals Can Collaborate With Paraprofessionals
- Roles and Responsibilities of Paraprofessionals in Collaborative Partnerships
- Supervision and Training of Paraprofessionals
- How Professionals Can Collaborate With Families
- The Need for Collaborative Partnerships With Families
- Models of Collaborative Partnerships With Families
- Family Systems Approach
- Considering Diversity: Ways to Involve the Family and the Community
- Parent–Teacher Conference
- Home–School Communication
- Meeting the Needs of Students in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
- Definition of Culture
- Multicultural Education
- Bilingual Education
- Disproportionate Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Special Education
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gifted Students
- Prevalence
- Twice Exceptional Students Are a Special Case
- Over- and Underrepresentation for Gifted Education
- Reasons for Disproportionate Representation
- Implications
- Solutions
- Considering Diversity: Equal Opportunity to Learn
- Instruction
- Assessment
- Learning Environment
- Linguistic Support
- Validated Instructional Practices
- Curricular Modifications
- Considering Diversity: Overrepresentation and Underrepresentation of Students in Special Education Categories
- Categories for Students With Disabilities
- Ways Disabilities Are Organized for Special Education
- Special Education Categories
- Perspectives on Disability
- Severity of Disability
- Prevalence of Disability
- Attributes of Students With Learning Disabilities
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Speech or Language Impairments
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Summary
- Review the Learning Objectives
- Revisit the Opening Challenge
- Key Terms
- Professional Standards and Licensure
- Attributes of Students With Less Common Disabilities
- Attributes of Students With Health Impairments
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Considering Diversity: Sickle-Cell Disease
- Attributes of Students With Multiple Disabilities
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Developmental Delay
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Physical Disabilities
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Visual Disabilities
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Traumatic Brain Injury
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Attributes of Students With Deaf-Blindness
- Definition
- Types
- Characteristics
- Summary
- Review the Learning Objectives
- Revisit the Opening Challenge
- Key Terms
- Professional Standards and Licensure
- Notes
- Differentiated Instruction
- Considering Diversity: Strategies for Differentiated Instruction for English Learners
- Consideration of Time Strategies
- Grouping Strategies
- Presentation Strategies
- Response Strategies
- Considering Diversity: Strategies for Differentiated Instruction for English Learners
- ADAPT Steps
- Translating Research Findings Into Instructional Practices
- Designing Instruction
- Types of Knowledge
- Instructional Techniques
- Critical Thinking
- Delivering Instruction
- Advance Organizer
- Presentation of Subject Matter (I Do)
- Guided Practice (We Do)
- Independent Practice (You Do)
- Closure
- Types of Questions and Questioning Strategy
- Instructional Grouping Practices
- Whole Group
- Flexible Small Groups
- Same-Ability Groups
- Mixed-Ability Groups
- One-to-One Groups
- Peer Tutoring
- Cooperative Learning
- Universal Design for Learning
- Universal Design for Learning and Its Applications
- Guidelines for Textbooks and Instructional Materials to Use With Students Who Have Unique Learning Needs
- Textbooks
- Instructional Materials
- Student Considerations
- Instructional Content and Methodology Considerations
- Adaptations for Curricular Materials
- Assistive Technology Devices and Services for Promoting Access to the General Education Curriculum
- Assistive Technology Devices
- Assistive Technology Services
- Importance of Assistive Technology
- Examples of Smart Phones and Apps for People With Disability
- Assistive Technology Integration
- Summary
- Review the Learning Objectives
- Revisit the Opening Challenge
- Key Terms
- Professional Standards and Licensure
- Data-Based Instructional Decisions
- Why We Assess Students
- Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses
- Determining Relative Standing
- Informing Instruction
- Determining Program Eligibility
- Grading
- Determining Adequate Yearly Progress
- Documenting Progress
- Legislative Protection Related to Assessment
- Assessing Students With Unique Learning Needs
- Norm-Referenced Tests
- Progress-Monitoring Measures
- Criterion-Referenced Tests
- Testing for Students’ Strategies
- Screening Tests
- Diagnostic Assessments
- Observations
- Interviews
- Rating Scales and Checklists
- Rubrics
- Work Samples
- School Records
- Portfolio Assessments
- Behavioral Assessments
- Functional Behavior Assessment
- Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM)
- Designing Curriculum-Based Measures
- Technical Adequacy
- Adapting and Modifying Assessments for Students With Unique Learning Needs
- Universal Design for Assessment
- Parental Involvement
- Adaptation Categories
- Input Adaptations
- Output Adaptations
- Time and/or Schedule Adaptations
- Location Adaptations
- Academic Qualifications
- Adaptations for High-Stakes Testing
- Curricular Content
- Assessment Issues
- Adaptation Issues
- Alternative Assessments
- Summary
- Review the Learning Objectives
- Revisit the Opening Challenge
- Key Terms
- Professional Standards and Licensure
- Practices That Can Be Used to Foster Student Relationships and Communication
- Know Your Students
- Student Relationships
- Motivational Practices
- Positive Relationships With Students
- Responsive to Cultural Differences
- Considering Diversity: Mixed Messages?
- Ways to Communicate Effectively With Students
- Clear and Consistent Messages
- Rules and Consequences
- Daily Schedule
- Good Directions
- Transition Procedures
- Specific Praise
- Effective Classroom Arrangement Practices
- Physical Arrangements
- Traffic Patterns
- Seating Arrangements
- With-It-Ness
- Classroom Observation
- Goals of Misbehavior
- Assessing Problem Behaviors
- Behavior Identification
- Observational Techniques
- Instructional Strategies for Behavior Problems
- Planned Ignoring
- Problem Behaviors
- Redirecting Inappropriate Behavior
- Contingent Observation
- Managing Classroom Behavior
- Criterion-Specific Rewards
- Contracting
- Self-Regulation
- Time-Out and Seclusion Time-Out
- In-School Supervision
- Functional Behavior Assessment
- Behavior Intervention Plan
- Guidelines for Safer Schools
- Dealing With Bullying
- Issues Related to Reading Instruction
- The Five Components of Reading and Phonological Awareness
- Phonological Awareness
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Phonological Awareness
- Strategies for Teaching Phonological Awareness
- Phonological Awareness
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Phonics and Word Study
- Strategies for Teaching Phonics and Word Study
- Considering Diversity: Anchoring Reading to Culture
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Reading Fluency
- Strategies for Teaching Reading Fluency
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Reading Vocabulary
- Strategies for Teaching Reading Vocabulary
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Reading Comprehension
- Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension
- Dysgraphia
- Instructional Design Features That Promote Success
- Stage 1: Develop and Activate Background Knowledge
- Stage 2: Discuss It
- Stage 3: Model It
- Stage 4: Memorize It
- Stage 5: Support It
- Stage 6: Perform Independently
- Instructional Design Features That Promote Success
- Prewriting Stage of Writing
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Prewriting
- Strategies for Teaching During the Prewriting Stage
- Considering Diversity: Writing Assistance for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students With Special Needs
- Drafting Stage of Writing
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Drafting
- Strategies for Teaching During the Drafting Stage
- Revising Stage of Writing
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Revising
- Strategies for Teaching During the Revising Stage
- Editing Stage of Writing
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Editing
- Strategies for Teaching During the Editing Stage
- Publishing Stage of Writing
- Characteristics of Students Who Struggle With Publishing
- Strategies for Teaching During the Publishing Stage
- Characteristics of Students With Mathematics Difficulties and Attributes of Effective Instruction
- Mathematics Difficulties and Disabilities
- Factors Contributing to Mathematics Difficulties
- Considering Diversity: Focusing on the Language and Symbols of Mathematics
- Evidence-Based Instructional Practices
- Early Number Development and How It Is Taught
- Difficulties With Early Number Development
- Teaching Early Number Development
- Counting
- Teen Numbers
- Magnitude Comparison
- Numeral Recognition: Fast Numbers
- Number Writing: Quick Write
- Reversals
- Part-Part-Whole Relationships
- Difficulties With Number Combinations
- Teaching Number Combinations
- Difficulties With Place Value
- Teaching Place Value
- Teen Numbers
- Need to Trade?
- Are There Enough?
- Difficulties With Whole-Number Computation
- Teaching Whole-Number Computation
- Rounding
- Estimation: The Front-End Strategy
- Estimation: The Clustering Strategy
- Bean Stick Computation
- Alternative Algorithms
- Demonstration Plus Permanent Model
- Key Questions
- Sequence of Instruction
- Difficulties With Rational Numbers
- Teaching Rational Numbers
- Sorting Fractions and Decimals
- Fractions as Equal to or Greater Than 1
- Comparisons
- Number Combinations and Fractions
- Money, Decimals, and Percentages
- Difficulties With Algebra
- Teaching Algebraic Reasoning
- Fact Families
- Solving Algebraic Equations
- Order of Operations
- Graphic Organizers
- Difficulties With Problem Solving
- Types of Word Problems
- Teaching Problem Solving
- Difficulties Students Demonstrate With Content-Area Instruction
- Teaching Content-Area Vocabulary and Concepts
- Teaching Technical Vocabulary and Concepts
- Considering Diversity: Teaching Students Who Are Gifted and/or Talented
- Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies
- Monitoring Reading Comprehension
- Teaching Students to Monitor Their Understanding
- Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies
- Learning From Textbook Instruction
- Teaching Students How to Learn From Textbooks
- Promoting Student Participation
- Using Class Discussions to Engage Students
- Helping Students With Difficulties in Study Skills
- Study Skills
- Teaching Time Management Skills
- Teaching Listening and Note-Taking Skills
- Ways to Facilitate Memorization and Test Taking
- Teaching Memorization and Test-Taking Skills
- Summary
- Review the Learning Objectives
- Revisit the Opening Challenge
- Key Terms
- Professional Standards and Licensure
- Common Core State Standards
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14526
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380