Teaching and Learning with Infants and Toddlers: Where Meaning-Making Begins

- YNG1505160 Yngstu börnin í leikskólanum
- LSS109F Leikskólinn og yngstu börnin
- LSS306G Yngstu börnin í leikskólanum
In the short span of three years, infants learn to move with confidence and grace, to converse with ease, to investigate and solve problems, and to help others in need—building an exquisite foundation for all learning that follows. Maguire-Fong has updated her groundbreaking book designed to assist pre- and inservice professionals working with infants and their families. Each chapter draws from research and real-life infant care settings to provide valuable insights into how to design an infant care program, plan curriculum, assess learning, and work with families.
This popular resource is inspired by the philosophy of early childhood education developed in the schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy; from the work of Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler; and from the many dedicated researchers intent on figuring out how infants make meaning. Praise for the First Edition! “From its clear explanation of the developing brain of a baby to its enlightened presentation on the art of reflective childcare, I see how many times I will use this work as a resource.
” —From the Foreword by J. Ronald Lally, Center for Child and Family Studies, WestEd “Filled with so many great ideas, evocative illustrations, and practical considerations. ” —Ross A. Thompson, University of California, Davis “Here is everything you ever wanted to know about very young children as ‘born researchers. ’” —Elizabeth Jones, faculty emerita, Pacific Oaks College “Students of early childhood need to have all these important thoughts in their heads.
- Höfundur: Mary Jane Maguire-Fong
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 10/2020
- Hægt að prenta út 20 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780807778715
- Print ISBN: 9780807764183
- ISBN 10: 0807778710
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Foreword to the First Edition
- Prologue to the First Edition
- Preface
- 1. Infants as Active Meaning-Makers
- Infants Are Born Researchers
- Infants as Subjects, Not Objects
- A Triangle of Relationships
- From Research to Practice: Education Begins in Infancy
- 2. Relationships Shape the Developing Brain
- Sequence of Brain Development
- Experience Wires the Brain
- Neurons and How They Work
- Brain Plasticity: Benefit and Risk
- The Social Brain
- From Research to Practice: Building Strong Brains
- 3. Knowledge from the Infant’s Point of View
- Three Types of Knowledge
- Learning Within Three Contexts
- From Research to Practice: Naming Knowledge in Infancy—Foundations for Learning
- 4. Policies That Support Relationships
- Primary Care
- Continuity of Care
- Small Group Size
- Culturally Respectful Care
- From Research to Practice: Reflective Supervision
- 1. Infants as Active Meaning-Makers
- 5. Observing: Where Teaching and Learning Begin
- Observing, Documenting, and Interpreting
- Documentation That Supports Curriculum Planning
- Documentation to Assess Learning
- Documentation to Engage Families
- From Research to Practice: Re-visioning Curriculum
- 6. First Feelings: Emotional Development
- Attachment
- How Babies Respond to Stress
- Proposing Possibilities for Learning
- From Research to Practice: Infant Mental Health
- 7. Sense of Self and Other: Social Development
- Born Looking for Us
- Holding Others in Mind
- The Withdrawn Infant
- Caring and Cooperating
- Proposing Possibilities for Learning
- From Research to Practice: Shared Silent Stories
- 8. Taking Action: Motor Development
- Self-Organizing Movement Systems
- Motor Development: Not Universal
- When Free to Move
- Perceptual and Motor Challenges
- Proposing Possibilities for Learning
- From Research to Practice: Where Babies Find Themselves
- 9. Thinking: Cognitive Development
- Infants Investigate
- Infants Build Concepts
- Proposing Possibilities for Learning
- From Research to Practice: How Do We Know They Are Learning?
- 10. Communicating: Language Development
- Babies Seek Patterns in Language
- How the Brain Organizes Language
- Language Learning: A Shared Social Experience
- The Emergence of Speech
- Proposing Possibilities for Learning
- From Research to Practice: Literacy Begins in Infancy
- 11. Play Spaces: Contexts for Wonder and Learning
- Play Spaces with Distinct Identity
- Familiarity and Surprise
- Seclusion
- Pathways to, Not Through, the Play
- Outdoors as a Learning Environment
- Safety, Sanitation, and Comfort
- 12. Care Routines: Contexts for Joy and Learning
- Welcoming, Peaceful Spaces for Care
- Care That Invites Participation
- Meals as Invitation to Participate
- Diapering as Invitation to Participate
- Napping as Invitation to Participate
- 13. Conversation and Interaction: Contexts for Understanding and Learning
- Respectful Guidance
- Acknowledge Feelings or Intent
- Clear Limits: Convey the House Rules
- Frame a Limited Choice
- Temperament: A Goodness of Fit
- Touchpoints
- Difficult Behavior: A Child Seeking Safety
- 14. Who Cares for Babies?
- Access to High-Quality Infant Care
- Documentation as Tool for Advocacy
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15626
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 379